class SparkleFormation class Translation # Translation for Rackspace class Rackspace < Heat # Custom mapping for network interfaces # # @param value [Object] original property value # @param args [Hash] # @option args [Hash] :new_resource # @option args [Hash] :new_properties # @option args [Hash] :original_resource # @return [Array] name and new value def rackspace_server_network_interfaces_mapping(value, args = {}) networks = [value] do |item| {:uuid => item["NetworkInterfaceId"]} end ["networks", networks] end # Translate override to provide finalization of resources # # @return [TrueClass] def translate! super complete_launch_config_lb_setups true end # Update any launch configuration which define load balancers to # ensure they are attached to the correct resources when # multiple listeners (ports) have been defined resulting in # multiple isolated LB resources def complete_launch_config_lb_setups translated["resources"].find_all do |resource_name, resource| resource["type"] == "Rackspace::AutoScale::Group" end.each do |name, value| if lbs = value["properties"].delete("load_balancers") lbs.each do |lb_ref| lb_name = resource_name(lb_ref) lb_resource = translated["resources"][lb_name] vip_resources = translated["resources"].find_all do |k, v| k.match(/#{lb_name}Vip\d+/) && v["type"] == "Rackspace::Cloud::LoadBalancer" end value["properties"]["launchConfiguration"]["args"].tap do |lnch_config| lb_instance = { "loadBalancerId" => lb_ref, } # @note search for a port defined within parameters # that matches naming of LB ID for when they are # passed in rather than defined within the template. # Be sure to document this in user docs since it's # weird but needed if lb_resource lb_instance["port"] = lb_resource["cache_instance_port"] else key = parameters.keys.find_all do |k| if k.end_with?("Port") lb_ref.values.first.start_with?(k.sub("Instance", "").sub(/Port$/, "")) end end key = key.detect do |k| k.downcase.include?("instance") end || key.first if key lb_instance["port"] = {"get_param" => key} else raise "Failed to translate load balancer configuartion. No port found! (#{lb_ref})" end end lnch_config["loadBalancers"] = [lb_instance] vip_resources.each do |vip_name, vip_resource| lnch_config["loadBalancers"].push( "loadBalancerId" => { "Ref" => vip_name, }, "port" => vip_resource["cache_instance_port"], ) end end end end end translated["resources"].find_all do |resource_name, resource| resource["type"] == "Rackspace::Cloud::LoadBalancer" && !resource["properties"]["nodes"].empty? end.each do |resource_name, resource| resource["properties"]["nodes"].map! do |node_ref| { "addresses" => [ { "get_attr" => [ resource_name(node_ref), "accessIPv4", ], }, ], "port" => resource["cache_instance_port"], "condition" => "ENABLED", } end end translated["resources"].values.find_all do |resource| resource["type"] == "Rackspace::Cloud::LoadBalancer" end.each do |resource| resource.delete("cache_instance_port") end true end # Rackspace translation mapping MAP = Heat::MAP MAP[:resources]["AWS::EC2::Instance"][:name] = "Rackspace::Cloud::Server" MAP[:resources]["AWS::EC2::Instance"][:properties]["NetworkInterfaces"] = :rackspace_server_network_interfaces_mapping # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength MAP[:resources]["AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup"].tap do |asg| asg[:name] = "Rackspace::AutoScale::Group" asg[:finalizer] = :rackspace_asg_finalizer asg[:properties].tap do |props| props["MaxSize"] = "maxEntities" props["MinSize"] = "minEntities" props["LoadBalancerNames"] = "load_balancers" props["LaunchConfigurationName"] = :delete end end MAP[:resources]["AWS::EC2::Subnet"] = {}.tap do |subnet| subnet[:name] = "Rackspace::Cloud::Network" subnet[:finalizer] = :rackspace_subnet_finalizer subnet[:properties] = { "CidrBlock" => "cidr", } end MAP[:resources]["AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer"] = { :name => "Rackspace::Cloud::LoadBalancer", :finalizer => :rackspace_lb_finalizer, :properties => { "LoadBalancerName" => "name", "Instances" => "nodes", "Listeners" => "listeners", "HealthCheck" => "health_check", }, } # Attribute map for autoscaling group server properties RACKSPACE_ASG_SRV_MAP = { "imageRef" => "image", "flavorRef" => "flavor", "networks" => "networks", } # Finalizer for the rackspace load balancer resource. This # finalizer may generate new resources if the load balancer has # multiple listeners defined (rackspace implementation defines # multiple isolated resources sharing a common virtual IP) # # # @param resource_name [String] # @param new_resource [Hash] # @param old_resource [Hash] # @return [Object] # # @todo make virtualIp creation allow servnet/multiple? def rackspace_lb_finalizer(resource_name, new_resource, old_resource) listeners = new_resource["Properties"].delete("listeners") || [] source_listener = listeners.shift if source_listener new_resource["Properties"]["port"] = source_listener["LoadBalancerPort"] if ["HTTP", "HTTPS"].include?