cdocutils.nodes document q)q}q(U nametypesq}q(Xapache web serverqKXsourceforge development pageqKX notes about shared installationsqNXgetting-mathjax-zipq KXsourceforge files pageq KX subversionq KXgetting-mathjax-svnq KXtesting your installationq NX obtaining mathjax via an archiveqNX installationqKXmathjax download pageqKXobtaining mathjax via svnqNXinstalling and testing mathjaxqNXcross-domain-linkingqKXweb-font linkingqKuUsubstitution_defsq}qUparse_messagesq]qUcurrent_sourceqNU decorationqNUautofootnote_startqKUnameidsq}q(hUapache-web-serverqhUsourceforge-development-pageqhU notes-about-shared-installationsq h Ugetting-mathjax-zipq!h Usourceforge-files-pageq"h U subversionq#h Ugetting-mathjax-svnq$h Utesting-your-installationq%hU obtaining-mathjax-via-an-archiveq&hU installationq'hUmathjax-download-pageq(hUobtaining-mathjax-via-svnq)hUinstalling-and-testing-mathjaxq*hUcross-domain-linkingq+hUweb-font-linkingq,uUchildrenq-]q.(cdocutils.nodes target q/)q0}q1(U rawsourceq2X.. _installation:q3Uparentq4hUsourceq5cdocutils.nodes reprunicode q6XV/Data/Code/JavaScript/MathJax/Code/SourceForge/trunk/mathjax/docs/rst/installation.rstq7q8}q9bUtagnameq:Utargetq;U attributesq<}q=(Uidsq>]q?Ubackrefsq@]qAUdupnamesqB]qCUclassesqD]qEUnamesqF]qGUrefidqHh'uUlineqIKUdocumentqJhh-]qKubcdocutils.nodes section qL)qM}qN(h2Uh4hh5h8Uexpect_referenced_by_nameqO}qPhh0sh:UsectionqQh<}qR(hB]qShD]qTh@]qUh>]qV(h*h'ehF]qW(hheuhIKhJhUexpect_referenced_by_idqX}qYh'h0sh-]qZ(cdocutils.nodes title q[)q\}q](h2XInstalling and Testing MathJaxq^h4hMh5h8h:Utitleq_h<}q`(hB]qahD]qbh@]qch>]qdhF]qeuhIKhJhh-]qfcdocutils.nodes Text qgXInstalling and Testing MathJaxqhqi}qj(h2h^h4h\ubaubcdocutils.nodes paragraph qk)ql}qm(h2XsMathJax can be loaded from a public web server or privately from your hard drive or other local media. To use MathJax in either way, you will need to obtain a copy of MathJax and its font package. There are two main ways to do this: via ``svn`` or via a pre-packaged archive. We recommend the former, as it is easier to keep your installation up to date using ``svn``.qnh4hMh5h8h:U paragraphqoh<}qp(hB]qqhD]qrh@]qsh>]qthF]quuhIKhJhh-]qv(hgXMathJax can be loaded from a public web server or privately from your hard drive or other local media. To use MathJax in either way, you will need to obtain a copy of MathJax and its font package. There are two main ways to do this: via qwqx}qy(h2XMathJax can be loaded from a public web server or privately from your hard drive or other local media. To use MathJax in either way, you will need to obtain a copy of MathJax and its font package. There are two main ways to do this: via qzh4hlubcdocutils.nodes literal q{)q|}q}(h2X``svn``q~h<}q(hB]qhD]qh@]qh>]qhF]quh4hlh-]qhgXsvnqq}q(h2Uh4h|ubah:UliteralqubhgXt or via a pre-packaged archive. We recommend the former, as it is easier to keep your installation up to date using qq}q(h2Xt or via a pre-packaged archive. We recommend the former, as it is easier to keep your installation up to date using qh4hlubh{)q}q(h2X``svn``qh<}q(hB]qhD]qh@]qh>]qhF]quh4hlh-]qhgXsvnqq}q(h2Uh4hubah:hubhgX.q}q(h2X.h4hlubeubh/)q}q(h2X.. _getting-mathjax-svn:qh4hMh5h8h:h;h<}q(h>]qh@]qhB]qhD]qhF]qhHh$uhIKhJhh-]qubhL)q}q(h2Uh4hMh5h8hO}qh hsh:hQh<}q(hB]qhD]qh@]qh>]q(h)h$ehF]q(hh euhIKhJhhX}qh$hsh-]q(h[)q}q(h2XObtaining MathJax via SVNqh4hh5h8h:h_h<}q(hB]qhD]qh@]qh>]qhF]quhIKhJhh-]qhgXObtaining MathJax via SVNqq}q(h2hh4hubaubhk)q}q(h2XThe easiest way to get MathJax and keep it up to date is to use the `subversion `_ source control system, ``svn``. Use the commandsqh4hh5h8h:hoh<}q(hB]qhD]qh@]qh>]qhF]quhIKhJhh-]q(hgXDThe easiest way to