# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module TencentCloud module Irp module V20220805 # DescribeGoodsRecommend请求参数结构体 class DescribeGoodsRecommendRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param InstanceId: 实例ID,在控制台获取 # @type InstanceId: String # @param SceneId: 场景ID,在控制台创建场景后获取 # @type SceneId: String # @param UserId: 用户唯一ID,客户自定义用户ID,作为一个用户的唯一标识,需和行为数据上报接口中的UserId一致,否则影响特征关联 # @type UserId: String # @param UserIdList: 用户设备ID数组,可传入用户的多个类型ID,用于关联画像信息 # @type UserIdList: Array # @param GoodsCnt: 推荐返回数量,默认10个,最多支持50个的内容返回。如果有更多数量要求,<a href="https://console.cloud.tencent.com/workorder/category" target="_blank">提单</a>沟通解决 # @type GoodsCnt: Integer # @param CurrentGoodsId: 当场景是相关推荐时该值必填,场景是非相关推荐时该值无效 # @type CurrentGoodsId: String # @param UserPortraitInfo: 用户的实时特征信息,用作特征 # @type UserPortraitInfo: :class:`Tencentcloud::Irp.v20220805.models.UserPortraitInfo` # @param BlackGoodsList: 本次请求针对该用户需要过滤的物品列表(不超过100个) # @type BlackGoodsList: Array # @param Extension: json字符串,扩展字段 # @type Extension: String attr_accessor :InstanceId, :SceneId, :UserId, :UserIdList, :GoodsCnt, :CurrentGoodsId, :UserPortraitInfo, :BlackGoodsList, :Extension def initialize(instanceid=nil, sceneid=nil, userid=nil, useridlist=nil, goodscnt=nil, currentgoodsid=nil, userportraitinfo=nil, blackgoodslist=nil, extension=nil) @InstanceId = instanceid @SceneId = sceneid @UserId = userid @UserIdList = useridlist @GoodsCnt = goodscnt @CurrentGoodsId = currentgoodsid @UserPortraitInfo = userportraitinfo @BlackGoodsList = blackgoodslist @Extension = extension end def deserialize(params) @InstanceId = params['InstanceId'] @SceneId = params['SceneId'] @UserId = params['UserId'] unless params['UserIdList'].nil? @UserIdList = [] params['UserIdList'].each do |i| struseridinfo_tmp = StrUserIdInfo.new struseridinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @UserIdList << struseridinfo_tmp end end @GoodsCnt = params['GoodsCnt'] @CurrentGoodsId = params['CurrentGoodsId'] unless params['UserPortraitInfo'].nil? @UserPortraitInfo = UserPortraitInfo.new @UserPortraitInfo.deserialize(params['UserPortraitInfo']) end @BlackGoodsList = params['BlackGoodsList'] @Extension = params['Extension'] end end # DescribeGoodsRecommend返回参数结构体 class DescribeGoodsRecommendResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DataList: 推荐返回的商品信息列表 # @type DataList: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DataList, :RequestId def initialize(datalist=nil, requestid=nil) @DataList = datalist @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['DataList'].nil? @DataList = [] params['DataList'].each do |i| recgoodsdata_tmp = RecGoodsData.new recgoodsdata_tmp.deserialize(i) @DataList << recgoodsdata_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 不喜欢信息 class DislikeInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Type: 过滤的类别:<br>● author 作者名<br/>(如当前类型不满足,请<a href="https://console.cloud.tencent.com/workorder/category" target="_blank">提单</a>沟通解决方案) # @type Type: String # @param Value: Type对应字段名的值,如:需要过滤的作者名 # @type Value: String attr_accessor :Type, :Value def initialize(type=nil, value=nil) @Type = type @Value = value end def deserialize(params) @Type = params['Type'] @Value = params['Value'] end end # 信息流内容 class DocItem < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ItemId: 内容唯一id,建议限制在128字符以内 # @type ItemId: String # @param ItemType: 内容类型:<br/>● article -图文<br>● text -纯文本<br/>● video -视频<br/>● short_video -时长15秒以内的视频<br/>● mini_video -竖屏视频<br/>● image -纯图片<br/>(如当前类型不满足,请登录控制台进入对应项目,在<b>物料管理->物料类型管理</b>中添加) # @type ItemType: String # @param Status: 内容状态: # ● 1 - 上架 # ● 2 - 下架 # Status=2的内容不会在推荐结果中出现 # 需要下架内容时,把Status的值修改为2即可 # @type Status: Integer # @param PublishTimestamp: 内容生成时间,秒级时间戳(1639624786),需大于0,<b>用作特征和物料管理</b> # @type PublishTimestamp: Integer # @param ExpireTimestamp: 内容过期时间,秒级时间戳(1639624786),如未填,则默认PublishTimestamp往后延一年,用作特征,过期则不会被推荐,<b>强烈建议</b> # @type ExpireTimestamp: Integer # @param CategoryLevel: 类目层级数,例如3级类目,则填3,和CategoryPath字段的类数据匹配,<b>强烈建议</b> # @type CategoryLevel: Integer # @param CategoryPath: 类目路径,一级二级三级等依次用英文冒号联接,和CategoryLevel字段值匹配,如体育:“足球:巴塞罗那”。<b>用于物料池管理,强烈建议</b> # @type CategoryPath: String # @param Tags: 内容标签,多个标签用英文冒号联接,<b>用作特征,强烈建议</b> # @type Tags: String # @param Author: 作者名,需保证作者名唯一,若有重名需要加编号区分。