module UsesguidMigrations module ActiveRecordExtensions module ConnectionAdapters module SchemaStatements def self.included( base ) base.module_eval do alias_method_chain :create_table, :lfe_usesguid_migrations end end def create_table_with_lfe_usesguid_migrations( table_name, options={} ) table_definition = self ) #table_definition = self ) if options[:guid] == false table_definition.primary_key( options[:primary_key] || ActiveRecord::Base.get_primary_key( table_name ) ) unless options[:id] == false else table_definition.guid_primary_key( options[:primary_key] || ActiveRecord::Base.get_primary_key( table_name ) ) unless options[:id] == false end yield table_definition if options[:force] && table_exists?( table_name ) drop_table( table_name, options ) end create_sql = "CREATE#{' TEMPORARY' if options[:temporary]} TABLE " create_sql << "#{quote_table_name( table_name )} (" create_sql << table_definition.to_sql create_sql << ") #{options[:options]}" execute create_sql # TODO this needs to be different for each adapter unless table_name == "schema_migrations" unless options[:id] == false || options[:guid] == false execute "ALTER TABLE `#{table_name}` MODIFY COLUMN `#{table_definition.primary_key_name}` VARCHAR(22) BINARY CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin NOT NULL;" execute "ALTER TABLE `#{table_name}` ADD PRIMARY KEY (#{table_definition.primary_key_name})" end return if table_definition.associative_keys.nil? table_definition.associative_keys.each do |assoc| key = opts = assoc.options sql = "ALTER TABLE `#{table_name}` MODIFY COLUMN `#{key}` VARCHAR(#{opts[:limit] || 22}) BINARY CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin" if opts[:null] == false || opts[:null].nil? sql << " NOT NULL;" else sql << ";" end execute( sql ) end end end end end end end