get MathJax and keep it up to date is to use the qɅq}q(h2XDThe easiest way to get MathJax and keep it up to date is to use the qh4hubcdocutils.nodes reference q)q}q(h2X-`subversion `_qh<}q(UnameqX subversionqUrefuriqX>]qh@]qhB]qhD]qhF]quh4hh-]qhgX subversionq܅q}q(h2Uh4hubah:U referencequbh/)q}q(h2X qh<}q(Urefuriqhh>]qh#ah@]qhB]qhD]qhF]qh auh4hh-]qh:h;ubhgX source control system, q녁q}q(h2X source control system, qh4hubh{)q}q(h2X``svn``qh<}q(hB]qhD]qh@]qh>]qhF]quh4hh-]qhgXsvnqq}q(h2Uh4hubah:hubhgX. Use the commandsqq}q(h2X. Use the commandsqh4hubeubcdocutils.nodes literal_block r)r}r(h2Xjsvn co mathjax cd mathjax unzip fonts.ziprh4hh5h8h:U literal_blockrh<}r(UlinenosrUlanguagerXshrU xml:spacer Upreserver h>]r h@]r hB]r hD]rhF]ruhIKhJhh-]rhgXjsvn co mathjax cd mathjax unzip fonts.ziprr}r(h2Uh4jubaubhk)r}r(h2Xto obtain and set up a copy of MathJax. (The `SourceForge development page `_ also shows how to do this.)rh4hh5h8h:hoh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruhIKhJhh-]r( obtain and set up a copy of MathJax. (The rr}r ( obtain and set up a copy of MathJax. (The r!h4jubh)r"}r#(h2XQ`SourceForge development page `_r$h<}r%(Unamer&XSourceForge development pager'hX/>]r)h@]r*hB]r+hD]r,hF]r-uh4jh-]r.hgXSourceForge development pager/r0}r1(h2Uh4j"ubah:hubh/)r2}r3(h2X2 r4h<}r5(Urefurir6j(h>]r7hah@]r8hB]r9hD]r:hF]r;hauh4jh-]r<h:h;ubhgX also shows how to do this.)r=r>}r?(h2X also shows how to do this.)r@h4jubeubhk)rA}rB(h2X4Whenever you want to update MathJax, you can now userCh4hh5h8h:hoh<}rD(hB]rEhD]rFh@]rGh>]rHhF]rIuhIK"hJhh-]rJhgX4Whenever you want to update MathJax, you can now userKrL}rM(h2jCh4jAubaubj)rN}rO(h2Xcd mathjax svn statusrPh4hh5h8h:jh<}rQ(jjXshrRj j h>]rSh@]rThB]rUhD]rVhF]rWuhIK(hJhh-]rXhgXcd mathjax svn statusrYrZ}r[(h2Uh4jNubaubhk)r\}r](h2XIto check if there are updates to MathJax. If MathJax needs updating, user^h4hh5h8h:hoh<}r_(hB]r`hD]rah@]rbh>]rchF]rduhIK)hJhh-]rehgXIto check if there are updates to MathJax. If MathJax needs updating, userfrg}rh(h2j^h4j\ubaubj)ri}rj(h2Xhcd mathjax svn update # if is updated, do the following as well: rm -rf fonts unzip fonts.ziprkh4hh5h8h:jh<}rl(jjXshrmj j h>]rnh@]rohB]rphD]rqhF]rruhIK3hJhh-]rshgXhcd mathjax svn update # if is updated, do the following as well: rm -rf fonts unzip fonts.ziprtru}rv(h2Uh4jiubaubhk)rw}rx(h2X_to udpate your copy of MathJax to the current release version. If the ```` file has been updated, you will need to remove the old fonts directory and unpack the new one bring your installation up to date. If you keep MathJax updated in this way, you will be sure that you have the latest bug fixes and new features as they become available.ryh4hh5h8h:hoh<}rz(hB]r{hD]r|h@]r}h>]r~hF]ruhIK4hJhh-]r(hgXGto udpate your copy of MathJax to the current release version. If the rr}r(h2XGto udpate your copy of MathJax to the current release version. If the rh4jwubh{)r}r(h2X ````rh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruh4jwh-]rhgX fonts.ziprr}r(h2Uh4jubah:hubhgX  file has been updated, you will need to remove the old fonts directory and unpack the new one bring your installation up to date. If you keep MathJax updated in this way, you will be sure that you have the latest bug fixes and new features as they become available.rr}r(h2X  file has been updated, you will need to remove the old fonts directory and unpack the new one bring your installation up to date. If you keep MathJax updated in this way, you will be sure that you have the latest bug fixes and new features as they become available.rh4jwubeubhk)r}r(h2XCThis gets you the current development copy of MathJax, which is