== rel-0.3.2 * FIXED: Error when trying to convert nil from hash (ticket #8) * FIXED: Got tests running inside a Rails app * UPDATED: Refactored BehaviourScriptConverter == rel-0.3.1 * FIXED: Issues with Rails edge have now been resolved. Have changed the UnobtrusiveJavascript module to UJS. This has one API change - use UJS::Routes in routes.rb * FIXED: Major issue when restarting server (server just hangs) due to serializing of behaviour scripts to the session. Objects are now converted to and from a hash before serializing to the session. All reports suggest that this has fixed the issue. Please raise a ticket if you get any more weird errors. * FIXED: remote_function was incorrectly quoting JS (ticket #3) * FIXED: :external => false now works for apply_behaviours (ticket #5) * FIXED: element.replace_html inside Ruby behaviour block wasn't working, this is now fixed (ticket #4) * FIXED: behaviours_url now works correctly when using mongrel url-prefix (ticket #6) * FIXED: Resolved some documentation issues == rel-0.3 * FIXED: Problems with rake:unobtrusive_javascript:install (ticket #12 on old trac) * FIXED: Problems with back button (result of caching feature) (ticket #10 on old trac) * Refactored a lot of the code and increased test coverage significantly * NEW: Out-of-the box caching using HTTP ETags and advanced behaviour caching * NEW: Apply multiple behaviours at once with apply_behaviours * NEW: Behaviour helpers to easily and unobtrusively apply scriptaculous effects * UPDATED: Updated lowpro.js library * UPDATED: Added :external option support to tag_options * NEW: :prevent_default option to cancel original event behaviour such as link following and form submission == rel-0.2.2 * FIXED: Change the way tag_options detects javascript events, using blank? instead of include? as some Rails helpers insert an empty onclick handler. == rel-0.2.1 * FIXED: Added an about.yml file - bad Luke - practice what you preach! * FIXED: Fixed the plugin in edge rails by explicitly requiring the controller file == rel-0.2 * UPDATED: register_js_behaviour has been renamed to apply_behaviour and now takes an optional options hash and a block, which allows you to write your behaviours in pure Ruby. register_js_behaviour remains as an alias for backwards compatibility but is officially deprecated; it will probably be removed in the next release. There are also aliases for the American spelling of behaviour for our friends on the other side of the pond. * NEW: You can now attach behaviours directly to elements using content_tag and tag by passing in javascript event handlers in the HTML options hash (:onclick, :onmousedown etc.) - they'll be extracted to the external behaviours file automatically. * UPDATED: The core Rails AJAX/Javascript helpers (link_to_remote, button_to_function, link_to_function, form_remote_tag etc.) now work out of the box. * NEW: There is no need to explicitly specify an HTML ID for the elements you want to attach behaviour to - if you don't, one will be generated automatically for you. * NEW: Options to render behaviour rules directly in your page inside script blocks instead of in the external behaviour file. * FIXED: Behaviours inside AJAX-loaded partials will now work. * UPDATED: event:Selectors and domReady javascript libraries are replaced with the lowPro.js library by Dan Webb * UPDATED: Javascript behaviours now have access to a single variable - event. To access the element the event was applied to, use this. * UPDATED: Behaviours can now cancel the default action by returning false as well as using Event.stop(event) * FIXED: The required javascript files will be copied to your public folder automatically on installation. There is also a rake task for copying files across when upgrading the plugin. * NEW: Lots more documentation!