require 'open-uri' require 'json' require 'date' require 'thor' module Sist02 module Cli class CiNii < Thor desc "cinii_articles NAID", "get cinii articles bibliography" def cinii_articles(naid) begin html = open("{naid}.json").read json = hash = json.parse["@graph"][0] title = hash["dc:title"][0]["@value"] creator_raw = hash["dc:creator"] creator = '' creator_raw.each do |item| creator += "#{item[0]["@value"]}, " end creator = creator.gsub(/\,\s$/, '') publication_name = hash["prism:publicationName"][0]["@value"] year = hash["dc:date"].match(/\d{4}/) volume = hash["prism:volume"] number = hash["prism:number"] start_p = hash["prism:startingPage"] end_p = hash["prism:endingPage"] result = "#{creator}. #{title}. #{publication_name}. #{year}, vol. #{volume}, no. #{number}, p. #{start_p}-#{end_p}." rescue => e result = e end puts result return result end desc "cinii_books NAID", "get cinii books bibliography" def cinii_books(ncid) begin html = open("{ncid}.json").read json = hash = json.parse["@graph"][0] title = hash["dc:title"][0]["@value"] publisher = hash["dc:publisher"][0] year = hash["dc:date"].match(/\d{4}/) edition = hash["prism:edition"] author_ary = hash["foaf:maker"].each do |item| author_ary << item["foaf:name"][0]["@value"].gsub(/(\s| |,)+/, '') end author = author_ary.join(", ") ris = open("{ncid}.ris").read pages = ris.match(/EP - ([a-z]*, )?\d+p/).to_s.gsub(/EP - /, '') pages = "ページ数不明" if pages == '' result = "#{author}. #{title}. #{edition}, #{publisher}, #{year}, #{pages}." unless edition == nil result = "#{author}. #{title}. #{publisher}, #{year}, #{pages}." if edition == nil # for bibliographic information that doesn't have edition display rescue => e result = e end puts result return result end end end end