the "bleeding-edge" version that contains all the latest changes to MathJax. At times, however, these may be less stable than the "release" version. If you prefer to use the most stable version (that may not include all the latest patches and features), userh4hh5h8h:hoh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruhIK;hJhh-]rhgXCThis gets you the current development copy of MathJax, which is the "bleeding-edge" version that contains all the latest changes to MathJax. At times, however, these may be less stable than the "release" version. If you prefer to use the most stable version (that may not include all the latest patches and features), userr}r(h2jh4jubaubj)r}r(h2Xnsvn co mathajx cd mathjax unzip fonts.ziprh4hh5h8h:jh<}r(jjXshrj j h>]rh@]rhB]rhD]rhF]ruhIKFhJhh-]rhgXnsvn co mathajx cd mathjax unzip fonts.ziprr}r(h2Uh4jubaubhk)r}r(h2Xto obtain the version 1.0 release. When you wish to update to a new release, you will need to check out a new copy of MathJax with the new release number.rh4hh5h8h:hoh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruhIKGhJhh-]rhgXto obtain the version 1.0 release. When you wish to update to a new release, you will need to check out a new copy of MathJax with the new release number.rr}r(h2jh4jubaubh/)r}r(h2X.. _getting-mathjax-zip:rh4hh5h8h:h;h<}r(h>]rh@]rhB]rhD]rhF]rhHh!uhIKLhJhh-]rubeubhL)r}r(h2Uh4hMh5h8hO}rh jsh:hQh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]r(h&h!ehF]r(hh euhIKOhJhhX}rh!jsh-]r(h[)r}r(h2X Obtaining MathJax via an archiverh4jh5h8h:h_h<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruhIKOhJhh-]rhgX Obtaining MathJax via an archiverr}r(h2jh4jubaubhk)r}r(h2XRelease versions of MathJax are available in archive files from the `MathJax download page `_ or the `SourceForge files page `_, where you can download the archives that you need.rh4jh5h8h:hoh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruhIKQhJhh-]r(hgXDRelease versions of MathJax are available in archive files from the rr}r(h2XDRelease versions of MathJax are available in archive files from the rh4jubh)r}r(h2X;`MathJax download page `_rh<}r(UnamerXMathJax download pagerhX>]rh@]rhB]rhD]rhF]ruh4jh-]rhgXMathJax download pagerr}r(h2Uh4jubah:hubh/)r}r(h2X# rh<}r(Urefurirjh>]rh(ah@]rhB]rhD]rhF]rhauh4jh-]rh:h;ubhgX or the r r }r (h2X or the r h4jubh)r }r(h2XJ`SourceForge files page `_rh<}r(UnamerXSourceForge files pagerhX.>]rh@]rhB]rhD]rhF]ruh4jh-]rhgXSourceForge files pagerr}r(h2Uh4j ubah:hubh/)r}r(h2X1 rh<}r (Urefurir!jh>]r"h"ah@]r#hB]r$hD]r%hF]r&h auh4jh-]r'h:h;ubhgX4, where you can download the archives that you need.r(r)}r*(h2X4, where you can download the archives that you need.r+h4jubeubhk)r,}r-(h2XYou should download the ```` file, then simply unzip it. Once the MathJax directory is unpacked, you should move it to the desired location on your server (or your hard disk, if you are using it locally rather then through a web server). One natural location is to put it at the top level of your web server's hierarchy. That would let you refer to the main MathJax file as ``/MathJax/MathJax.js`` from within any page on your server.r.h4jh5h8h:hoh<}r/(hB]r0hD]r1h@]r2h>]r3hF]r4uhIKWhJhh-]r5(hgXYou should download the r6r7}r8(h2XYou should download the r9h4j,ubh{)r:}r;(h2X````r<h<}r=(hB]r>hD]r?h@]r@h>]rAhF]rBuh4j,h-]rChgXMathJax-v1.0.ziprDrE}rF(h2Uh4j:ubah:hubhgX\ file, then simply unzip it. Once the MathJax directory is unpacked, you should move it to the desired location on your server (or your hard disk, if you are using it locally rather then through a web server). One natural location is to put it at the top level of your