(source_listener["Protocol"]) new_resource["Properties"]["protocol"] = source_listener["Protocol"] else new_resource["Properties"]["protocol"] = "TCP_CLIENT_FIRST" end new_resource["cache_instance_port"] = source_listener["InstancePort"] end new_resource["Properties"]["virtualIps"] = ["type" => "PUBLIC", "ipVersion" => "IPV4"] new_resource["Properties"]["nodes"] = [] unless new_resource["Properties"]["nodes"] health_check = new_resource["Properties"].delete("health_check") health_check = nil if health_check new_resource["Properties"]["healthCheck"] = {}.tap do |check| check["timeout"] = health_check["Timeout"] check["attemptsBeforeDeactivation"] = health_check["UnhealthyThreshold"] check["delay"] = health_check["Interval"] check_target = dereference_processor(health_check["Target"]) check_args = check_target.split(":") check_type = check_args.shift if check_type == "HTTP" || check_type == "HTTPS" check["type"] = check_type check["path"] = check_args.last else check["type"] = "TCP_CLIENT_FIRST" end end end unless listeners.empty? listeners.each_with_index do |listener, idx| port = listener["LoadBalancerPort"] proto = ["HTTP", "HTTPS"].include?(listener["Protocol"]) ? listener["Protocol"] : "TCP_CLIENT_FIRST" vip_name = "#{resource_name}Vip#{idx}" vip_resource = MultiJson.load(MultiJson.dump(new_resource)) vip_resource["Properties"]["name"] = vip_name vip_resource["Properties"]["protocol"] = proto vip_resource["Properties"]["port"] = port vip_resource["Properties"]["virtualIps"] = [ "id" => { "get_attr" => [ resource_name, "virtualIps", 0, "id", ], }, ] vip_resource["cache_instance_port"] = listener["InstancePort"] translated["Resources"][vip_name] = vip_resource end end end # Finalizer for the rackspace autoscaling group resource. # Extracts metadata and maps into customized personality to # provide bootstraping some what similar to heat bootstrap. # # @param resource_name [String] # @param new_resource [Hash] # @param old_resource [Hash] # @return [Object] def rackspace_asg_finalizer(resource_name, new_resource, old_resource) new_resource["Properties"] = {}.tap do |properties| if lbs = new_resource["Properties"].delete("load_balancers") properties["load_balancers"] = lbs end properties["groupConfiguration"] = new_resource["Properties"].merge("name" => resource_name) properties["launchConfiguration"] = {}.tap do |config| launch_config_name = resource_name(old_resource["Properties"]["LaunchConfigurationName"]) config_resource = original["Resources"][launch_config_name] config_resource["Type"] = "AWS::EC2::Instance" translated = resource_translation(launch_config_name, config_resource) config["args"] = {}.tap do |lnch_args| lnch_args["server"] = {}.tap do |srv| srv["name"] = launch_config_name RACKSPACE_ASG_SRV_MAP.each do |k, v| srv[k] = translated["Properties"][v] end srv["personality"] = build_personality(config_resource) end end config["type"] = "launch_server" end end end # Finalizer for the rackspace network resource. Uses # resource name as label identifier. # # @param resource_name [String] # @param new_resource [Hash] # @param old_resource [Hash] # @return [Object] def rackspace_subnet_finalizer(resource_name, new_resource, old_resource) new_resource["Properties"]["label"] = resource_name end # Custom mapping for server user data. Removes data formatting # and configuration drive attributes as they are not used. # # @param value [Object] original property value # @param args [Hash] # @option args [Hash] :new_resource # @option args [Hash] :new_properties # @option args [Hash] :original_resource # @return [Array] name and new value def nova_server_user_data(value, args = {}) result = super args[:new_properties].delete(:user_data_format) args[:new_properties].delete(:config_drive) result end # Max chunk size for server personality files DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 950 # Max number of files to create (by default this is n-1 since we # require one of the files for injecting into cloud init) DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_CHUNKS = 4 # Build server personality structure # # @param resource [Hash] # @return [Hash] personality hash # @todo update chunking to use join! # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def build_personality(resource) max_chunk_size = options.fetch( :serialization_chunk_size, DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE ).to_i num_personality_files = options.fetch( :serialization_number_of_chunks, DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_CHUNKS ) init = resource["Metadata"]["AWS::CloudFormation::Init"] content = MultiJson.dump("AWS::CloudFormation::Init" => init) # Break out our content to extract items required during stack # execution (template functions, refs, and the like) raw_result = content.scan(/(?=(\{\s*"(Ref|Fn::[A-Za-z]+)"((?:[^{}]++|\{\g<3>\})++)\}))/).map(&:first) result = [].tap do |filtered| until raw_result.empty? item = raw_result.shift filtered.push(item) check_item = nil until raw_result.empty? || !item.include?(check_item = raw_result.shift) check_item = nil end if check_item && !item.include?(check_item) raw_result.unshift(check_item) end end end # Cycle through the result and format entries where required objects = do |string| # Format for load and make newlines happy string = string.strip.split( /\n(?=(?:[^"]*"[^"]*")*[^"]*\Z)/ ).join.gsub('\n', '\\\\\n') # Check for nested join and fix quotes if string.match(/^[^A-Za-z]+Fn::Join/) string.gsub!("\\\"", "\\\\\\\\\\\"") # HAHAHA ohai thar hairy yak! end MultiJson.load(string) end # Find and replace any found objects new_content = content.dup result_set = [] result.each_with_index do |str, i| cut_index = new_content.index(str) if cut_index result_set << new_content.slice!(0, cut_index) result_set << objects[i] new_content.slice!(0, str.size) else logger.warn "Failed to match: #{str}" end end # The result set is the final formatted content that # now needs to be split and assigned to files result_set << new_content unless new_content.empty? leftovers = "" # Determine optimal chuck sizing and check if viable calculated_chunk_size = (content.size.to_f / num_personality_files).ceil if calculated_chunk_size > max_chunk_size logger.error "ERROR: Unable to split personality files within defined bounds!" logger.error " Maximum chunk size: #{max_chunk_size.inspect}" logger.error " Maximum personality files: #{num_personality_files.inspect}" logger.error " Calculated chunk size: #{calculated_chunk_size}" logger.error "-> Content: #{content.inspect}" raise "Unable to split personality files within defined bounds" end # Do the split! chunk_size = calculated_chunk_size file_index = 0 parts = {}.tap do |files| until leftovers.empty? && result_set.empty? file_content = [] unless leftovers.empty? result_set.unshift leftovers leftovers = "" end item = nil # @todo need better way to determine length of objects since # function structures can severely bloat actual length until (cur_len = >= chunk_size || result_set.empty? to_cut = chunk_size - cur_len item = result_set.shift case item when String file_content << item.slice!(0, to_cut) else file_content << item end end leftovers = item if item.is_a?(String) && !item.empty? unless file_content.empty? if file_content.all? { |o| o.is_a?(String) } files["/etc/sprkl/#{file_index}.cfg"] = file_content.join else! do |cont| if cont.is_a?(Hash) ["\"", cont, "\""] else cont end end files["/etc/sprkl/#{file_index}.cfg"] = { "Fn::Join" => [ "", file_content.flatten, ], } end end file_index += 1 end end if parts.size > num_personality_files logger.warn "Failed to split files within defined range! (Max files: #{num_personality_files} " \ "Actual files: #{parts.size})" logger.warn "Appending to last file and hoping for the best!" parts = parts.to_a extras = parts.slice!(4, parts.length) tail_name, tail_contents = parts.pop parts = Hash[parts] parts[tail_name] = { "Fn::Join" => [ "",, ], } end parts["/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99_s.cfg"] = RUNNER parts end FN_MAPPING = { "Fn::GetAtt" => "get_attr", # 'Fn::Join' => 'list_join' # TODO: why is this not working? } FN_ATT_MAPPING = { "AWS::EC2::Instance" => { "PrivateDnsName" => "accessIPv4", # @todo - need srv net name for access via nets "PublicDnsName" => "accessIPv4", "PrivateIp" => "accessIPv4", # @todo - need srv net name for access via nets "PublicIp" => "accessIPv4", }, "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer" => { "DNSName" => "PublicIp", }, } # Metadata init runner RUNNER = <<-EOR #cloud-config runcmd: - wget -O /tmp/.z --tries=0 --retry-connrefused - chmod 755 /tmp/.z - /tmp/.z -meta-directory /etc/sprkl EOR end end end