=== Version -0.3.1 / 2011-09-08
* Enhancements
  * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.3.3

=== Version 0.3.0 / 2011-09-04
* Enhancements
  * Changed namespace for selenium and watir to include webdriver
  * Support for locating the following elements when nested
    * Link
    * Button
    * TextField
    * HiddenField
    * TextArea
    * SelectList
    * Checkbox
    * RadioButton
    * Div
    * Span
    * Table
    * TableCell
    * Image
    * Form
    * OrderedList
    * UnorderedList
    * ListItem
  * Added #modal_dialog to PageObject to override the default modal dialog behavior
  * Changed element keys to include _webdriver
  * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.5.0

=== Version 0.2.5 / 2011-08-19
* Enhancements
  * #attach_to_window takes an optional block - will return to calling window after block executes
  * Added the following instance methods to PageObject via ElementLocators
    * #button_element
    * #text_field_element
    * #hidden_field_element
    * #text_area_element
    * #select_list_element
    * #link_element
    * #checkbox_element
    * #radio_button_element
    * #div_element
    * #span_element
    * #table_element
    * #cell_element
    * #image_element
    * #form_element
    * #list_item_element
    * #unordered_list_element
    * #ordered_list_element
  * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.4.0
  * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.3.2

=== Version 0.2.4 / 2011-08-08
* Enhancements
  * Can now find span by :text
  * Can now find button by :value
  * Added #forward and #back methods to PageObject
  * Added #right_click and #double_click methods to Element
  * Added #value= to TextField and TextArea
  * Added #select to SelectList
  * Added #check, #uncheck, and #checked? to CheckBox
  * Added #select, #clear, and #selected? to RadioButton
  * Can properly pass blocks to all accessor methods
  * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.3.0

=== Version 0.2.3 / 2011-08-01
* Enhancements
  * Can now find a TableCell by its' text
  * If we receive an error calling #attach_to_window, wait one second and try again
  * Will call callback method #initialize_page method if it exists on a page object
  * Renamed all *_<element_type> methods to *_element.  Created alias for backward compatibility
  * Delegating unknown method calls on Element to the driver element object
  * Improved block handling when passed to element creation method
  * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.3.2

=== Version 0.2.2 / 2011-07-31
* Enhancements
  * Can find frame by name
  * Added #clear method to Element
  * Removed #switch_to_from from PageObject
  * Added #in_frame to Accessors to handle frame and iframe access
* Fixes
  * Clearing value from text_field before setting value on Selenium

=== Version 0.2.1 / 2011-07-29
* Enhancements
  * Added ability to locate div by the contained text
  * Added #attach_to_window so a page object and operate on another window
  * Added #switch_to_frame to allow one to switch to a frame
  * Added #send_keys to PageObject::Elements::Element
  * Added #refresh to page object
  * Work toward making drivers pluggable
  * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.2.0
  * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.2.8

=== Version 0.2 / 2011-07-24
* Enhancements
  * Async handling
    * Added #wait_until to page object to support async events at page level
    * Added the following methods to PageObject::Elements::Element
      * #when_present
      * #when_visible
      * #when_not_visible
      * #wait_until
  * Handling popups
    * Added #alert to page object to override default alert popup behavior
    * Added #confirm to page object to override default confirm popup behavior
    * Added #prompt to page object to override default prompt popup behavior
  * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.1.0

=== Version 0.1.1 / 2011-07-16
* Enhancements
  * Support for identifying hidden fields by text when using Selenium
  * Support for identifying links by href when using Selenium
  * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 2.0.1
  * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.2.6

=== Version 0.1 / 2011-07-01
* Enhancements
  * Support for using multiple identifiers when locating the following element:
    * Link
    * TextField
    * HiddenField
    * TextArea
    * SelectList
    * CheckBox
    * RadioButton
    * Button
    * Div
    * Span
    * Table
    * TableCell
    * Image
    * Form
    * ListItem
    * UnorderedList
    * OrderedList
  * Selenium support for using index for the following elements:
    * Link
    * TextField
    * HiddenField
    * TextArea
    * SelectList
    * CheckBox
    * RadioButton
    * Button
    * Div
    * Span
    * Table
    * Image
    * Form
    * ListItem
    * UnorderedList
    * OrderedList
  * Support name for identification across all elements in Watir
  * Added [] method to SelectList to index Options
  * Added options method to Select List
  * Added support for the following elements
    * Option
  * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 0.2.2
  * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.2.5

=== Version 0.0.5 / 2011-06-15
* Enhancements
  * Added rows method to Table to return number or rows
  * Added columns method to TableRow to return the number of columns
  * Table now supports Enumerable to iterate over the TableRows
  * TableRow now supports Enumerable to iterate over TableCells
  * Added items method to UnorderedList to return number of ListItems
  * Added items method to OrderedList to return number of ListItems
  * UnorderedList now supports Enumerable to iterate over the ListItems
  * OrderedList now supports Enumerable to iterate over the ListItems
  * All element methods now take an optional block that can be executed passing a browser
  * Created PageFactory module to add factory methods to your step definitions
    * Thanks Alister Scott for the idea

=== Version 0.0.4 / 2011-06-13
* Enhancements
  * Added support for the following elements
    * hidden field
    * form
    * list item
    * unordered list
    * ordered list

=== Version 0.0.3 / 2011-06-02
* Enhancements
  * Added support for the following elements
    * span
    * image
  * Added the following methods to Element
    * value
    * ==
    * tag_name
    * attribute
    * click
  * Updated to use selenium-webdriver 0.2.1
  * Updated to use watir-webdriver 0.2.4

=== Version 0.0.2 / 2011-05-30
* Enhancements
  * Added support for the following elements
    * div
    * button
    * table
    * table row
    * table cell
  * Added text method to element

=== Version 0.0.1 / 2011-05-22
* Enhancements
  * Support for the following elements
    * check box
    * link
    * radio button
    * select list
    * text field
  * Support for the following page level functions
    * text
    * html
    * title