web server's hierarchy. That would let you refer to the main MathJax file as rGrH}rI(h2X\ file, then simply unzip it. Once the MathJax directory is unpacked, you should move it to the desired location on your server (or your hard disk, if you are using it locally rather then through a web server). One natural location is to put it at the top level of your web server's hierarchy. That would let you refer to the main MathJax file as rJh4j,ubh{)rK}rL(h2X``/MathJax/MathJax.js``rMh<}rN(hB]rOhD]rPh@]rQh>]rRhF]rSuh4j,h-]rThgX/MathJax/MathJax.jsrUrV}rW(h2Uh4jKubah:hubhgX% from within any page on your server.rXrY}rZ(h2X% from within any page on your server.r[h4j,ubeubeubhL)r\}r](h2Uh4hMh5h8h:hQh<}r^(hB]r_hD]r`h@]rah>]rbh%ahF]rch auhIKahJhh-]rd(h[)re}rf(h2XTesting your installationrgh4j\h5h8h:h_h<}rh(hB]rihD]rjh@]rkh>]rlhF]rmuhIKahJhh-]rnhgXTesting your installationrorp}rq(h2jgh4jeubaubhk)rr}rs(h2X^Use the HTML files in the ``test`` directory to see if your installation is working properly::rth4j\h5h8h:hoh<}ru(hB]rvhD]rwh@]rxh>]ryhF]rzuhIKchJhh-]r{(hgXUse the HTML files in the r|r}}r~(h2XUse the HTML files in the rh4jrubh{)r}r(h2X``test``rh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruh4jrh-]rhgXtestrr}r(h2Uh4jubah:hubhgX; directory to see if your installation is working properly:rr}r(h2X; directory to see if your installation is working properly:rh4jrubeubj)r}r(h2Xtest/ index.html # Tests default configuration index-images.html # Tests image-font fallback display sample.html # Sample page with lots of pretty equationsrh4j\h5h8h:jh<}r(j j h>]rh@]rhB]rhD]rhF]ruhIKfhJhh-]rhgXtest/ index.html # Tests default configuration index-images.html # Tests image-font fallback display sample.html # Sample page with lots of pretty equationsrr}r(h2Uh4jubaubhk)r}r(h2XOpen these files in your browser to see that they appear to be working properly. If you have installed MathJax on a server, use the web address for those files rather than opening them locally. When you view the ``index.html`` file, you should see (after a few moments) a message that MathJax appears to be working. If not, you should check that the files have been transferred to the server completely, that the fonts archive has been unpacked in the correct location, and that the permissions allow the server to access the files and folders that are part of the MathJax directory (be sure to verify the MathJax folder's permissions as well). Checking the server logs may help locate problems with the installation.rh4j\h5h8h:hoh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruhIKkhJhh-]r(hgXOpen these files in your browser to see that they appear to be working properly. If you have installed MathJax on a server, use the web address for those files rather than opening them locally. When you view the rr}r(h2XOpen these files in your browser to see that they appear to be working properly. If you have installed MathJax on a server, use the web address for those files rather than opening them locally. When you view the rh4jubh{)r}r(h2X``index.html``rh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruh4jh-]rhgX index.htmlrr}r(h2Uh4jubah:hubhgX file, you should see (after a few moments) a message that MathJax appears to be working. If not, you should check that the files have been transferred to the server completely, that the fonts archive has been unpacked in the correct location, and that the permissions allow the server to access the files and folders that are part of the MathJax directory (be sure to verify the MathJax folder's permissions as well). Checking the server logs may help locate problems with