= RSence-2.1.0[http://rsence.org/] == Introduction RSence is a RIA framework designed for responsive GUI applications on the web; it's implemented as a hybrid Ruby - Javascript system. The server is written in Ruby and C. Applications are installed as plugin bundles. The GUI framework is written in Javascript; it doesn't strictly require the server, but has extensive transport support with automatic data synchronization with the server. User interfaces are usually described in structured view trees represented by YAML data structures, which are automatically converted for rendering in the client. Javascript knowledge is required only when creating custom client-driven functionality; basic understanding of the YAML GUITree structures is enough in most cases. Likewise, no prior Ruby knowledge is needed if you want to create stand-alone Javascript applications. Javascript component themes are easily created with just basic web designer skills. Data API's are easy to link no matter what language is used to create them. Skills in your organization are easily combined for various parts of larger applications. RSence is not primarily targeted as an engine for plain old html web sites, there are plenty of other tools for that purpose and RSence is easily integrated with them in various ways. == Installing Just run this command in the shell, if you have ruby installed. Otherwise, read the {file:INSTALL Install Guide} for full installation instructions. gem install rsence == Initializing a new project The +init+ command will create a directory called `env_dir` in this example. It asks a few questions about the environment. Use a path and project name that matches your purposes. rsence init /home/me/rsence_projects/env_dir == Project environment structure ==== The basic structure of a project environment (where `env_dir` is the directory of your project) is: *dir* :: +env_dir/+ :: The environment directory of your project. *file* :: +env_dir/conf/config.yaml+ :: The configuration file to load by default. It extends the {file:default_conf default configuration}. *dir* :: +env_dir/run/+ :: This default directory for runtime files, like the PID file of the running rsence instance. *dir* :: +env_dir/log/+ :: The default directory for log files. +rsence.stderr+ contains error output of the RSence server daemon and installed plugins, including warnings. +rsence.stdout+ contains the standard output of the RSence server daemon and installed plugins. *dir* :: +env_dir/db/+ :: The default directory for database files. +ses.db+ is the standard SQLite session database, if enabled. *dir* :: +env_dir/plugins/+ :: The default directory for installed plugin bundles. A newly initialized environment includes the +welcome+ plugin. Feel free to remove it. *file* :: +env_dir/VERSION+ :: The version of RSence used to initialize the environment. Reserved for future upgrade usage. *file* :: +env_dir/README+ :: A README file template. Describes what the `env_dir` is about. Edit it to match your project. === Configuration file loading order The configuration files are loaded and applied in this order: 1. *rsence_gem_path*/conf/default_conf.yaml 2. *rsence_gem_path*/conf/local_conf.yaml 3. /etc/rsence/config.yaml 4. ~/.rsence/config.yaml 5. *env_dir*/conf/config.yaml 6. Any files given using +--conf+ arguments, in order of occurrence. Use the additional configuration files to match system- or user-specific configurations that are common for all projects. == Running a project Each command-line tool command takes a number of options, the +env_dir+ argument defaults to the current working directory, otherwise specify the relative or full path to your project environment. ==== Some common options are: +-a+:: Automatic updates. RSence reloads automatically changed plugin bundles and client libraries. +-f+:: Doesn't redirect the standard output into a log file. Useful for development when combined with the +run+ command. +-d+:: Debug mode. Like +-a+ but much more verbose and doesn't obfuscate client data. === Running RSence in foreground rsence run [options] [env_dir] === Starting the RSence daemon rsence start [options] [env_dir] === Stopping the RSence daemon rsence stop [options] [env_dir] === Restarting the RSence daemon rsence restart [options] [env_dir] === Checking if project is running rsence status [options] [env_dir] === Example: rsence run -af /home/me/projects/hello_world == RSence command-line tool help === Lists all available commands rsence help === Getting detailed help of a command rsence help === Example: rsence help run For more detailed installation and usage instructions, read the {file:INSTALL Install Guide} document. === The bleeding edge (for developers) RSence comes in two varieties: 1. rsence : The stable (no major new features, just bug fixes) release. 2. rsence-pre : The active development snapshot released periodically. Both varieties can be installed simultaneously and it's suggested to use the stable "rsence" package for production installations and to use the "rsence-pre" package for development purposes, because the RSence crew can't possibly test each and every application available. It's your responsibility as a developer to report any RSence issues effecting your software. The sooner reported, the better; it ensures better release versions. To use "rsence-pre", install the "rsence-pre" gem and use the "rsence-pre" command instead of the "rsence" command. === Licensing and commercial support options * {file:LICENSE.txt *GPL*} version 3 by default. * Riassence[http://riassence.com/] Inc. provides commercial support, custom licensing arrangements and various other services. === Community support * http://rsence.org * IRC channel +#rsence+ on the IRCNet and FreeNode networks