require_relative '../inferno/terminology/tasks/check_built_terminology' module ONCCertificationG10TestKit class ConfigurationChecker EXPECTED_VALIDATOR_VERSION = '2.1.0'.freeze def configuration_messages validator_version_message + terminology_messages + version_message end def terminology_checker @terminology_checker ||= end def mismatched_value_sets terminology_checker.mismatched_value_sets end def validator_url @validator_url ||= G10CertificationSuite.find_validator(:default).url end def validator_version_message response = Faraday.get "#{validator_url}/version" version = response.body if version == EXPECTED_VALIDATOR_VERSION [{ type: 'info', message: "FHIR validator is the expected version `#{EXPECTED_VALIDATOR_VERSION}`" }] else [{ type: 'error', message: "Expected FHIR validator version `#{EXPECTED_VALIDATOR_VERSION}`, but found `#{version}`" }] end rescue StandardError => e [{ type: 'error', message: "Unable to connect to Validator: `#{e.message}`" }] end def code_system_version_messages path = File.join('resources', 'terminology', 'validators', 'bloom', 'metadata.yml') return '' unless File.exist? path cs_metadata = YAML.load_file(path) message = "Terminology was generated based on the following code system versions:\n" cs_metadata.each do |_url, metadata| message += "* #{metadata[:name]}: version #{metadata[:versions].join(', ')}\n" end message end def terminology_messages # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity success_messages = [] warning_messages = [] error_messages = [] messages = [] terminology_checker.expected_manifest.each do |expected_value_set| url = expected_value_set[:url] actual_value_set = terminology_checker.new_value_set(url) if actual_value_set == expected_value_set success_messages << "* `#{url}`: #{actual_value_set[:count]} codes" elsif actual_value_set.nil? error_messages << "* `#{url}`: Not loaded" elsif terminology_checker.class::NON_UMLS_SYSTEMS.include? url warning_messages << "* `#{url}`: Expected codes: #{expected_value_set[:count]} Actual codes: #{actual_value_set[:count]}" else error_messages << "* `#{url}`: Expected codes: #{expected_value_set[:count]} Actual codes: #{actual_value_set[:count]}" end end code_system_messages = code_system_version_messages if code_system_version_messages.present? messages << { type: 'info', message: code_system_messages } end if success_messages.present? messages << { type: 'info', message: "The following value sets and code systems have been properly loaded:\n#{success_messages.join("\n")}" } end if warning_messages.present? warning_message = <<~WARNING Some terminology not based on UMLS did not match, but this can be a result of these terminologies having a different update schedule than UMLS. As long as the actual number of codes is close to the expected number, this does not does not reflect a problem with the terminology build. WARNING messages << { type: 'warning', message: warning_message + warning_messages.join("\n") } end if error_messages.present? error_message = <<~ERROR There is a problem with the terminology resources. See the README for the [G10 Certification Test Kit README]( for instructions on building the required terminology resources:\n ERROR messages << { type: 'error', message: error_message + error_messages.join("\n") } end messages end def version_message return [] if VERSION.match?(/\A\d+\.\d+\.\d+\z/) [{ type: 'error', message: <<~MESSAGE This is a development version (`#{VERSION}`) of the ONC Certification (g)(10) Standardized API Test Kit and is not suitable for certification. Please [download an official release]( if you did not intend to use the development version. MESSAGE }] end end end