the installation.rr}r(h2X file, you should see (after a few moments) a message that MathJax appears to be working. If not, you should check that the files have been transferred to the server completely, that the fonts archive has been unpacked in the correct location, and that the permissions allow the server to access the files and folders that are part of the MathJax directory (be sure to verify the MathJax folder's permissions as well). Checking the server logs may help locate problems with the installation.rh4jubeubh/)r}r(h2X.. _cross-domain-linking:rh4j\h5h8h:h;h<}r(h>]rh@]rhB]rhD]rhF]rhHh+uhIKxhJhh-]rubeubhL)r}r(h2Uh4hMh5h8hO}rhjsh:hQh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]r(h h+ehF]r(hheuhIK{hJhhX}rh+jsh-]r(h[)r}r(h2X Notes about shared installationsrh4jh5h8h:h_h<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruhIK{hJhh-]rhgX Notes about shared installationsrr}r(h2jh4jubaubhk)r}r(h2XOTypically, you want to have MathJax installed on the same server as your web pages that use MathJax. There are times, however, when that may be impractical, or when you want to use a MathJax installation at a different site. For example, a departmental server at ```` might like to use a college-wide installation at ```` rather than installing a separate copy on the departmental machine. MathJax can certainly be loaded from another server, but there is one imporant caveat --- Firefox's same-origin security policy for cross-domain scripting.rh4jh5h8h:hoh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruhIK}hJhh-]r(hgX Typically, you want to have MathJax installed on the same server as your web pages that use MathJax. There are times, however, when that may be impractical, or when you want to use a MathJax installation at a different site. For example, a departmental server at rr}r(h2X Typically, you want to have MathJax installed on the same server as your web pages that use MathJax. There are times, however, when that may be impractical, or when you want to use a MathJax installation at a different site. For example, a departmental server at rh4jubh{)r}r(h2X````rh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruh4jh-]rhgXwww.math.yourcollege.edurr}r(h2Uh4jubah:hubhgX2 might like to use a college-wide installation at rr}r(h2X2 might like to use a college-wide installation at rh4jubh{)r}r(h2X````rh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruh4jh-]rhgXwww.yourcollege.edurr }r (h2Uh4jubah:hubhgX rather than installing a separate copy on the departmental machine. MathJax can certainly be loaded from another server, but there is one imporant caveat --- Firefox's same-origin security policy for cross-domain scripting.r r }r (h2X rather than installing a separate copy on the departmental machine. MathJax can certainly be loaded from another server, but there is one imporant caveat --- Firefox's same-origin security policy for cross-domain scripting.rh4jubeubhk)r}r(h2XFirefox’s interpretation of the same-origin policy is more strict than most other browsers, and it affects how fonts are loaded with the `@font-face` CSS directive. MathJax uses this directory to load web-based math fonts into a page when the user doesn't have them installed locally on their own computer. Firefox's security policy, however, only allows this when the fonts come from the same server as the web page itself, so if you load MathJax (and hence its web fonts) from a different server, Firefox won't be able to access those web fonts. In this case, MathJax will pause while waiting for the font to download (which will never happen) and will time out after about 15 