= Remotipart Remotipart is a Ruby on Rails gem enabling remote multipart forms (AJAX style file uploads) with jQuery. This gem augments the native Rails jQuery remote form function enabling asynchronous file uploads with little to no modification to your application. == Dependencies * {Rails 3}[http://github.com/rails/rails] * {jQuery}[http://jquery.com] * {The Rails jQuery driver}[http://github.com/rails/jquery-ujs] * {The jQuery Form plugin}[http://jquery.malsup.com/form/] == Installation 1. Install the Remotipart gem gem install remotipart 2. Run the Remotipart generator to add jquery.remotipart.js to public/javascripts/ rails g remotipart 3. Add the Javascript files for jQuery, the Rails jQuery driver, jQuery Form plugin, and Remotipart to your template, making sure to include jquery.remotipart.js *after* the jQuery and the Rails jQuery driver <%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery-1.4.4.min', 'rails', 'jquery.form', 'jquery.remotipart' %> == Usage * For multipart / forms with file inputs, set your form_for to remote as you would for a normal ajax form: :remote => true * When Javascript is enabled in the user's browser, the form, including the file, will be submitted asynchronously to your controller with: :format == 'js' * In the JS response template for your controller action, wrap all of your response code in one remotipart_response block: <%= remotipart_response do %> All Javascript response code goes here <% end %> === Example sample_layout.html.erb <%= form_for @sample, :html => { :multipart => true }, :remote => true do |f| %>