import $ from 'jquery'; import func from './core/func'; import lists from './core/lists'; import dom from './core/dom'; export default class Context { /** * @param {jQuery} $note * @param {Object} options */ constructor($note, options) { this.ui = $.summernote.ui; this.$note = $note; this.memos = {}; this.modules = {}; this.layoutInfo = {}; this.options = options; this.initialize(); } /** * create layout and initialize modules and other resources */ initialize() { this.layoutInfo = this.ui.createLayout(this.$note, this.options); this._initialize(); this.$note.hide(); return this; } /** * destroy modules and other resources and remove layout */ destroy() { this._destroy(); this.$note.removeData('summernote'); this.ui.removeLayout(this.$note, this.layoutInfo); } /** * destory modules and other resources and initialize it again */ reset() { const disabled = this.isDisabled(); this.code(dom.emptyPara); this._destroy(); this._initialize(); if (disabled) { this.disable(); } } _initialize() { // add optional buttons const buttons = $.extend({}, this.options.buttons); Object.keys(buttons).forEach((key) => { this.memo('button.' + key, buttons[key]); }); const modules = $.extend({}, this.options.modules, $.summernote.plugins || {}); // add and initialize modules Object.keys(modules).forEach((key) => { this.module(key, modules[key], true); }); Object.keys(this.modules).forEach((key) => { this.initializeModule(key); }); } _destroy() { // destroy modules with reversed order Object.keys(this.modules).reverse().forEach((key) => { this.removeModule(key); }); Object.keys(this.memos).forEach((key) => { this.removeMemo(key); }); // trigger custom onDestroy callback this.triggerEvent('destroy', this); } code(html) { const isActivated = this.invoke('codeview.isActivated'); if (html === undefined) { this.invoke('codeview.sync'); return isActivated ? this.layoutInfo.codable.val() : this.layoutInfo.editable.html(); } else { if (isActivated) { this.layoutInfo.codable.val(html); } else { this.layoutInfo.editable.html(html); } this.$note.val(html); this.triggerEvent('change', html); } } isDisabled() { return this.layoutInfo.editable.attr('contenteditable') === 'false'; } enable() { this.layoutInfo.editable.attr('contenteditable', true); this.invoke('toolbar.activate', true); this.triggerEvent('disable', false); } disable() { // close codeview if codeview is opend if (this.invoke('codeview.isActivated')) { this.invoke('codeview.deactivate'); } this.layoutInfo.editable.attr('contenteditable', false); this.invoke('toolbar.deactivate', true); this.triggerEvent('disable', true); } triggerEvent() { const namespace = lists.head(arguments); const args = lists.tail(lists.from(arguments)); const callback = this.options.callbacks[func.namespaceToCamel(namespace, 'on')]; if (callback) { callback.apply(this.$note[0], args); } this.$note.trigger('summernote.' + namespace, args); } initializeModule(key) { const module = this.modules[key]; module.shouldInitialize = module.shouldInitialize || func.ok; if (!module.shouldInitialize()) { return; } // initialize module if (module.initialize) { module.initialize(); } // attach events if ( { dom.attachEvents(this.$note,; } } module(key, ModuleClass, withoutIntialize) { if (arguments.length === 1) { return this.modules[key]; } this.modules[key] = new ModuleClass(this); if (!withoutIntialize) { this.initializeModule(key); } } removeModule(key) { const module = this.modules[key]; if (module.shouldInitialize()) { if ( { dom.detachEvents(this.$note,; } if (module.destroy) { module.destroy(); } } delete this.modules[key]; } memo(key, obj) { if (arguments.length === 1) { return this.memos[key]; } this.memos[key] = obj; } removeMemo(key) { if (this.memos[key] && this.memos[key].destroy) { this.memos[key].destroy(); } delete this.memos[key]; } /** * Some buttons need to change their visual style immediately once they get pressed */ createInvokeHandlerAndUpdateState(namespace, value) { return (event) => { this.createInvokeHandler(namespace, value)(event); this.invoke('buttons.updateCurrentStyle'); }; } createInvokeHandler(namespace, value) { return (event) => { event.preventDefault(); const $target = $(; this.invoke(namespace, value || $target.closest('[data-value]').data('value'), $target); }; } invoke() { const namespace = lists.head(arguments); const args = lists.tail(lists.from(arguments)); const splits = namespace.split('.'); const hasSeparator = splits.length > 1; const moduleName = hasSeparator && lists.head(splits); const methodName = hasSeparator ? lists.last(splits) : lists.head(splits); const module = this.modules[moduleName || 'editor']; if (!moduleName && this[methodName]) { return this[methodName].apply(this, args); } else if (module && module[methodName] && module.shouldInitialize()) { return module[methodName].apply(module, args); } } }