require "spec_helper" require "httpi" describe HTTPI do let(:client) { HTTPI } let(:default_adapter) { HTTPI::Adapter.find HTTPI::Adapter.use } let(:curb) { HTTPI::Adapter.find :curb } describe ".get(request)" do it "should execute an HTTP GET request using the default adapter" do request = default_adapter.any_instance.expects(:get).with(request) client.get request end end describe ".get(request, adapter)" do it "should execute an HTTP GET request using the given adapter" do request = curb.any_instance.expects(:get).with(request) client.get request, :curb end end describe ".get(url)" do it "should execute an HTTP GET request using the default adapter" do HTTPI::Request.any_instance.expects(:url=).with("") default_adapter.any_instance.expects(:get).with(instance_of(HTTPI::Request)) client.get "" end end describe ".get(url, adapter)" do it "should execute an HTTP GET request using the given adapter" do HTTPI::Request.any_instance.expects(:url=).with("") curb.any_instance.expects(:get).with(instance_of(HTTPI::Request)) client.get "", :curb end end describe ".get" do context "(with a block)" do it "should yield the HTTP client instance used for the request" do client.get "" do |http| http.should be_an(HTTPClient) end end end it "should raise an ArgumentError in case of an invalid adapter" do lambda { client.get, :invalid }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise an ArgumentError in case of an invalid URL" do lambda { client.get "invalid" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe ".post(request)" do it "should execute an HTTP POST request using the default adapter" do request = default_adapter.any_instance.expects(:post).with(request) request end end describe ".post(request, adapter)" do it "should execute an HTTP POST request using the given adapter" do request = curb.any_instance.expects(:post).with(request) request, :curb end end describe ".post(url, body)" do it "should execute an HTTP POST request using the default adapter" do HTTPI::Request.any_instance.expects(:url=).with("") HTTPI::Request.any_instance.expects(:body=).with("xml") default_adapter.any_instance.expects(:post).with(instance_of(HTTPI::Request)) "", "xml" end end describe ".post(url, body, adapter)" do it "should execute an HTTP POST request using the given adapter" do HTTPI::Request.any_instance.expects(:url=).with("") HTTPI::Request.any_instance.expects(:body=).with("xml") curb.any_instance.expects(:post).with(instance_of(HTTPI::Request)) "", "xml", :curb end end describe ".post" do context "(with a block)" do it "should yield the HTTP client instance used for the request" do client.get "", :curb do |http| http.should be_a(Curl::Easy) end end end it "should raise an ArgumentError in case of an invalid adapter" do lambda {, :invalid }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise an ArgumentError in case of an invalid URL" do lambda { "invalid" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end