/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright 2020 Couchbase, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include namespace couchbase::protocol { enum class client_opcode : uint8_t { get = 0x00, upsert = 0x01, insert = 0x02, replace = 0x03, remove = 0x04, increment = 0x05, decrement = 0x06, noop = 0x0a, version = 0x0b, append = 0x0e, prepend = 0x0f, stat = 0x10, verbosity = 0x1b, touch = 0x1c, get_and_touch = 0x1d, hello = 0x1f, sasl_list_mechs = 0x20, sasl_auth = 0x21, sasl_step = 0x22, get_all_vbucket_seqnos = 0x48, /** * Open connection * Sent by an external entity to a producer or a consumer to create a logical channel. */ dcp_open = 0x50, /** * Add Stream * Sent to the consumer to tell the consumer to initiate a stream request with the producer. */ dcp_add_stream = 0x51, /** * Close Stream * Sent to server controling an DCP stream to close the stream for a named vbucket as soon as possible. */ dcp_close_stream = 0x52, /** * Stream Request * Sent by the consumer side to the producer specifying that the consumer wants to create a vbucket stream */ dcp_stream_request = 0x53, /** * Failover Log Request * The Failover log request is used by the consumer to request all known failover ids a client may use to continue from. */ dcp_get_failover_log = 0x54, /** * Stream End * Sent to the consumer to indicate that the producer has no more messages to stream for the specified vbucket. */ dcp_stream_end = 0x55, /** * Snapshot Marker * Sent by the producer to tell the consumer that a new snapshot is being sent. */ dcp_snapshot_marker = 0x56, /** * Mutation * Tells the consumer that the message contains a key mutation. */ dcp_mutation = 0x57, /** * Deletion * Tells the consumer that the message contains a key deletion. */ dcp_deletion = 0x58, /** * Expiration * Tells the consumer that the message contains a key expiration */ dcp_expiration = 0x59, /** * Set VBucket State * The Set VBucket message is used during the VBucket takeover process to hand off ownership of a VBucket between two nodes */ dcp_set_vbucket_state = 0x5b, /** * No-Op * A No-Op message is sent by the Producer to the Consumer if the Producer has not sent any messages for a given interval of time */ dcp_noop = 0x5c, /** * Buffer Acknowledgement * Sent to by the Consumer to the Producer in order to inform the Producer that the Consumer has consumed some or all of the data the * the Producer has sent and that the Consumer is ready for more data */ dcp_buffer_acknowledgement = 0x5d, /** * Control * Sent by the Consumer to the Producer in order to configure connection settings. */ dcp_control = 0x5e, /** * System Event * Tells the consumer that the message contains a system event. */ dcp_system_event = 0x5f, dcp_prepare = 0x60, dcp_seqno_acknowledged = 0x61, dcp_commit = 0x62, dcp_abort = 0x63, /** * Seqno Advanced * Sent by the producer to tell the consumer that the vbucket seqno has advanced due to an event that the consumer is not subscribed * too. */ dcp_seqno_advanced = 0x64, /** * OSO Snapshot * Sent by the producer to tell the consumer that a Out of Sequence Order snapshot is to be transmitted or has now been completed. */ dcp_oso_snapshot = 0x65, get_replica = 0x83, list_buckets = 0x87, select_bucket = 0x89, observe_seqno = 0x91, observe = 0x92, evict_key = 0x93, get_and_lock = 0x94, unlock = 0x95, get_failover_log = 0x96, /** * Return the last closed checkpoint Id for a given VBucket. */ last_closed_checkpoint = 0x97, get_meta = 0xa0, upsert_with_meta = 0xa2, insert_with_meta = 0xa4, remove_with_meta = 0xa8, /** * Command to create a new checkpoint on a given vbucket by force */ create_checkpoint = 0xaa, /** * Command to wait for the checkpoint persistence */ checkpoint_persistence = 0xb1, /** * Command that returns meta data for typical memcached ops */ return_meta = 0xb2, get_random_key = 0xb6, /** * Command to wait for the dcp sequence number persistence */ seqno_persistence = 0xb7, /** * Command to get all keys */ get_keys = 0xb8, /** * Command to set collections manifest */ set_collections_manifest = 0xb9, /** * Command to get collections manifest */ get_collections_manifest = 0xba, /** * Command to get a collection ID */ get_collection_id = 0xbb, /** * Command to get a scope ID */ get_scope_id = 0xbc, subdoc_multi_lookup = 0xd0, subdoc_multi_mutation = 0xd1, get_cluster_config = 0xb5, get_error_map = 0xfe, invalid = 0xff, }; /** * subdocument opcodes are listed separately, because we are not going to implement/support single-op messages */ enum class subdoc_opcode : uint8_t { get_doc = 0x00, set_doc = 0x01, get = 0xc5, exists = 0xc6, dict_add = 0xc7, dict_upsert = 0xc8, remove = 0xc9, replace = 0xca, array_push_last = 0xcb, array_push_first = 0xcc, array_insert = 0xcd, array_add_unique = 0xce, counter = 0xcf, get_count = 0xd2, replace_body_with_xattr = 0xd3, }; constexpr inline bool is_valid_client_opcode(uint8_t code) { switch (static_cast(code)) { case client_opcode::get: case client_opcode::upsert: case client_opcode::insert: case client_opcode::replace: case client_opcode::remove: case client_opcode::hello: case client_opcode::sasl_list_mechs: case client_opcode::sasl_auth: case client_opcode::sasl_step: case client_opcode::select_bucket: case client_opcode::subdoc_multi_lookup: case client_opcode::subdoc_multi_mutation: case client_opcode::get_cluster_config: case client_opcode::get_error_map: case client_opcode::invalid: case client_opcode::get_collections_manifest: case client_opcode::touch: case client_opcode::observe: case client_opcode::get_and_lock: case client_opcode::unlock: case client_opcode::get_and_touch: