#!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin combo_check.rb - Ruby/GTK sample script. Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Ruby-GNOME2 Project Team This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby-GNOME2. $Id: combo_check.rb,v 1.9 2006/06/17 13:18:12 mutoh Exp $ =end require "gtk3" window = Gtk::Window.new("entry") window.border_width = 0 window.signal_connect("destroy") do Gtk.main_quit end box1 = Gtk::Box.new(:vertical) window.add(box1) box2 = Gtk::Box.new(:vertical, 10) box2.border_width = 10 box1.pack_start(box2) entry = Gtk::Entry.new entry.text = "hello world" entry.set_editable(false) entry.select_region(0, -1) box2.pack_start(entry) ## Gtk::ComboBoxText is simpler than Gtk::ComboBox, but has less functions. ## Gtk::Combo has been deprecated. cb = Gtk::ComboBoxText.new(:entry => true) cb.append_text("item0") cb.append_text("item1 item1") cb.append_text("item2 item2 item2") cb.append_text("item3 item3 item3 item3") cb.append_text("item4 item4 item4 item4 item4") cb.append_text("item5 item5 item5 item5 item5 item5") cb.append_text("item6 item6 item6 item6 item6") cb.append_text("item7 item7 item7 item7") cb.append_text("item8 item8 item8") cb.append_text("item9 item9") cb.child.text = "hello world" cb.child.select_region(0, -1) cb.child.set_editable(false) box2.pack_start(cb, :expand => true, :fill => true, :padding => 0) check = Gtk::CheckButton.new("Editable") box2.pack_start(check, :expand => false, :fill => true, :padding => 0) check.signal_connect("toggled") do cb.child.set_editable(check.active?) entry.set_editable(check.active?) end check.set_state_flags(Gtk::StateFlags::NORMAL, true) ## Run this code to see all of GtkStateFlags ## # Gtk::StateFlags.constants.each do |i| # p i # end box1.pack_start(Gtk::Separator.new(:horizontal)) box2 = Gtk::Box.new(:vertical, 10) box2.border_width = 10 box1.pack_start(box2) button = Gtk::Button.new(:label => "close") button.signal_connect("clicked") do Gtk.main_quit end box2.pack_start(button) button.can_default = true button.grab_default window.show_all Gtk.main