<b>用于召回过滤、规则打散,强烈建议</b> # @type Author: String # @param SourceId: 内容来源类型,客户自定义,<b>用于物料池管理</b> # @type SourceId: String # @param Title: 内容标题,<b>主要用于语义分析</b> # @type Title: String # @param Content: 正文关键片段,建议控制在500字符以内,<b>主要用于语义分析</b> # @type Content: String # @param ContentUrl: 正文详情,主要用于语义分析,当内容过大时建议用ContentUrl传递,<b>与Content可二选一</b> # @type ContentUrl: String # @param VideoDuration: 视频时长,时间秒,大于等于0,小于 3600 * 10。<b>视频内容必填,其它内容非必填,用作特征</b> # @type VideoDuration: Integer # @param Country: 国家,ISO 3166-1 alpha-2编码,参考<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2" target="_blank">ISO 3166-1 alpha-2</a>,中国:“CN”,<b>用作特征</b> # @type Country: String # @param Province: 省份,ISO 3166-2行政区编码,如中国参考<a href="https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2:CN" target="_blank">ISO_3166-2:CN</a>,广东省:“CN-GD”,<b>用作特征</b> # @type Province: String # @param City: 城市地区,统一用国家最新标准地区行政编码,如:<a href="https://www.mca.gov.cn/article/sj/xzqh/2020/" target="_blank">2020年行政区编码</a>,其他国家统一用国际公认城市简称或者城市编码,<b>用作特征</b> # @type City: String # @param AuthorFans: 作者粉丝数,<b>用作特征</b> # @type AuthorFans: Integer # @param AuthorLevel: 作者评级,<b>用作特征</b> # @type AuthorLevel: String # @param CollectCnt: 内容累计收藏次数,<b>用作特征</b> # @type CollectCnt: Integer # @param PraiseCnt: 内容累积点赞次数,<b>用作特征</b> # @type PraiseCnt: Integer # @param CommentCnt: 内容累计评论次数,<b>用作特征</b> # @type CommentCnt: Integer # @param ShareCnt: 内容累计分享次数,<b>用作特征</b> # @type ShareCnt: Integer # @param RewardCnt: 内容累积打赏数,<b>用作特征</b> # @type RewardCnt: Integer # @param Score: 内容质量评分,<b>用作特征</b> # @type Score: Float # @param Extension: json字符串,<b>用于物料池管理的自定义扩展</b>,需要base64加密 # @type Extension: String attr_accessor :ItemId, :ItemType, :Status, :PublishTimestamp, :ExpireTimestamp, :CategoryLevel, :CategoryPath, :Tags, :Author, :SourceId, :Title, :Content, :ContentUrl, :VideoDuration, :Country, :Province, :City, :AuthorFans, :AuthorLevel, :CollectCnt, :PraiseCnt, :CommentCnt, :ShareCnt, :RewardCnt, :Score, :Extension def initialize(itemid=nil, itemtype=nil, status=nil, publishtimestamp=nil, expiretimestamp=nil, categorylevel=nil, categorypath=nil, tags=nil, author=nil, sourceid=nil, title=nil, content=nil, contenturl=nil, videoduration=nil, country=nil, province=nil, city=nil, authorfans=nil, authorlevel=nil, collectcnt=nil, praisecnt=nil, commentcnt=nil, sharecnt=nil, rewardcnt=nil, score=nil, extension=nil) @ItemId = itemid @ItemType = itemtype @Status = status @PublishTimestamp = publishtimestamp @ExpireTimestamp = expiretimestamp @CategoryLevel = categorylevel @CategoryPath = categorypath @Tags = tags @Author = author @SourceId = sourceid @Title = title @Content = content @ContentUrl = contenturl @VideoDuration = videoduration @Country = country @Province = province @City = city @AuthorFans = authorfans @AuthorLevel = authorlevel @CollectCnt = collectcnt @PraiseCnt = praisecnt @CommentCnt = commentcnt @ShareCnt = sharecnt @RewardCnt = rewardcnt @Score = score @Extension = extension end def deserialize(params) @ItemId = params['ItemId'] @ItemType = params['ItemType'] @Status = params['Status'] @PublishTimestamp = params['PublishTimestamp'] @ExpireTimestamp = params['ExpireTimestamp'] @CategoryLevel = params['CategoryLevel'] @CategoryPath = params['CategoryPath'] @Tags = params['Tags'] @Author = params['Author'] @SourceId = params['SourceId'] @Title = params['Title'] @Content = params['Content'] @ContentUrl = params['ContentUrl'] @VideoDuration = params['VideoDuration'] @Country = params['Country'] @Province = params['Province'] @City = params['City'] @AuthorFans = params['AuthorFans'] @AuthorLevel = params['AuthorLevel'] @CollectCnt = params['CollectCnt'] @PraiseCnt = params['PraiseCnt'] @CommentCnt = params['CommentCnt'] @ShareCnt = params['ShareCnt'] @RewardCnt = params['RewardCnt'] @Score = params['Score'] @Extension = params['Extension'] end end # 信息流行为 class FeedBehaviorInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param UserId: 用户唯一ID,客户自定义用户ID,作为一个用户的唯一标识 # @type UserId: String # @param ItemId: 内容唯一id # @type ItemId: String # @param BehaviorType: 行为类型:<br> ● expose - 曝光,<b>必须</b><br> ● click - 点击,<b>必须</b><br/> ● stay - 详情页停留时长,<b>强烈建议</b><br/> ● videoover - 视频播放时长,<b>强烈建议</b><br/> ● like - 点赞&喜欢,<b>正效果</b><br/> ● collect - 收藏,<b>正效果</b><br/> ● share - 转发&分享,<b>正效果</b><br/> ● reward - 打赏,<b>正效果</b><br/> ● unlike - 踩&不喜欢,<b>负效果</b><br/> ● comment - 评论<br/> 不支持的行为类型,可以映射到未被使用的其他行为类型。