# frozen_string_literal: true describe "Blacklight::Solr::Document" do class MockDocument include Blacklight::Solr::Document end module MockExtension def my_extension_method "my_extension_results" end end module MockSecondExtension def my_extension_method "override" end end context "Hashy methods" do it 'should create a doc with hashy methods' do doc = SolrDocument.new({'id'=>'SP2514N','inStock'=>true,'manu'=>'Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.','name'=>'Samsung SpinPoint P120 SP2514N - hard drive - 250 GB - ATA-133','popularity'=>6,'price'=>92.0,'sku'=>'SP2514N','timestamp'=>'2009-03-20T14:42:49.795Z','cat'=>['electronics','hard drive'],'spell'=>['Samsung SpinPoint P120 SP2514N - hard drive - 250 GB - ATA-133'],'features'=>['7200RPM, 8MB cache, IDE Ultra ATA-133','NoiseGuard, SilentSeek technology, Fluid Dynamic Bearing (FDB) motor']}) expect(doc.has?(:cat, /^elec/)).to eq true expect(doc.has?(:cat, 'elec')).not_to eq true expect(doc.has?(:cat, 'electronics')).to eq true expect(doc.fetch(:cat)).to eq ['electronics', 'hard drive'] expect(doc.fetch(:xyz, nil)).to be_nil expect(doc.fetch(:xyz, 'def')).to eq 'def' expect(doc.fetch(:xyz) { |el| 'def' }).to eq 'def' expect { doc.fetch(:xyz) }.to raise_exception(KeyError) end end context "Unique Key" do before(:each) do MockDocument.unique_key = 'my_unique_key' end after(:each) do MockDocument.unique_key = 'id' end it "should use a configuration-defined document unique key" do @document = MockDocument.new :id => 'asdf', :my_unique_key => '1234' expect(@document.id).to eq '1234' end end describe "Primary key" do before(:each) do MockDocument.unique_key = 'my_unique_key' end after(:each) do MockDocument.unique_key = 'id' end it "should be the same as the unique key" do expect(MockDocument.primary_key).to eq MockDocument.unique_key end end describe "#to_param" do it "should be a string" do @document = MockDocument.new :id => 1234 expect(@document.to_param).to eq '1234' end end context "Extendability" do before(:each) do #Clear extensions MockDocument.registered_extensions = [] end it "should let you register an extension" do MockDocument.use_extension(MockExtension) { |doc| true } expect(MockDocument.registered_extensions.find {|a| a[:module_obj] == MockExtension}).not_to be_nil end it "should let you register an extension with a nil condition proc" do MockDocument.use_extension(MockExtension) { |doc| true } expect(MockDocument.registered_extensions.find {|a| a[:module_obj] == MockExtension}).not_to be_nil end it "should apply an extension whose condition is met" do MockDocument.use_extension(MockExtension) {|doc| true} doc = MockDocument.new() expect(doc.methods.find {|name| name.to_s == "my_extension_method"}).not_to be_nil expect(doc.my_extension_method.to_s).to eq "my_extension_results" end it "should apply an extension based on a Solr field" do MockDocument.use_extension(MockExtension) {|doc| doc.key?(:required_key)} with_extension = MockDocument.new(:required_key => "value") expect(with_extension.my_extension_method.to_s).to eq "my_extension_results" without_extension = MockDocument.new(:other_key => "value") expect(without_extension.methods.find {|name| name.to_s == "my_extension_method"}).to be_nil end it "should not apply an extension whose condition is not met" do MockDocument.use_extension(MockExtension) {|doc| false} doc = MockDocument.new() expect(doc.methods.find {|name| name.to_s == "my_extension_method"}).to be_nil end it "should treat a nil condition as always applyable" do MockDocument.use_extension(MockExtension) doc = MockDocument.new() expect(doc.methods.find {|name | name.to_s =="my_extension_method"}).not_to be_nil expect(doc.my_extension_method).to eq "my_extension_results" end it "should let last extension applied override earlier extensions" do MockDocument.use_extension(MockExtension) MockDocument.use_extension(MockSecondExtension) expect(MockDocument.new().my_extension_method.to_s).to eq "override" end describe "extension_parameters class-level hash" do it "should provide an extension_parameters hash at the class level" do