module FunWith module Files module Utils module ByteSize "ideas" "format: %u - units (lowercase), %k - units (uppercase), %b - units (lower, with b), %B" " %3 - humanized value, three sigfigs, meaning that if it's under 10, you get '7.32'" " but if it's over 100, rounds to the nearest full number. 10-99, it goes" " down to the tenths prare" "or just give an example: 7.32 kb" # format: "your filesize is (%n.nn %u)" UNITS = { :B => 1, :KB => 1_000, :MB => 1_000_000, :GB => 1_000_000_000, :TB => 1_000_000_000_000, :PB => 1_000_000_000_000_000, :EB => 1_000_000_000_000_000_000, :ZB => 1_000_000_000_000_000_000_000 } UNIT_STANDARDIZERS = { "" => :B, "B" => :B, "b" => :B } for s in %w(K M G T P E Z KB MB GB TB PB EB ZB) unit_sym = s.length == 1 ? :"#{s}B" : :"#{s}" UNIT_STANDARDIZERS[s] = unit_sym UNIT_STANDARDIZERS[s.downcase] = unit_sym UNIT_STANDARDIZERS[s.to_sym] = unit_sym end def convert( expr, units = :B ) to_units( to_bytes( expr ), units ) end # Takes a string of the form "" # and returns the number of bytes represented. # See UNITS constant for valid constants def to_bytes( expr ) regexp = /^\s*(?\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*(?(k|m|g|t|p|z|)b?)\s*$/i if m = expr.upcase.match( regexp ) num = m[:num].to_f units = standardize_unit( m[:unit] ) # units = case units.length # when 0 # :B # when 1 # (units == "B" ? units : units + "B").to_sym # when 2 # units.to_sym # end debugger unless UNITS.has_key?(units) (num * UNITS[units]).to_i else raise "#{expr} is not in a format that to_bytes recognizes") end end # Looking for a human-friendly vibe more than accuracy. # At most one unit of post-decimal precision, and only # for small numbers. If the tenths place is a zero, # the trailing zero is dropped. def to_units( byte_count, unit ) num = byte_count.to_f / UNITS[standardize_unit(unit)] # the first comparison gets rid of leading zeros # the second comparison prevents the decimal from being printed # when it doesn't make a big difference if num == num.to_i || num >= 100 # 9.9k 10k num_str = num.to_i.to_s else num_str = sprintf( "%0.01f", num ) end num_str = num_str[0..-3] if num_str[-2..-1] == ".0" num_str + unit.to_s end def standardize_unit( unit ) # So the caller can add a space if desired, but ultimately it might be # better to offer more flexible formatting options. unit = unit.strip if unit.respond_to?(:strip) if UNIT_STANDARDIZERS.has_key?( unit ) UNIT_STANDARDIZERS[unit] else raise "ByteSize.to_units doesn't understand the unit #{unit.inspect}(unit.class)" ) end end def humanize_bytes( bytes ) return "?" unless bytes.is_a?( Integer ) && bytes >= 0 bytes = bytes.to_f if bytes > 1_000_000_000 exp = "G" amt = bytes / 1_000_000_000 elsif bytes > 1_000_000 exp = "M" amt = bytes / 1_000_000 elsif bytes > 1_000 exp = "K" amt = bytes / 1_000 else exp = "B" amt = bytes end if amt > 10 digits = 0 elsif amt > 1 digits = 1 end sprintf( "%0.#{digits}f", amt ) + exp end # returns a string of numbers, representing the float # d - number of figures after the zero (max) def limited_precision_value( f, d ) # 4, 1234.5 -> 1234 # 4, 123.45 -> 123.4 # 4, 12.3423 -> 12.34 # 4, 0.0001 -> 0.0001 -> - 1234.5, 123.45, 12.345, 1.2345 0.1234 0.0123 # 2 - 1234, 123, 12.3, 1.23, 0.12, 0.01 # 1 - 12.3, 12, 1 # 0 - 12, 1, 0 # # # # # end end end end end