# Customize the Show Page The show block is rendered within the context of the view and uses [Arbre](https://github.com/activeadmin/arbre) syntax. With the `show` block, you can render anything you want. ```ruby ActiveAdmin.register Post do show do h3 post.title div do simple_format post.body end end end ``` You can render a partial at any point: ```ruby ActiveAdmin.register Post do show do # renders app/views/admin/posts/_some_partial.html.erb render 'some_partial', { post: post } end end ``` If you'd like to keep the default AA look, you can use `attributes_table`: ```ruby ActiveAdmin.register Ad do show do attributes_table do row :title row :image do |ad| image_tag ad.image.url end end active_admin_comments end end ``` You can also customize the title of the object in the show screen: ```ruby show title: :name do # ... end ``` If you want a more data-dense page, you can combine a sidebar: ```ruby ActiveAdmin.register Book do show do panel "Table of Contents" do table_for book.chapters do column :number column :title column :page end end active_admin_comments end sidebar "Details", only: :show do attributes_table_for book do row :title row :author row :publisher row('Published?') { |b| status_tag b.published? } end end end ``` # Tabs You can arrange content in tabs as shown below: ```ruby ActiveAdmin.register Order do show do tabs do tab 'Overview' do attributes_table do row(:status) { status_tag(order.status) } row(:paid) { number_to_currency(order.amount_paid_in_dollars) } end end tab 'Payments' do table_for order.payments do column('Payment Type') { |p| p.payment_type.titleize } column('Received On', :created_at) column('Payment Details & Notes', :notes) column('Amount') { |p| number_to_currency(p.amount_in_dollars) } end end end end end ```