seconds for each font it tries to access. Typically that is three or four fonts, so your Foirefox users will experience a minute or so delay before mathematics is displayed, and then it will probably display incorrectly because the browser doesn't have access to the correct fonts.rh4jh5h8h:hoh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruhIKhJhh-]r(hgXFirefox’s interpretation of the same-origin policy is more strict than most other browsers, and it affects how fonts are loaded with the rr}r(h2XFirefox’s interpretation of the same-origin policy is more strict than most other browsers, and it affects how fonts are loaded with the rh4jubcdocutils.nodes title_reference r)r}r(h2X `@font-face`r h<}r!(hB]r"hD]r#h@]r$h>]r%hF]r&uh4jh-]r'hgX @font-facer(r)}r*(h2Uh4jubah:Utitle_referencer+ubhgX/ CSS directive. MathJax uses this directory to load web-based math fonts into a page when the user doesn't have them installed locally on their own computer. Firefox's security policy, however, only allows this when the fonts come from the same server as the web page itself, so if you load MathJax (and hence its web fonts) from a different server, Firefox won't be able to access those web fonts. In this case, MathJax will pause while waiting for the font to download (which will never happen) and will time out after about 15 seconds for each font it tries to access. Typically that is three or four fonts, so your Foirefox users will experience a minute or so delay before mathematics is displayed, and then it will probably display incorrectly because the browser doesn't have access to the correct fonts.r,r-}r.(h2X/ CSS directive. MathJax uses this directory to load web-based math fonts into a page when the user doesn't have them installed locally on their own computer. Firefox's security policy, however, only allows this when the fonts come from the same server as the web page itself, so if you load MathJax (and hence its web fonts) from a different server, Firefox won't be able to access those web fonts. In this case, MathJax will pause while waiting for the font to download (which will never happen) and will time out after about 15 seconds for each font it tries to access. Typically that is three or four fonts, so your Foirefox users will experience a minute or so delay before mathematics is displayed, and then it will probably display incorrectly because the browser doesn't have access to the correct fonts.r/h4jubeubhk)r0}r1(h2X7There is a solution to this, however, if you manage the server where MathJax is installed, and if that server is running the `Apache web server `_. In the remote server's ``MathJax/fonts/HTML-CSS/TeX/otf`` folder, create a file called ``.htaccess`` that contains the following lines: ::r2h4jh5h8h:hoh<}r3(hB]r4hD]r5h@]r6h>]r7hF]r8uhIKhJhh-]r9(hgX}There is a solution to this, however, if you manage the server where MathJax is installed, and if that server is running the r:r;}r<(h2X}There is a solution to this, however, if you manage the server where MathJax is installed, and if that server is running the r=h4j0ubh)r>}r?