如实际业务数据中有私信行为,没有收藏行为,可以将私信行为映射到收藏行为 # @type BehaviorType: String # @param BehaviorValue: 行为类型对应的行为值:<br/> ● expose - 曝光,固定填1<br/> ● click - 点击,固定填1<br/> ● stay - 详情页停留时长,填停留秒数,取值[1-86400]<br/> ● videoover - 视频播放时长,填播放结束的秒数,取值[1-86400]<br/> ● like - 点赞&喜欢,固定填1<br/> ● collect - 收藏,固定填1<br/> ● share - 转发&分享,固定填1<br/> ● reward - 打赏,填打赏金额,没有则填1<br/> ● unlike - 踩&不喜欢,填不喜欢的原因,没有则填1<br/> ● comment - 评论,填评论内容,如“上海加油” # @type BehaviorValue: String # @param BehaviorTimestamp: 行为发生的时间戳: 秒级时间戳,尽量实时上报,最长不超过半小时否则会影响推荐结果的准确性 # @type BehaviorTimestamp: Integer # @param SceneId: 行为发生的场景ID,在控制台创建场景后获取 # @type SceneId: String # @param ItemTraceId: 推荐追踪ID,使用推荐结果中返回的ItemTraceId填入。 # 注意:如果和推荐结果中的ItemTraceId不同,会影响行为特征归因,影响推荐算法效果 # @type ItemTraceId: String # @param ItemType: 内容类型,跟内容上报类型一致,用于效果分析,不做内容校验,<b>强烈建议</b> # @type ItemType: String # @param ReferrerItemId: 相关推荐场景点击进入详情页的内容id,该字段用来注明行为发生于哪个内容的详情页推荐中,<b>相关推荐场景强烈建议</b> # @type ReferrerItemId: String # @param UserIdList: 用户设备ID数组,可传入用户的多个类型ID,详见UserIdInfo结构体,建议补齐,<b>用于构建用户画像信息</b> # @type UserIdList: Array # @param Source: 算法来源: <br>● business 业务自己的算法对照组<br/> ● tencent 腾讯算法<br/> ● other 其他算法<br/>默认为tencent,区分行为来源于哪个算法,<b>用于Poc阶段的效果对比验证</b> # @type Source: String # @param Country: 行为发生时的国家,ISO 3166-1 alpha-2编码,参考<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2" target="_blank">ISO 3166-1 alpha-2</a>,中国:“CN”,<b>用作特征</b> # @type Country: String # @param Province: 行为发生时的省份,ISO 3166-2行政区编码,如中国参考<a href="https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2:CN" target="_blank">ISO_3166-2:CN</a>,广东省:“CN-GD”,<b>用作特征</b> # @type Province: String # @param City: 行为发生时的城市地区,统一用国家最新标准地区行政编码,如:<a href="https://www.mca.gov.cn/article/sj/xzqh/2020/" target="_blank">2020年行政区编码</a>,其他国家统一用国际公认城市简称或者城市编码,<b>用作特征</b> # @type City: String # @param IP: 行为发生时的客户端ip,<b>用作特征</b> # @type IP: String # @param Network: 行为发生时的客户端网络类型,<b>用作特征</b> # @type Network: String # @param Platform: 行为发生时的客户端平台,ios/android/h5,<b>用作特征</b> # @type Platform: String # @param AppVersion: 行为发生时的客户端app版本,<b>用作特征</b> # @type AppVersion: String # @param OsVersion: 行为发生时的操作系统版本,<b>用作特征</b> # @type OsVersion: String # @param DeviceModel: 行为发生时的机型,<b>用作特征</b> # @type DeviceModel: String # @param Extension: json字符串,<b>用于行为数据的扩展</b>,需要base64加密 # @type Extension: String attr_accessor :UserId, :ItemId, :BehaviorType, :BehaviorValue, :BehaviorTimestamp, :SceneId, :ItemTraceId, :ItemType, :ReferrerItemId, :UserIdList, :Source, :Country, :Province, :City, :IP, :Network, :Platform, :AppVersion, :OsVersion, :DeviceModel, :Extension def initialize(userid=nil, itemid=nil, behaviortype=nil, behaviorvalue=nil, behaviortimestamp=nil, sceneid=nil, itemtraceid=nil, itemtype=nil, referreritemid=nil, useridlist=nil, source=nil, country=nil, province=nil, city=nil, ip=nil, network=nil, platform=nil, appversion=nil, osversion=nil, devicemodel=nil, extension=nil) @UserId = userid @ItemId = itemid @BehaviorType = behaviortype @BehaviorValue = behaviorvalue @BehaviorTimestamp = behaviortimestamp @SceneId = sceneid @ItemTraceId = itemtraceid @ItemType = itemtype @ReferrerItemId = referreritemid @UserIdList = useridlist @Source = source @Country = country @Province = province @City = city @IP = ip @Network = network @Platform = platform @AppVersion = appversion @OsVersion = osversion @DeviceModel = devicemodel @Extension = extension end def deserialize(params) @UserId = params['UserId'] @ItemId = params['ItemId'] @BehaviorType = params['BehaviorType'] @BehaviorValue = params['BehaviorValue'] @BehaviorTimestamp = params['BehaviorTimestamp'] @SceneId = params['SceneId'] @ItemTraceId = params['ItemTraceId'] @ItemType = params['ItemType'] @ReferrerItemId = params['ReferrerItemId'] unless params['UserIdList'].nil? @UserIdList = [] params['UserIdList'].each do |i| useridinfo_tmp = UserIdInfo.new useridinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @UserIdList << useridinfo_tmp end end @Source = params['Source'] @Country = params['Country'] @Province = params['Province'] @City = params['City'] @IP = params['IP'] @Network = params['Network'] @Platform = params['Platform'] @AppVersion = params['AppVersion'] @OsVersion = params['OsVersion'] @DeviceModel = params['DeviceModel'] @Extension = params['Extension'] end end # FeedRecommend请求参数结构体 class FeedRecommendRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param InstanceId: 实例ID,在控制台获取 # @type InstanceId: String # @param SceneId: 场景ID,在控制台创建场景后获取 # @type SceneId: String # @param UserId: 用户唯一ID,客户自定义用户ID,作为一个用户的唯一标识 # @type UserId: String # @param UserIdList: 用户设备ID数组,可传入用户的多个类型ID,用于关联画像信息 # @type UserIdList: Array # @param ItemCnt: 推荐返回数量,默认10个,最多支持50个的内容返回。