import { join, resolve } from 'std/path/mod.ts' import { resolve as resolveFromImportMap } from 'import-maps/resolve' import { cache } from 'cache' import setup from './setup_plugin.js' const importKinds = ['import-statement', 'dynamic-import', 'require-call', 'import-rule'] export default setup('resolve', (build, options) => { const { runtimeDir, importMap } = options const cwd = build.initialOptions.absWorkingDir const runtimeCwdAlias = `${cwd}/proscenium-runtime` let bundled = false const env = Deno.env.get('RAILS_ENV') const isProd = env === 'production' return [ { // Filters for imports starting with `url:http://` or `url:https://`; returning the path // without the `url:` prefix, and a namespace of 'url` type: 'onResolve', filter: /^url:https?:\/\//, callback(args) { return { path: args.path.slice(4), namespace: 'url' } } }, { type: 'onResolve', filter: /.*/, namespace: 'url', callback(args) { if (!isBareModule(args.path)) { return { path: new URL(args.path, args.importer).toString(), namespace: 'url' } } } }, { type: 'onLoad', filter: /.*/, namespace: 'url', async callback(args) { const file = await cache(args.path) const contents = await Deno.readTextFile(file.path) return { contents } } }, { type: 'onResolve', filter: /.*/, async callback(args) { if (args.path.includes('?')) { const [path, query] = args.path.split('?') args.path = path args.suffix = `?${query}` args.queryParams = new URLSearchParams(query) } else if (options.cacheQueryString && options.cacheQueryString !== '') { args.suffix = `?${options.cacheQueryString}` } // Mark remote modules as external. If not css, then the path is prefixed with "url:", which // is then handled by the Url Middleware. if ( !args.importer.endsWith('.css') && (args.path.startsWith('http://') || args.path.startsWith('https://')) ) { return { path: `/url:${encodeURIComponent(args.path)}`, external: true } } // Rewrite the path to the actual runtime directory. if (args.path.startsWith(runtimeCwdAlias)) { return { path: join(runtimeDir, args.path.slice(runtimeCwdAlias.length)) } } // Everything else is unbundled. if (importKinds.includes(args.kind)) { return await unbundleImport(args) } } } ] // Resolve the given `params.path` to a path relative to the Rails root. // // Examples: // 'react' -> '/.../node_modules/react/index.js' // './my_module' -> '/.../app/my_module.js' // '/app/my_module' -> '/.../app/my_module.js' async function unbundleImport(params) { const result = { path: params.path, suffix: params.suffix } if (importMap) { let baseURL if (params.importer.startsWith('https://') || params.importer.startsWith('http://')) { baseURL = new URL(params.importer) } else { baseURL = new URL(params.importer.slice(cwd.length), 'file://') } const { matched, resolvedImport } = resolveFromImportMap(params.path, importMap, baseURL) if (matched) { if (resolvedImport.protocol === 'file:') { params.path = resolvedImport.pathname } else { if (params.importer.endsWith('.css')) { return { path: resolvedImport.href, external: true } } return { path: `/url:${encodeURIComponent(resolvedImport.href)}`, external: true } } } } // Absolute path - append to current working dir. if (params.path.startsWith('/')) { result.path = resolve(cwd, params.path.slice(1)) } const resOptions = { // If path is a bare module (node_modules), and resolveDir is the Proscenium runtime dir, or // is the current working dir, then use `cwd` as the `resolveDir`, otherwise pass it through // as is. This ensures that nested node_modules are resolved correctly. resolveDir: isBareModule(result.path) && (!params.resolveDir.startsWith(cwd) || params.resolveDir.startsWith(runtimeDir)) ? cwd : params.resolveDir, kind: params.kind, pluginData: { // We use this property later on, as we should ignore this resolution call. isResolvingPath: true } } // Resolve the path using esbuild's internal resolution. This allows us to import node packages // and extension-less paths without custom code, as esbuild with resolve them for us. const resolveResult = await build.resolve(result.path, resOptions) // Simple return the resolved result if we have an error. Usually happens when module is not // found. if (resolveResult.errors.length > 0) return resolveResult // If 'bundle-all' queryParam is defined, return the resolveResult. if (bundled || params.queryParams?.has('bundle-all')) { bundled = true return { ...resolveResult, suffix: '?bundle-all' } } // If 'bundle' queryParam is defined, return the resolveResult. if (params.queryParams?.has('bundle')) { return { ...resolveResult, suffix: '?bundle' } } if (resolveResult.path.startsWith(runtimeDir)) { result.path = '/proscenium-runtime' + resolveResult.path.slice(runtimeDir.length) } else if (!resolveResult.path.startsWith(cwd) && !isProd) { // Resolved path is not in the current working directory. It could be linked to a file outside // the CWD, or it's just invalid. If not in production, return as an outsideRoot namespaced, // and externally suffixed path. This lets the Rails Proscenium::Middleware::OutsideRoot // handle the import. return { ...resolveResult, namespace: 'outsideRoot', path: `${resolveResult.path}?outsideRoot`, external: true } } else { result.path = resolveResult.path.slice(cwd.length) } result.sideEffects = resolveResult.sideEffects if ( params.path.endsWith('.css') && params.kind === 'import-statement' && /\.jsx?$/.test(params.importer) ) { // We're importing a CSS file from JS(X). return { ...resolveResult, pluginData: { importedFromJs: true } } } else { result.external = true } if (result.suffix && result.suffix !== '') { result.path = `${result.path}${result.suffix}` } return result } }) function isBareModule(mod) { return !mod.startsWith('/') && !mod.startsWith('.') }