(h2X-`Apache web server `_r@h<}rA(UnamerBXApache web serverrChX>]rEh@]rFhB]rGhD]rHhF]rIuh4j0h-]rJhgXApache web serverrKrL}rM(h2Uh4j>ubah:hubh/)rN}rO(h2X rPh<}rQ(UrefurirRjDh>]rShah@]rThB]rUhD]rVhF]rWhauh4j0h-]rXh:h;ubhgX. In the remote server's rYrZ}r[(h2X. In the remote server's r\h4j0ubh{)r]}r^(h2X"``MathJax/fonts/HTML-CSS/TeX/otf``r_h<}r`(hB]rahD]rbh@]rch>]rdhF]reuh4j0h-]rfhgXMathJax/fonts/HTML-CSS/TeX/otfrgrh}ri(h2Uh4j]ubah:hubhgX folder, create a file called rjrk}rl(h2X folder, create a file called rmh4j0ubh{)rn}ro(h2X ``.htaccess``rph<}rq(hB]rrhD]rsh@]rth>]ruhF]rvuh4j0h-]rwhgX .htaccessrxry}rz(h2Uh4jnubah:hubhgX# that contains the following lines:r{r|}r}(h2X# that contains the following lines:r~h4j0ubeubj)r}r(h2X} Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" rh4jh5h8h:jh<}r(j j h>]rh@]rhB]rhD]rhF]ruhIKhJhh-]rhgX} Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" rr}r(h2Uh4jubaubhk)r}r(h2XYand make sure the permissions allow the server to read this file. (The file's name starts with a period, which causes it to be an "invisible" file on unix-based operating systems. Some systems, particularly graphic user interfaces, may not allow you to create such files, so you might need to use the command-line interface to accomplish this.)rh4jh5h8h:hoh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruhIKhJhh-]rhgXYand make sure the permissions allow the server to read this file. (The file's name starts with a period, which causes it to be an "invisible" file on unix-based operating systems. Some systems, particularly graphic user interfaces, may not allow you to create such files, so you might need to use the command-line interface to accomplish this.)rr}r(h2jh4jubaubhk)r}r(h2X*This file should make it possible for pages at other sites to load MathJax from this server in such a way that Firefox will be able to download the web-based fonts. If you want to restrict the sites that can access the web fonts, change the ``Access-Control-Allow-Origin`` line to something like::rh4jh5h8h:hoh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruhIKhJhh-]r(hgXThis file should make it possible for pages at other sites to load MathJax from this server in such a way that Firefox will be able to download the web-based fonts. If you want to restrict the sites that can access the web fonts, change the rr}r(h2XThis file should make it possible for pages at other sites to load MathJax from this server in such a way that Firefox will be able to download the web-based fonts. If you want to restrict the sites that can access the web fonts, change the rh4jubh{)r}r(h2X``Access-Control-Allow-Origin``rh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruh4jh-]rhgXAccess-Control-Allow-Originrr}r(h2Uh4jubah:hubhgX line to something like:rr}r(h2X line to something like:rh4jubeubj)r}r(h2XHHeader set Access-Control-Allow-Origin ""rh4jh5h8h:jh<}r(j j h>]rh@]rhB]rhD]rhF]ruhIKhJhh-]rhgXHHeader set Access-Control-Allow-Origin ""rr}r(h2Uh4jubaubhk)r}r(h2X so that only pages at ```` will be able to download the fonts from this site. See the open font library discussion of `web-font linking `_ for more details.rh4jh5h8h:hoh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruhIKhJhh-]r(hgXso that only pages at rr}r(h2Xso that only pages at rh4jubh{)r}r(h2X````rh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruh4jh-]rhgXwww.math.yourcollege.edurr}r(h2Uh4jubah:hubhgX] will be able to download the fonts from this site. See the open font library discussion of rr}r(h2X] will be able to download the fonts from this site. See the open font library discussion of rh4jubh)r}r(h2Xh`web-font linking `_rh<}r(UnamerXweb-font linkingrhXR>]rh@]rhB]rhD]rhF]ruh4jh-]rhgXweb-font linkingrr}r(h2Uh4jubah:hubh/)r}r(h2XU rh<}r(Urefurirjh>]rh,ah@]rhB]rhD]rhF]rhauh4jh-]rh:h;ubhgX for more details.rr}r(h2X for more details.rh4jubeubeubeubeh2UU transformerrNU footnote_refsr}rUrefnamesr}rUsymbol_footnotesr]r Uautofootnote_refsr ]r Usymbol_footnote_refsr ]r U citationsr]rhJhU current_linerNUtransform_messagesr]r(cdocutils.nodes system_message r)r}r(h2Uh<}r(hB]rUlevelrKh>]rh@]rUsourcerh8hD]rhF]rUlinerKUtyperUINFOr