如果有更多数量要求,<a href="https://console.cloud.tencent.com/workorder/category" target="_blank">提单</a>沟通解决 # @type ItemCnt: Integer # @param CurrentItemId: 当场景是相关推荐时该值必填,场景是非相关推荐时该值无效 # @type CurrentItemId: String attr_accessor :InstanceId, :SceneId, :UserId, :UserIdList, :ItemCnt, :CurrentItemId def initialize(instanceid=nil, sceneid=nil, userid=nil, useridlist=nil, itemcnt=nil, currentitemid=nil) @InstanceId = instanceid @SceneId = sceneid @UserId = userid @UserIdList = useridlist @ItemCnt = itemcnt @CurrentItemId = currentitemid end def deserialize(params) @InstanceId = params['InstanceId'] @SceneId = params['SceneId'] @UserId = params['UserId'] unless params['UserIdList'].nil? @UserIdList = [] params['UserIdList'].each do |i| useridinfo_tmp = UserIdInfo.new useridinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @UserIdList << useridinfo_tmp end end @ItemCnt = params['ItemCnt'] @CurrentItemId = params['CurrentItemId'] end end # FeedRecommend返回参数结构体 class FeedRecommendResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DataList: 推荐返回的内容信息列表 # @type DataList: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DataList, :RequestId def initialize(datalist=nil, requestid=nil) @DataList = datalist @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['DataList'].nil? @DataList = [] params['DataList'].each do |i| recitemdata_tmp = RecItemData.new recitemdata_tmp.deserialize(i) @DataList << recitemdata_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 信息流用户信息 class FeedUserInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param UserId: 用户唯一ID,客户自定义用户ID,作为一个用户的唯一标识 # @type UserId: String # @param UserIdList: 用户设备ID数组,可传入用户的多个类型ID,详见UserIdInfo结构体,建议补齐,<b>用于构建用户画像信息</b> # @type UserIdList: Array # @param Tags: 用户标签,多个标签用英文冒号联接,<b>用作特征,强烈建议</b> # @type Tags: String # @param DislikeInfoList: 过滤列表,<b>会在推荐结果里过滤掉这类内容</b> # @type DislikeInfoList: Array # @param Age: 用户年龄 # @type Age: Integer # @param Gender: 用户性别: 0 - 未知 1 - 男 2 - 女 # @type Gender: Integer # @param Degree: 用户学历 :小学,初中,高中,大专,本科,硕士,博士 # @type Degree: String # @param School: 用户毕业学校全称 # @type School: String # @param Occupation: 用户职业 # @type Occupation: String # @param Industry: 用户所属行业 # @type Industry: String # @param ResidentCountry: 用户常驻国家,ISO 3166-1 alpha-2编码,参考<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2" target="_blank">ISO 3166-1 alpha-2</a>,中国:“CN” # @type ResidentCountry: String # @param ResidentProvince: 用户常驻省份,ISO 3166-2行政区编码,如中国参考<a href="https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2:CN" target="_blank">ISO_3166-2:CN</a>,广东省:“CN-GD” # @type ResidentProvince: String # @param ResidentCity: 用户常驻城市,统一用国家最新标准地区行政编码,如:<a href="https://www.mca.gov.cn/article/sj/xzqh/2020/" target="_blank">2020年行政区编码</a>, # @type ResidentCity: String # @param RegisterTimestamp: 用户注册时间,秒级时间戳(1639624786) # @type RegisterTimestamp: Integer # @param MembershipLevel: 用户会员等级 # @type MembershipLevel: String # @param LastLoginTimestamp: 用户上一次登录时间,秒级时间戳(1639624786) # @type LastLoginTimestamp: Integer # @param LastLoginIp: 用户上一次登录的ip # @type LastLoginIp: String # @param LastModifyTimestamp: 用户信息的最后修改时间戳,秒级时间戳(1639624786) # @type LastModifyTimestamp: Integer # @param Extension: json字符串,用于画像数据的扩展,需要base64加密 # @type Extension: String attr_accessor :UserId, :UserIdList, :Tags, :DislikeInfoList, :Age, :Gender, :Degree, :School, :Occupation, :Industry, :ResidentCountry, :ResidentProvince, :ResidentCity, :RegisterTimestamp, :MembershipLevel, :LastLoginTimestamp, :LastLoginIp, :LastModifyTimestamp, :Extension def initialize(userid=nil, useridlist=nil, tags=nil, dislikeinfolist=nil, age=nil, gender=nil, degree=nil, school=nil, occupation=nil, industry=nil, residentcountry=nil, residentprovince=nil, residentcity=nil, registertimestamp=nil, membershiplevel=nil, lastlogintimestamp=nil, lastloginip=nil, lastmodifytimestamp=nil, extension=nil) @UserId = userid @UserIdList = useridlist @Tags = tags @DislikeInfoList = dislikeinfolist @Age = age @Gender = gender @Degree = degree @School = school @Occupation = occupation @Industry = industry @ResidentCountry = residentcountry @ResidentProvince = residentprovince @ResidentCity = residentcity @RegisterTimestamp = registertimestamp @MembershipLevel = membershiplevel @LastLoginTimestamp = lastlogintimestamp @LastLoginIp = lastloginip @LastModifyTimestamp = lastmodifytimestamp @Extension = extension end def deserialize(params) @UserId = params['UserId'] unless params['UserIdList'].nil? @UserIdList = [] params['UserIdList'].each do |i| useridinfo_tmp = UserIdInfo.new useridinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @UserIdList << useridinfo_tmp end end @Tags = params['Tags'] unless params['DislikeInfoList'].nil? @DislikeInfoList = [] params['DislikeInfoList'].each do |i| dislikeinfo_tmp = DislikeInfo.new dislikeinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @DislikeInfoList << dislikeinfo_tmp end end @Age = params['Age'] @Gender = params['Gender'] @Degree = params['Degree'] @School = params['School'] @Occupation = params['Occupation'] @Industry = params['Industry'] @ResidentCountry = params['ResidentCountry'] @ResidentProvince = params['ResidentProvince'] @ResidentCity = params['ResidentCity'] @RegisterTimestamp = params['RegisterTimestamp'] @MembershipLevel = params['MembershipLevel'] @LastLoginTimestamp = params['LastLoginTimestamp'] @LastLoginIp = params['LastLoginIp'] @LastModifyTimestamp = params['LastModifyTimestamp'] @Extension = params['Extension'] end end # 电商行为 class GoodsBehaviorInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param UserId: 用户唯一ID,客户自定义用户ID,作为一个用户的唯一标识 # @type UserId: String # @param GoodsId: 商品唯一ID,skuId或spuId,客户根据需求自行决定商品主键粒度 # @type GoodsId: String # @param BehaviorType: 行为类型:<br> ● expose - 曝光,<b>必须</b><br> ● click - 点击,<b>必须</b><br/> ● stay - 详情页停留时长,<b>强烈建议</b><br/> ● videoover - 视频播放时长,<b>强烈建议</b><br/> ● like - 点赞&喜欢,<b>正效果</b><br/> ● collect - 收藏,<b>正效果</b><br/> ● share - 转发&分享,<b>正效果</b><br/> ● reward - 打赏,<b>正效果</b><br/> ● unlike - 踩&不喜欢,<b>负效果</b><br/> ● comment - 评论<br/> ● order - 下单<br/> ● buy - 购买成功<br/> ● addcart - 加入购物车<br/> # 不支持的行为类型,可以映射到未被使用的其他行为类型。如实际业务数据中有私信行为,没有收藏行为,可以将私信行为映射到收藏行为 # @type BehaviorType: String # @param BehaviorValue: 行为类型对应的行为值:<br/> ● expose - 曝光,固定填1<br/> ● click - 点击,固定填1<br/> ● stay - 详情页停留时长,填停留秒数,取值[1-86400]<br/> ● videoover - 视频播放时长,填播放结束的秒数,取值[1-86400]<br/> ● like - 点赞&喜欢,固定填1<br/> ● collect - 收藏,固定填1<br/> ● share - 转发&分享,固定填1<br/> ● reward - 打赏,填打赏金额,没有则填1<br/> ● unlike - 踩&不喜欢,填不喜欢的原因,没有则填1<br/> ● comment - 评论,填评论内容,如“上海加油”<br/> ● order - 下单,固定填1<br/> ● buy - 购买成功,固定填1<br/> ● addcart - 加入购物车,固定填1 # @type BehaviorValue: String # @param BehaviorTimestamp: 行为发生的时间戳: 秒级时间戳,尽量实时上报,最长不超过半小时否则会影响推荐结果的准确性 # @type BehaviorTimestamp: Integer # @param SceneId: 行为发生的场景ID,在控制台创建场景后获取 # @type SceneId: String # @param Source: 算法来源: <br>● business 业务自己的算法对照组<br/> ● tencent 腾讯算法<br/> ● other 其他算法<br/>默认为tencent,区分行为来源于哪个算法,<b>用于Poc阶段的效果对比验证</b> # @type Source: String # @param Page: 标识行为发生在app内哪个页面,取值客户自定,可以是明文或id,建议传明文便于理解、分析,如首页,发现页,用户中心等 # <b>用作上下文特征,刻画不同场景用户行为分布的差异</b> # @type Page: String # @param Module: 标识行为发生在页面的哪一区块,取值客户自定,可以是明文或id,建议传明文便于理解、分析,如横幅、广告位、猜你喜欢等 # <b>用作上下文特征,刻画不同模块用户行为分布的差异</b> # @type Module: String # @param GoodsTraceId: 推荐追踪ID,使用推荐结果中返回的GoodsTraceId填入。 # 注意:如果和推荐结果中的GoodsTraceId不同,会影响行为特征归因,影响推荐算法效果。<b>强烈建议</b> # @type GoodsTraceId: String # @param ReferrerGoodsId: 相关推荐场景点击进入详情页的内容id,该字段用来注明行为发生于哪个内容的详情页推荐中,<b>相关推荐场景强烈建议</b> # @type ReferrerGoodsId: String # @param OrderGoodsCnt: 订单商品购买个数,当behaviorType=order,buy或addcart时有值,<b>用作特征</b> # @type OrderGoodsCnt: Integer # @param OrderAmount: 订单总金额,当behaviorType=order或buy时有值(单位:元,统一货币体系,如统一为RMB,美元等),<b>用作特征</b> # @type OrderAmount: Float # @param UserIdList: 用户设备ID数组,可传入用户的多个类型ID,详见UserIdInfo结构体,建议补齐,<b>用于构建用户画像信息</b> # @type UserIdList: Array # @param UserPortraitInfo: 行为发生时用户基础特征信息,<b>用作特征</b> # @type UserPortraitInfo: :class:`Tencentcloud::Irp.v20220805.models.UserPortraitInfo` # @param Position: 标识行为发生在模块内的具体位置,如1、2、... # <b>用作上下文特征,刻画不同位置用户行为分布的差异</b> # @type Position: Integer # @param Extension: json字符串,<b>用于行为数据的扩展</b> # @type Extension: String attr_accessor :UserId, :GoodsId, :BehaviorType, :BehaviorValue, :BehaviorTimestamp, :SceneId, :Source, :Page, :Module, :GoodsTraceId, :ReferrerGoodsId, :OrderGoodsCnt, :OrderAmount, :UserIdList, :UserPortraitInfo, :Position, :Extension def initialize(userid=nil, goodsid=nil, behaviortype=nil, behaviorvalue=nil, behaviortimestamp=nil, sceneid=nil, source=nil, page=nil, _module=nil, goodstraceid=nil, referrergoodsid=nil, ordergoodscnt=nil, orderamount=nil, useridlist=nil, userportraitinfo=nil, position=nil, extension=nil) @UserId = userid @GoodsId = goodsid @BehaviorType = behaviortype @BehaviorValue = behaviorvalue @BehaviorTimestamp = behaviortimestamp @SceneId = sceneid @Source = source @Page = page @Module = _module @GoodsTraceId = goodstraceid @ReferrerGoodsId = referrergoodsid @OrderGoodsCnt = ordergoodscnt @OrderAmount = orderamount @UserIdList = useridlist @UserPortraitInfo = userportraitinfo @Position = position @Extension = extension end def deserialize(params) @UserId = params['UserId'] @GoodsId = params['GoodsId'] @BehaviorType = params['BehaviorType'] @BehaviorValue = params['BehaviorValue'] @BehaviorTimestamp = params['BehaviorTimestamp'] @SceneId = params['SceneId'] @Source = params['Source'] @Page = params['Page'] @Module = params['Module'] @GoodsTraceId = params['GoodsTraceId'] @ReferrerGoodsId = params['ReferrerGoodsId'] @OrderGoodsCnt = params['OrderGoodsCnt'] @OrderAmount = params['OrderAmount'] unless params['UserIdList'].nil? @UserIdList = [] params['UserIdList'].each do |i| struseridinfo_tmp = StrUserIdInfo.new struseridinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @UserIdList << struseridinfo_tmp end end unless params['UserPortraitInfo'].nil? @UserPortraitInfo = UserPortraitInfo.new @UserPortraitInfo.deserialize(params['UserPortraitInfo']) end @Position = params['Position'] @Extension = params['Extension'] end end # 电商物料内容 class GoodsInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param GoodsId: 商品唯一ID,skuId或spuId,客户根据需求自行决定商品主键粒度。建议限制在128字符以内 # @type GoodsId: String # @param GoodsType: 商品物料展示类型:<br/>● article -图文<br>● text -纯文本<br/>● video -视频<br/>● short_video -时长15秒以内的视频<br/>● mini_video -竖屏视频<br/>● image -纯图片<br/>(如当前类型不满足,请<a href="https://console.cloud.tencent.com/workorder/category" target="_blank">提单</a>沟通解决方案) # @type GoodsType: String # @param Status: 商品状态: # ● 1 - 上架 # ● 2 - 下架 # Status=2的内容不会在推荐结果中出现 # 需要下架内容时,把Status的值修改为2即可 # @type Status: Integer # @param PublishTimestamp: 商品生成时间,秒级时间戳(1639624786),需大于0,<b>用作特征和物料管理</b> # @type PublishTimestamp: Integer # @param ExpireTimestamp: 商品过期时间,秒级时间戳(1639624786),如未填,则默认PublishTimestamp往后延一年,<b>用作特征</b>,过期则不会被推荐,<b>强烈建议</b> # @type ExpireTimestamp: Integer # @param SpuId: spu((Standard Product Unit))维度id,商品聚合信息的最小单位,<b>强烈建议</b> # @type SpuId: String # @param CategoryLevel: 类目层级数,例如3级类目,则填3,和CategoryPath字段的类数据匹配,<b>强烈建议</b> # @type CategoryLevel: Integer # @param CategoryPath: 类目路径,一级二级三级等依次用英文冒号联接,和CategoryLevel字段值匹配,如体育:“女装:裙子:半身裙”。<b>用于物料池管理,强烈建议</b> # @type CategoryPath: String # @param Title: 商品标题,<b>主要用于语义分析</b>,<b>强烈建议</b> # @type Title: String # @param Tags: 商品标签,多个标签用英文冒号联接,<b>用作特征,强烈建议</b> # @type Tags: String # @param Brand: 商品对应的品牌,取值用户自定义,可以是品牌id或品牌明文,<b>用作特征以及打散/过滤规则,强烈建议</b> # @type Brand: String # @param ShopId: 商品所属店铺ID,取值客户自定义,<b>用作特征,强烈建议</b> # @type ShopId: String # @param OrgPrice: 商品原始价格(单位:元,统一货币体系,如统一为RMB或美元等),<b>用作特征,强烈建议</b> # @type OrgPrice: Float # @param CurPrice: 商品当前价格(单位:元,统一货币体系,如统一为RMB或美元等),<b>用作特征,强烈建议</b> # @type CurPrice: Float # @param SourceId: 商品来源类型,客户自定义,<b>用于物料池管理</b> # @type SourceId: String # @param Content: 商品正文关键片段,建议控制在500字符以内,<b>主要用于语义分析</b> # @type Content: String # @param ContentUrl: 商品正文详情,主要用于语义分析,当内容过大时建议用ContentUrl传递,<b>与Content可二选一</b> # @type ContentUrl: String # @param PicUrlList: 商品封面url,不超过10个,<b>用作特征</b> # @type PicUrlList: Array # @param Country: 卖家所在国家,ISO 3166-1 alpha-2编码,参考<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2" target="_blank">ISO 3166-1 alpha-2</a>,中国:“CN”,<b>用作特征</b> # @type Country: String # @param Province: 卖家所在省份,ISO 3166-2行政区编码,如中国参考<a href="https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2:CN" target="_blank">ISO_3166-2:CN</a>,广东省:“CN-GD”,<b>用作特征</b> # @type Province: String # @param City: 卖家所在城市地区,统一用国家最新标准地区行政编码,如:<a href="https://www.mca.gov.cn/article/sj/xzqh/2020/" target="_blank">2020年行政区编码</a>,其他国家统一用国际公认城市简称或者城市编码,<b>用作特征</b> # @type City: String # @param FreeShipping: 商品是否包邮;1:包邮;2:不包邮;3:满足条件包邮,<b>用作特征</b> # @type FreeShipping: Integer # @param ShippingPrice: 商品邮费(单位:元,统一货币体系,如统一为RMB或美元等),<b>用作特征</b> # @type ShippingPrice: Float # @param PraiseCnt: 商品累计好评次数,<b>用作特征</b> # @type PraiseCnt: Integer # @param CommentCnt: 商品累计评论次数,<b>用作特征</b> # @type CommentCnt: Integer # @param ShareCnt: 商品累计分享次数,<b>用作特征</b> # @type ShareCnt: Integer # @param CollectCnt: 商品累计收藏次数,<b>用作特征</b> # @type CollectCnt: Integer # @param OrderCnt: 商品累积成交次数,<b>用作特征</b> # @type OrderCnt: Integer # @param Score: 商品平均客户评分,取值范围用户自定,<b>用作特征</b> # @type Score: Float # @param Extension: json字符串,<b>用于物料池管理的自定义扩展</b> # @type Extension: String attr_accessor :GoodsId, :GoodsType, :Status, :PublishTimestamp, :ExpireTimestamp, :SpuId, :CategoryLevel, :CategoryPath, :Title, :Tags, :Brand, :ShopId, :OrgPrice, :CurPrice, :SourceId, :Content, :ContentUrl, :PicUrlList, :Country, :Province, :City, :FreeShipping, :ShippingPrice, :PraiseCnt, :CommentCnt, :ShareCnt, :CollectCnt, :OrderCnt, :Score, :Extension