MockDocument.extension_parameters[:key] = "value" expect(MockDocument.extension_parameters[:key]).to eq "value" end it "extension_parameters should not be shared between classes" do class_one = Class.new do include Blacklight::Solr::Document end class_two = Class.new do include Blacklight::Solr::Document end class_one.extension_parameters[:key] = "class_one_value" class_two.extension_parameters[:key] = "class_two_value" expect(class_one.extension_parameters[:key]).to eq "class_one_value" end end end context "Will export as" do class MockDocument include Blacklight::Solr::Document def export_as_marc "fake_marc" end end it "reports it's exportable formats properly" do doc = MockDocument.new doc.will_export_as(:marc, "application/marc" ) expect(doc.export_formats).to have_key(:marc) expect(doc.export_formats[:marc][:content_type]).to eq "application/marc" end it "looks up content-type from Mime::Type if not given in arg" do doc = MockDocument.new doc.will_export_as(:html) expect(doc.export_formats).to have_key(:html) end context "format not registered with Mime::Type" do before(:all) do @doc = MockDocument.new @doc.will_export_as(:mock2, "application/mock2" ) # Mime::Type doesn't give us a good way to clean up our new # registration in an after, sorry. end it "registers format" do expect(defined?("Mime::MOCK2")).to be_truthy end it "registers as alias only" do expect(Mime::Type.lookup("application/mock2")).not_to equal Mime::Type.lookup_by_extension("mock2") end end it "export_as(:format) by calling export_as_format" do doc = MockDocument.new doc.will_export_as(:marc, "application/marc") expect(doc.export_as(:marc)).to eq "fake_marc" end it "should know if a document is exportable" do doc = MockDocument.new doc.will_export_as(:marc, "application/marc") expect(doc.exports_as?(:marc)).to be true end end context "to_semantic_fields" do class MockDocument include Blacklight::Solr::Document end before do MockDocument.field_semantics.merge!( title: ["title_field", "other_title"], author: "author_field", something: "something_field" ) @doc1 = MockDocument.new( "title_field" => "doc1 title", "other_title" => "doc1 title other", "something_field" => ["val1", "val2"], "not_in_list_field" => "weird stuff" ) end it "should return complete dictionary based on config'd fields" do expect(@doc1.to_semantic_values) .to eq title: ["doc1 title", "doc1 title other"], something: ["val1", "val2"] end it "should return empty array for a key without a value" do expect(@doc1.to_semantic_values[:author]).to be_empty expect(@doc1.to_semantic_values[:nonexistent_token]).to be_empty end it "should return an array even for a single-value field" do expect(@doc1.to_semantic_values[:title]).to be_kind_of(Array) end it "should return complete array for a multi-value field" do expect(@doc1.to_semantic_values[:something]).to eq ["val1", "val2"] end end context "highlighting" do before(:all) do @document = MockDocument.new({'id' => 'doc1', 'title_field' => 'doc1 title'}, {'highlighting' => { 'doc1' => { 'title_text' => ['doc 1']}, 'doc2' => { 'title_text' => ['doc 2']}}}) end describe "#has_highlight_field?" do it "should be true if the highlight field is in the solr response" do expect(@document).to have_highlight_field 'title_text' expect(@document).to have_highlight_field :title_text end it "should be false if the highlight field isn't in the solr response" do expect(@document).to_not have_highlight_field 'nonexisting_field' end end describe "#highlight_field" do it "should return a value" do expect(@document.highlight_field('title_text')).to include('doc 1') end it "should return a value that is html safe" do expect(@document.highlight_field('title_text').first).to be_html_safe end it "should return nil when the field doesn't exist" do expect(@document.highlight_field('nonexisting_field')).to be_nil end end end describe "#first" do it "should get the first value from a multi-valued field" do doc = SolrDocument.new :multi => ['a', 'b'] expect(doc.first :multi).to eq("a") end it "should get the value from a single-valued field" do doc = SolrDocument.new :single => 'a' expect(doc.first :single).to eq("a") end end end