= RailsRealFavicon Create a multi-platform favicon for your Ruby on Rails project with RealFaviconGenerator. To use this Rails plugin: * Go to {RealFaviconGenerator for Ruby on Rails}[https://realfavicongenerator.net/favicon/ruby_on_rails], submit your image and craft your icons. https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/423852/11431579/88a71cb0-949b-11e5-9dd4-3cf57f4e3b1a.png * In the result page, follow the instructions. https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/423852/11431581/8c0ab45c-949b-11e5-9b4a-c3a2beba0180.png Already have you favicon and wondering how to regenerate it again? From the root of your project, just re-run: rails generate favicon