def calabash_scaffold if File.exists?(@features_dir) puts "A features directory already exists. Stopping..." #puts "Run calabash-android update for update instructions." exit 1 end msg("Question") do puts "I'm about to create a subdirectory called features." puts "features will contain all your calabash tests." puts "Please hit return to confirm that's what you want." end exit 2 unless STDIN.gets.chomp == '' FileUtils.cp_r(@source_dir, @features_dir) "#{@features_dir}/.irbrc", "." "#{@features_dir}/", "." msg("Info") do #TODO Jonas puts "features subdirectory created. \n" puts "Try executing \n\nDEVICE=iphone OS=ios5 cucumber" puts "\n (replace ios5 with ios4 if running iOS 4.x simulator.\nReplace iphone with ipad if running iPad simulator.).\n" end end