case client_opcode::increment: case client_opcode::decrement: case client_opcode::get_collection_id: case client_opcode::noop: case client_opcode::version: case client_opcode::append: case client_opcode::prepend: case client_opcode::stat: case client_opcode::verbosity: case client_opcode::get_all_vbucket_seqnos: case client_opcode::dcp_open: case client_opcode::dcp_add_stream: case client_opcode::dcp_close_stream: case client_opcode::dcp_stream_request: case client_opcode::dcp_get_failover_log: case client_opcode::dcp_stream_end: case client_opcode::dcp_snapshot_marker: case client_opcode::dcp_mutation: case client_opcode::dcp_deletion: case client_opcode::dcp_expiration: case client_opcode::dcp_set_vbucket_state: case client_opcode::dcp_noop: case client_opcode::dcp_buffer_acknowledgement: case client_opcode::dcp_control: case client_opcode::dcp_system_event: case client_opcode::dcp_prepare: case client_opcode::dcp_seqno_acknowledged: case client_opcode::dcp_commit: case client_opcode::dcp_abort: case client_opcode::dcp_seqno_advanced: case client_opcode::dcp_oso_snapshot: case client_opcode::get_replica: case client_opcode::list_buckets: case client_opcode::observe_seqno: case client_opcode::evict_key: case client_opcode::get_failover_log: case client_opcode::last_closed_checkpoint: case client_opcode::get_meta: case client_opcode::upsert_with_meta: case client_opcode::insert_with_meta: case client_opcode::remove_with_meta: case client_opcode::create_checkpoint: case client_opcode::checkpoint_persistence: case client_opcode::return_meta: case client_opcode::get_random_key: case client_opcode::seqno_persistence: case client_opcode::get_keys: case client_opcode::set_collections_manifest: case client_opcode::get_scope_id: return true; } return false; } constexpr inline bool is_valid_subdoc_opcode(uint8_t code) { switch (static_cast(code)) { case subdoc_opcode::get: case subdoc_opcode::exists: case subdoc_opcode::dict_add: case subdoc_opcode::dict_upsert: case subdoc_opcode::remove: case subdoc_opcode::replace: case subdoc_opcode::array_push_last: case subdoc_opcode::array_push_first: case subdoc_opcode::array_insert: case subdoc_opcode::array_add_unique: case subdoc_opcode::counter: case subdoc_opcode::get_count: case subdoc_opcode::get_doc: case subdoc_opcode::set_doc: case subdoc_opcode::replace_body_with_xattr: return true; } return false; } } // namespace couchbase::protocol template<> struct fmt::formatter : formatter { template auto format(couchbase::protocol::client_opcode opcode, FormatContext& ctx) { string_view name = "unknown"; switch (opcode) { case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::get: name = "get (0x00)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::upsert: name = "upsert (0x01)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::insert: name = "insert (0x02)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::replace: name = "replace (0x03)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::remove: name = "remove (0x04)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::hello: name = "hello (0x1f)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::sasl_list_mechs: name = "sasl_list_mechs (0x20)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::sasl_auth: name = "sasl_auth (0x21)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::sasl_step: name = "sasl_step (0x22)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::select_bucket: name = "select_bucket (0x89)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::subdoc_multi_lookup: name = "subdoc_multi_lookup (0xd0)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::subdoc_multi_mutation: name = "subdoc_multi_mutation (0xd1)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::get_cluster_config: name = "get_cluster_config (0xb5)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::get_error_map: name = "get_error_map (0xfe)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::invalid: name = "invalid (0xff)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::get_collections_manifest: name = "get_collections_manifest (0xba)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::touch: name = "touch (0x1c)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::observe: name = "observe (0x92)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::get_and_lock: name = "get_and_lock (0x94)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::unlock: name = "unlock (0x95)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::get_and_touch: name = "get_and_touch (0x1d)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::increment: name = "increment (0x05)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::decrement: name = "decrement (0x06)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::get_collection_id: name = "get_collection_uid (0xbb)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::noop: name = "noop (0x0a)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::version: name = "version (0x0b)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::append: name = "append (0x0e)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::prepend: name = "prepend (0x0f)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::stat: name = "stat (0x10)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::verbosity: name = "verbosity (0x1b)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::get_all_vbucket_seqnos: name = "get_all_vbucket_seqnos (0x48)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_open: name = "dcp_open (0x50)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_add_stream: