require "spec_helper" require "lol" include Lol describe Client do subject { "foo" } describe "#new" do it "requires an API key argument" do expect { }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "accepts a region argument" do expect {"foo", :region => "na") }.not_to raise_error end it "defaults on EUW as a region" do expect(subject.region).to eq("euw") end end describe "#get" do it "calls HTTParty get" do expect(Client).to receive(:get).and_return(error_401) expect { subject.get "foo"}.to raise_error(InvalidAPIResponse) end it "handles 401" do expect(Client).to receive(:get).and_return(error_401) expect { subject.champion }.to raise_error(InvalidAPIResponse) end end describe "#champion" do it "defaults to v1.1" do expect(subject).to receive(:champion11) subject.champion end end describe "#champion11" do let(:client) { "foo" } subject do expect(client).to receive(:get).with(client.api_url("v1.1", "champion")).and_return(load_fixture("champion", "v1.1", "get")) client.champion11 end it "returns an array" do expect(subject).to be_a(Array) end it "returns an array of champions" do expect( {|e| e.class}.uniq).to eq([Champion]) end it "fetches champions from the API" do expect(subject.size).to eq(load_fixture("champion", "v1.1", "get")["champions"].size) end end describe '#game' do it 'requires a summoner id' do expect { }.to raise_error ArgumentError end it 'defaults to v1.1' do expect(subject).to receive(:game11).with 'foo' 'foo' end end describe '#game11' do let(:client) { 'foo' } subject do expect(Client).to receive(:get).with(client.api_url('v1.1', "game/by-summoner/1/recent")).and_return load_fixture('game', 'v1.1', 'get') client.game11 1 end it 'returns an array' do expect(subject).to be_a Array end it 'returns an array of Games' do expect( eq [Game] end it 'fetches games from the API' do expect(subject.size).to eq load_fixture('game', 'v1.1', 'get')['games'].size end end describe "#region" do it "returns current region" do expect(subject.region).to eq("euw") end it "can be set to a new region" do subject.region = "NA" expect(subject.region).to eq("NA") end end describe "#api_key" do it "returns an api key" do expect(subject.api_key).to eq("foo") end it "is read_only" do expect { subject.api_key = "bar" }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end end describe "api_url" do it "defaults on Client#region" do expect(subject.api_url("foo", "bar")).to match(/\/euw\//) end it "requires a version and a path" do expect { subject.api_url("foo") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "returns a full fledged api url" do expect(subject.api_url("foo", "bar")).to eq("") end it "has lol if url is v1.1" do expect(subject.api_url("v1.1", "foo")).to eq("") end it "does not have lol if url is v2.1 or greater" do expect(subject.api_url("v2.1", "foo")).to eq("") end end describe "league" do it "calls latest version of league" do expect(subject).to receive(:league21) subject.league("foo") end end describe "league21" do let(:client) { "foo" } subject do expect(client).to receive(:get).with(client.api_url("v2.1", "league/by-summoner/foo")).and_return(load_fixture("league", "v2.1", "get")) client.league21("foo") end it "returns an array of Leagues" do expect( eq([League]) end end end