== Simple email sending via WhatCounts HTTP API

This library allows you to send a message using the WhatCounts HTTP API. It uses the One-Off-Message 'send' method.

You need to have the proper credentials setup with WhatCounts, including an API key.

This library allows you to send data to the templates - first_name, last_name, etc. The template must be setup correctly on the WhatCounts
side to accept this data.

== Testing with curl

You may need to test your API key and parameters before using this library. The following curl command will do just that.
Make sure to substitute the correct values in place of the ?s

curl -vk -d pwd=? -d list_id=? -d cmd=send -d realm=? -d format=1 -d to=test@somewhere.com -d template_id=? -d data=first^Name https://secure.whatcounts.com/bin/api_web

== Using the library

The following parameters are needed by this library:


You can send a message using the following code:

  msg = API::WhatCounts::OneOffMessage.new(
    :pwd => 'your_api_key', 
    :list_id => ?, 
    :realm => 'your_realm', 
    :format => 1, 
    :to => 'test@somewhere.com', 
    :template_id => ?, 
    :data => {:first => 'Test'}
  => true
Note that you will need a valid list_id, realm, email address, and template_id

== Testing

To run the rspec tests, make sure you are in the what_counts directory and type 'spec -cfs spec/' - these tests do not hit the API directly, they use fixtures.