name = "dcp_add_stream (0x51)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_close_stream: name = "dcp_add_stream (0x52)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_stream_request: name = "dcp_stream_request (0x53)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_get_failover_log: name = "dcp_get_failover_log (0x54)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_stream_end: name = "dcp_stream_end (0x55)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_snapshot_marker: name = "dcp_snapshot_marker (0x56)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_mutation: name = "dcp_mutation (0x57)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_deletion: name = "dcp_deletion (0x58)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_expiration: name = "dcp_expiration (0x59)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_set_vbucket_state: name = "dcp_expiration (0x5b)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_noop: name = "dcp_noop (0x5c)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_buffer_acknowledgement: name = "dcp_buffer_acknowledgement (0x5d)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_control: name = "dcp_control (0x5e)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_system_event: name = "dcp_system_event (0x5f)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_prepare: name = "dcp_prepare (0x60)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_seqno_acknowledged: name = "dcp_seqno_acknowledged (0x61)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_commit: name = "dcp_commit (0x62)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_abort: name = "dcp_abort (0x63)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_seqno_advanced: name = "dcp_seqno_advanced (0x64)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::dcp_oso_snapshot: name = "dcp_oso_snapshot (0x65)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::get_replica: name = "dcp_get_replica (0x83)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::list_buckets: name = "list_buckets (0x87)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::observe_seqno: name = "observe_seqno (0x91)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::evict_key: name = "evict_key (0x93)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::get_failover_log: name = "get_failover_log (0x96)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::last_closed_checkpoint: name = "last_closed_checkpoint (0x97)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::get_meta: name = "get_meta (0xa0)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::upsert_with_meta: name = "upsert_with_meta (0xa2)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::insert_with_meta: name = "insert_with_meta (0xa4)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::remove_with_meta: name = "remove_with_meta (0xa8)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::create_checkpoint: name = "create_checkpoint (0xaa)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::checkpoint_persistence: name = "checkpoint_persistence (0xb1)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::return_meta: name = "return_meta (0xb2)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::get_random_key: name = "get_random_key (0xb6)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::seqno_persistence: name = "seqno_persistence (0xb7)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::get_keys: name = "get_keys (0xb8)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::set_collections_manifest: name = "set_collections_manifest (0xb9)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::client_opcode::get_scope_id: name = "get_scope_id (0xbc)"; break; } return formatter::format(name, ctx); } }; template<> struct fmt::formatter : formatter { template auto format(couchbase::protocol::subdoc_opcode opcode, FormatContext& ctx) { string_view name = "unknown"; switch (opcode) { case couchbase::protocol::subdoc_opcode::get: name = "get (0xc5)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::subdoc_opcode::exists: name = "exists (0xc6)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::subdoc_opcode::dict_add: name = "dict_add (0xc7)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::subdoc_opcode::dict_upsert: name = "dict_upsert (0xc8)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::subdoc_opcode::remove: name = "remove (0xc9)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::subdoc_opcode::replace: name = "replace (0xca)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::subdoc_opcode::array_push_last: name = "array_push_last (0xcb)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::subdoc_opcode::array_push_first: name = "array_push_first (0xcc)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::subdoc_opcode::array_insert: name = "array_insert (0xcd)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::subdoc_opcode::array_add_unique: name = "array_add_unique (0xce)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::subdoc_opcode::counter: name = "counter (0xcf)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::subdoc_opcode::get_count: name = "get_count (0xd2)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::subdoc_opcode::get_doc: name = "get_doc (0x00)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::subdoc_opcode::set_doc: name = "set_doc (0x01)"; break; case couchbase::protocol::subdoc_opcode::replace_body_with_xattr: name = "replace_body_with_xattr (0xd3)"; break; } return formatter::format(name, ctx); } };