def initialize(goodsid=nil, goodstype=nil, status=nil, publishtimestamp=nil, expiretimestamp=nil, spuid=nil, categorylevel=nil, categorypath=nil, title=nil, tags=nil, brand=nil, shopid=nil, orgprice=nil, curprice=nil, sourceid=nil, content=nil, contenturl=nil, picurllist=nil, country=nil, province=nil, city=nil, freeshipping=nil, shippingprice=nil, praisecnt=nil, commentcnt=nil, sharecnt=nil, collectcnt=nil, ordercnt=nil, score=nil, extension=nil) @GoodsId = goodsid @GoodsType = goodstype @Status = status @PublishTimestamp = publishtimestamp @ExpireTimestamp = expiretimestamp @SpuId = spuid @CategoryLevel = categorylevel @CategoryPath = categorypath @Title = title @Tags = tags @Brand = brand @ShopId = shopid @OrgPrice = orgprice @CurPrice = curprice @SourceId = sourceid @Content = content @ContentUrl = contenturl @PicUrlList = picurllist @Country = country @Province = province @City = city @FreeShipping = freeshipping @ShippingPrice = shippingprice @PraiseCnt = praisecnt @CommentCnt = commentcnt @ShareCnt = sharecnt @CollectCnt = collectcnt @OrderCnt = ordercnt @Score = score @Extension = extension end def deserialize(params) @GoodsId = params['GoodsId'] @GoodsType = params['GoodsType'] @Status = params['Status'] @PublishTimestamp = params['PublishTimestamp'] @ExpireTimestamp = params['ExpireTimestamp'] @SpuId = params['SpuId'] @CategoryLevel = params['CategoryLevel'] @CategoryPath = params['CategoryPath'] @Title = params['Title'] @Tags = params['Tags'] @Brand = params['Brand'] @ShopId = params['ShopId'] @OrgPrice = params['OrgPrice'] @CurPrice = params['CurPrice'] @SourceId = params['SourceId'] @Content = params['Content'] @ContentUrl = params['ContentUrl'] @PicUrlList = params['PicUrlList'] @Country = params['Country'] @Province = params['Province'] @City = params['City'] @FreeShipping = params['FreeShipping'] @ShippingPrice = params['ShippingPrice'] @PraiseCnt = params['PraiseCnt'] @CommentCnt = params['CommentCnt'] @ShareCnt = params['ShareCnt'] @CollectCnt = params['CollectCnt'] @OrderCnt = params['OrderCnt'] @Score = params['Score'] @Extension = params['Extension'] end end # 推荐返回的内容信息 class RecGoodsData < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param GoodsId: 推荐返回的商品ID # @type GoodsId: String # @param Score: 推荐结果分,取值范围[0,1000000] # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Score: Float # @param GoodsTraceId: 推荐追踪id,本次推荐内容产生的后续行为上报均要用该GoodsTraceId上报。每次接口调用返回的GoodsTraceId不同 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type GoodsTraceId: String # @param Position: 商品所在位置 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Position: Integer attr_accessor :GoodsId, :Score, :GoodsTraceId, :Position def initialize(goodsid=nil, score=nil, goodstraceid=nil, position=nil) @GoodsId = goodsid @Score = score @GoodsTraceId = goodstraceid @Position = position end def deserialize(params) @GoodsId = params['GoodsId'] @Score = params['Score'] @GoodsTraceId = params['GoodsTraceId'] @Position = params['Position'] end end # 推荐返回的内容信息 class RecItemData < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ItemId: 推荐的内容ID # @type ItemId: String # @param ItemType: 内容类型,同内容上报类型一致 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ItemType: String # @param ItemTraceId: 推荐追踪id,本次推荐内容产生的后续行为上报均要用该ItemTraceId上报。每次接口调用返回的ItemTraceId不同 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ItemTraceId: String # @param Score: 推荐预测分,分值越高被推荐的理由越充分,取值范围[0,1000000],用于做二次排序的参考 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Score: Float attr_accessor :ItemId, :ItemType, :ItemTraceId, :Score def initialize(itemid=nil, itemtype=nil, itemtraceid=nil, score=nil) @ItemId = itemid @ItemType = itemtype @ItemTraceId = itemtraceid @Score = score end def deserialize(params) @ItemId = params['ItemId'] @ItemType = params['ItemType'] @ItemTraceId = params['ItemTraceId'] @Score = params['Score'] end end # ReportFeedBehavior请求参数结构体 class ReportFeedBehaviorRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param InstanceId: 实例ID,在控制台获取 # @type InstanceId: String # @param FeedBehaviorList: 上报的行为数据数组,数量不超过50 # @type FeedBehaviorList: Array attr_accessor :InstanceId, :FeedBehaviorList def initialize(instanceid=nil, feedbehaviorlist=nil) @InstanceId = instanceid @FeedBehaviorList = feedbehaviorlist end def deserialize(params) @InstanceId = params['InstanceId'] unless params['FeedBehaviorList'].nil? @FeedBehaviorList = [] params['FeedBehaviorList'].each do |i| feedbehaviorinfo_tmp = FeedBehaviorInfo.new feedbehaviorinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @FeedBehaviorList << feedbehaviorinfo_tmp end end end end # ReportFeedBehavior返回参数结构体 class ReportFeedBehaviorResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # ReportFeedItem请求参数结构体 class ReportFeedItemRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param InstanceId: 实例ID,在控制台获取 # @type InstanceId: String # @param FeedItemList: 上报的信息流内容数组,一次数量不超过50 # @type FeedItemList: Array attr_accessor :InstanceId, :FeedItemList def initialize(instanceid=nil, feeditemlist=nil) @InstanceId = instanceid @FeedItemList = feeditemlist end def deserialize(params) @InstanceId = params['InstanceId'] unless params['FeedItemList'].nil? @FeedItemList = [] params['FeedItemList'].each do |i| docitem_tmp = DocItem.new docitem_tmp.deserialize(i) @FeedItemList << docitem_tmp end end end end # ReportFeedItem返回参数结构体 class ReportFeedItemResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # ReportFeedUser请求参数结构体 class ReportFeedUserRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param InstanceId: 实例ID,在控制台获取 # @type InstanceId: String # @param FeedUserList: 上报的用户信息数组,数量不超过50 # @type FeedUserList: Array attr_accessor :InstanceId, :FeedUserList def initialize(instanceid=nil, feeduserlist=nil) @InstanceId = instanceid @FeedUserList = feeduserlist end def deserialize(params) @InstanceId = params['InstanceId'] unless params['FeedUserList'].nil? @FeedUserList = [] params['FeedUserList'].each do |i| feeduserinfo_tmp = FeedUserInfo.new feeduserinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @FeedUserList << feeduserinfo_tmp end end end end # ReportFeedUser返回参数结构体 class ReportFeedUserResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # ReportGoodsBehavior请求参数结构体 class ReportGoodsBehaviorRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param InstanceId: 实例ID,在控制台获取 # @type InstanceId: String # @param GoodsBehaviorList: 上报的商品对应的用户行为数据数组,数量不超过50 # @type GoodsBehaviorList: Array attr_accessor :InstanceId, :GoodsBehaviorList def initialize(instanceid=nil, goodsbehaviorlist=nil) @InstanceId = instanceid @GoodsBehaviorList = goodsbehaviorlist end def deserialize(params) @InstanceId = params['InstanceId'] unless params['GoodsBehaviorList'].nil? @GoodsBehaviorList = [] params['GoodsBehaviorList'].each do |i| goodsbehaviorinfo_tmp = GoodsBehaviorInfo.new goodsbehaviorinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @GoodsBehaviorList << goodsbehaviorinfo_tmp end end end end # ReportGoodsBehavior返回参数结构体 class ReportGoodsBehaviorResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # ReportGoodsInfo请求参数结构体 class ReportGoodsInfoRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param InstanceId: 实例ID,在控制台获取 # @type InstanceId: String # @param GoodsList: 上报的商品数组,一次数量不超过50 # @type GoodsList: Array attr_accessor :InstanceId, :GoodsList def initialize(instanceid=nil, goodslist=nil) @InstanceId = instanceid @GoodsList = goodslist end def deserialize(params) @InstanceId = params['InstanceId'] unless params['GoodsList'].nil? @GoodsList = [] params['GoodsList'].each do |i| goodsinfo_tmp = GoodsInfo.new goodsinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @GoodsList << goodsinfo_tmp end end end end # ReportGoodsInfo返回参数结构体 class ReportGoodsInfoResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 用户信息 class StrUserIdInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel def initialize() end def deserialize(params) end end # 用户ID信息 class UserIdInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Type: 用户ID类型: <br/>● qq: qq号码 <br/>● qq_md5:qq的md5值 <br/>● imei:设备imei <br/>● imei_md5:imei的md5值 <br/>● idfa: Apple 向用户设备随机分配的设备标识符 <br/>● idfa_md5:idfa的md5值 <br/>● oaid:安卓10之后一种非永久性设备标识符 <br/>● oaid_md5:md5后的oaid <br/>● wx_openid:微信openid <br/>● qq_openid:QQ的openid <br/>● phone:电话号码 <br/>● phone_md5:md5后的电话号码 <br/>● phone_sha256:SHA256加密的手机号 <br/>● phone_sm3:国密SM3加密的手机号 <br/>(如当前类型不满足,请<a href="https://console.cloud.tencent.com/workorder/category" target="_blank">提单</a>沟通解决方案) # @type Type: String # @param Value: 用户ID值 # @type Value: String attr_accessor :Type, :Value def initialize(type=nil, value=nil) @Type = type @Value = value end def deserialize(params) @Type = params['Type'] @Value = params['Value'] end end # 用户基础画像 class UserPortraitInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel def initialize() end def deserialize(params) end end end end end