uh-]r!hk)r"}r#(h2Uh<}r$(hB]r%hD]r&h@]r'h>]r(hF]r)uh4jh-]r*hgX2Hyperlink target "installation" is not referenced.r+r,}r-(h2Uh4j"ubah:houbah:Usystem_messager.ubj)r/}r0(h2Uh<}r1(hB]r2Ulevelr3Kh>]r4h@]r5Usourcer6h8hD]r7hF]r8Uliner9KUtyper:j uh-]r;hk)r<}r=(h2Uh<}r>(hB]r?hD]r@h@]rAh>]rBhF]rCuh4j/h-]rDhgX9Hyperlink target "getting-mathjax-svn" is not referenced.rErF}rG(h2Uh4j<ubah:houbah:j.ubj)rH}rI(h2Uh<}rJ(hB]rKUlevelrLKh>]rMh@]rNUsourcerOh8hD]rPhF]rQUlinerRKUtyperSj uh-]rThk)rU}rV(h2Uh<}rW(hB]rXhD]rYh@]rZh>]r[hF]r\uh4jHh-]r]hgX0Hyperlink target "subversion" is not referenced.r^r_}r`(h2Uh4jUubah:houbah:j.ubj)ra}rb(h2Uh<}rc(hB]rdUlevelreKh>]rfh@]rgUsourcerhh8hD]rihF]rjUlinerkKUtyperlj uh-]rmhk)rn}ro(h2Uh<}rp(hB]rqhD]rrh@]rsh>]rthF]ruuh4jah-]rvhgXBHyperlink target "sourceforge development page" is not referenced.rwrx}ry(h2Uh4jnubah:houbah:j.ubj)rz}r{(h2Uh<}r|(hB]r}Ulevelr~Kh>]rh@]rUsourcerh8hD]rhF]rUlinerKLUtyperj uh-]rhk)r}r(h2Uh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruh4jzh-]rhgX9Hyperlink target "getting-mathjax-zip" is not referenced.rr}r(h2Uh4jubah:houbah:j.ubj)r}r(h2Uh<}r(hB]rUlevelrKh>]rh@]rUsourcerh8hD]rhF]rUlinerKQUtyperj uh-]rhk)r}r(h2Uh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruh4jh-]rhgX;Hyperlink target "mathjax download page" is not referenced.rr}r(h2Uh4jubah:houbah:j.ubj)r}r(h2Uh<}r(hB]rUlevelrKh>]rh@]rUsourcerh8hD]rhF]rUlinerKQUtyperj uh-]rhk)r}r(h2Uh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruh4jh-]rhgX<Hyperlink target "sourceforge files page" is not referenced.rr}r(h2Uh4jubah:houbah:j.ubj)r}r(h2Uh<}r(hB]rUlevelrKh>]rh@]rUsourcerh8hD]rhF]rUlinerKxUtyperj uh-]rhk)r}r(h2Uh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruh4jh-]rhgX:Hyperlink target "cross-domain-linking" is not referenced.rr}r(h2Uh4jubah:houbah:j.ubj)r}r(h2Uh<}r(hB]rUlevelrKh>]rh@]rUsourcerh8hD]rhF]rUlinerKUtyperj uh-]rhk)r}r(h2Uh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]rh>]rhF]ruh4jh-]rhgX7Hyperlink target "apache web server" is not referenced.rr}r(h2Uh4jubah:houbah:j.ubj)r}r(h2Uh<}r(hB]rUlevelrKh>]rh@]rUsourcerh8hD]rhF]rUlinerKUtyperj uh-]rhk)r}r(h2Uh<}r(hB]rhD]rh@]r h>]r hF]r uh4jh-]r hgX6Hyperlink target "web-font linking" is not referenced.r r}r(h2Uh4jubah:houbah:j.ubeUreporterrNUid_startrKU autofootnotesr]rU citation_refsr}rUindirect_targetsr]rUsettingsr(cdocutils.frontend Values ror}r(Ufootnote_backlinksrKUrecord_dependenciesrNU rfc_base_urlrU tracebackr KUpep_referencesr!NUstrip_commentsr"NU toc_backlinksr#Uentryr$U language_coder%Uenr&U datestampr'NU report_levelr(KU _destinationr)NU halt_levelr*KU strip_classesr+Nh_NUerror_encoding_error_handlerr,Ubackslashreplacer-Udebugr.NUembed_stylesheetr/Uoutput_encoding_error_handlerr0Ustrictr1U sectnum_xformr2KUdump_transformsr3NU docinfo_xformr4KUwarning_streamr5NUpep_file_url_templater6Upep-%04dr7Uexit_status_levelr8KUconfigr9NUstrict_visitorr:NUcloak_email_addressesr;Utrim_footnote_reference_spacer<Uenvr=NUdump_pseudo_xmlr>NUexpose_internalsr?NUsectsubtitle_xformr@U source_linkrANUrfc_referencesrBNUoutput_encodingrCUutf-8rDU source_urlrENUinput_encodingrFU utf-8-sigrGU_disable_configrHNU id_prefixrIUU tab_widthrJKUerror_encodingrKUUTF-8rLU_sourcerMUV/Data/Code/JavaScript/MathJax/Code/SourceForge/trunk/mathjax/docs/rst/installation.rstrNU generatorrONUdump_internalsrPNU pep_base_urlrQU _config_filesrX]rYUfile_insertion_enabledrZKU raw_enabledr[KU dump_settingsr\NubUsymbol_footnote_startr]KUidsr^}r_(h jh)hh'hMh*hMh!jh,jh#hh(jh$hh%j\h"jhjNh&jhj2h+juUsubstitution_namesr`}rah:hJh<}rb(hB]rch>]rdh@]reUsourcerfh8hD]rghF]rhuU footnotesri]rjUrefidsrk}rl(h!]rmjah$]rnhah']roh0ah+]rpjauub.