module ActionView #:nodoc: module Helpers # :nodoc: module SwfFuHelper # Returns a set of tags that display a Flash object within an # HTML page. # # Options: # * :id - the DOM +id+ of the flash +object+ element that is used to contain the Flash object; defaults to the name of the swf in +source+ # * :width, :height - the width & height of the Flash object. Defaults to "100%". These could also specified using :size # * :size - the size of the Flash object, in the form "400x300". # * :mode - Either :dynamic (default) or :static. Refer to SWFObject's doc[] # * :flashvars - a Hash of variables that are passed to the swf. Can also be a string like "foo=bar&hello=world" # * :parameters - a Hash of configuration parameters for the swf. See Adobe's doc[] # * :alt - HTML text that is displayed when the Flash player is not available. Defaults to a "Get Flash" image pointing to Adobe Flash's installation page. # * :flash_version - the version of the Flash player that is required (e.g. "7" (default) or "8.1.0") # * :auto_install - a swf file that will upgrade flash player if needed (defaults to "expressInstall" which was installed by swf_fu) # * :javascript_class - specify a javascript class (e.g. "MyFlash") for your flash object. The initialize method will be called when the flash object is ready. # * :initialize - arguments to pass to the initialization method of your javascript class. # * :div_id - the DOM +id+ of the containing div itself. Defaults to "#{option[:id]}"_div # def swf_tag(source, options={}, &block), options, self).generate(&block) end # For compatibility with the older FlashObject. # It modifies the given options before calling +swf_tag+. # See FLASH_OBJECT.rdoc def flashobject_tag_for_compatibility(source, options={}) options = options.reverse_merge( :auto_install => nil, :parameters => {:scale => "noscale"}, :variables => {:lzproxied => false}, :flash_id => "flashcontent_#{rand(1_100)}", :background_color => "#ffffff" ) { :variables => :flashvars, :flash_id => :id }.each{|from, to| options[to] ||= options.delete(from) } options[:parameters][:bgcolor] ||= options.delete(:background_color) swf_tag(source, options) end alias_method :flashobject_tag, :flashobject_tag_for_compatibility unless defined? flashobject_tag private DEFAULTS = { :width => "100%", :height => "100%", :flash_version => 7, :mode => :dynamic, :auto_install => "expressInstall", :alt => <<-"EOS".squeeze(" ").strip.freeze EOS }.freeze class Generator # :nodoc: VALID_MODES = [:static, :dynamic] def initialize(source, options, view) @view = view @source = view.swf_path(source) options = ActionView::Base.swf_default_options.merge(options) [:html_options, :parameters, :flashvars].each do |k| options[k] = convert_to_hash(options[k]).reverse_merge convert_to_hash(ActionView::Base.swf_default_options[k]) end options.reverse_merge!(DEFAULTS) options[:id] ||= source.gsub(/^.*\//, '').gsub(/\.swf$/,'') options[:div_id] ||= options[:id]+"_div" options[:width], options[:height] = options[:size].scan(/^(\d*%?)x(\d*%?)$/).first if options[:size] options[:auto_install] &&= @view.swf_path(options[:auto_install]) options[:flashvars][:id] ||= options[:id] @mode = options.delete(:mode) @options = options unless VALID_MODES.include? @mode raise ArgumentError, "options[:mode] should be either #{VALID_MODES.join(' or ')}" end end def generate(&block) if block_given? @options[:alt] = @view.capture(&block) if Rails::VERSION::STRING < "2.2" @view.concat(send(@mode), block.binding) else @view.concat(send(@mode)) end else send(@mode) end end private CONCAT = ActiveSupport.const_defined?(:SafeBuffer) ? :safe_concat : :concat def convert_to_hash(s) case s when Hash s when nil {} when String s.split("&").inject({}) do |h, kvp| key, value = kvp.split("=") h[key.to_sym] = CGI::unescape(value) h end else raise ArgumentError, "#{s} should be a Hash, a String or nil" end end def convert_to_string(h) do |key_value|{|val| CGI::escape(val.to_s)}.join("=") end.join("&") end def static param_list = @options[:parameters].map{|k,v| %() }.join("\n") param_list += %(\n) unless @options[:flashvars].empty? html_options = @options[:html_options].map{|k,v| %(#{k}="#{v}")}.join(" ") r = @view.javascript_tag( %(swfobject.registerObject("#{@options[:id]}_container", "#{@options[:flash_version]}", #{@options[:auto_install].to_json});) ) r.send CONCAT, <<-"EOS".strip
EOS r << @view.javascript_tag(extend_js) if @options[:javascript_class] r.send CONCAT, library_check r end def dynamic @options[:html_options] = @options[:html_options].merge(:id => @options[:id]) @options[:parameters] = @options[:parameters].dup # don't modify the original parameters args = (([@source] + @options.values_at(:div_id,:width,:height,:flash_version)).map(&:to_s) + @options.values_at(:auto_install,:flashvars,:parameters,:html_options) ).map(&:to_json).join(",") preambule = @options[:switch_off_auto_hide_show] ? "swfobject.switchOffAutoHideShow();" : "" r = @view.javascript_tag(preambule + "swfobject.embedSWF(#{args})") r.send CONCAT, <<-"EOS".strip