module AssMaintainer class InfoBase module ServerIb module EnterpriseServers # @api private # Mixins module Support # Mixin for redirect +method_missing+ to +ole+ object module SendToOle def method_missing(m, *args) ole.send m, *args end end # Ole runtime mixin module OleRuntime require 'ass_ole' # Close connection with 1C:Enterprise server def disconnect runtime_stop end # True if connected def connected? respond_to?(:ole_runtime_get) && ole_runtime_get.runned? end def runtime_stop ole_runtime_get.stop if respond_to? :ole_runtime_get end private :runtime_stop # Include and run {.runtime_new} runtime def runtime_run(host_port, platform_require) self.class.like_ole_runtime OleRuntime.runtime_new(self) unless\ respond_to? :ole_runtime_get host_port, platform_require end private :runtime_run # Make new runtime module +AssOle::Runtimes::Claster::(Agent|Wp)+ # for access to # +AssLauncher::Enterprise::Ole::(AgentConnection|WpConnection)+ # @param inst [#runtime_type] +#runtime_type+ must returns # +:wp+ or +:agent+ values # @return [Module] def self.runtime_new(inst) do is_ole_runtime inst.runtime_type end end def _connect(host_port, platform_require) runtime_run host_port, platform_require unless connected? begin authenticate unless authenticate? rescue runtime_stop raise end self end def authenticate fail 'Abstract method' end def authenticate? fail 'Abstract method' end end # Mixin for find infobase per name module InfoBaseFind def infobases fail 'Abstract method' end # Searching infobase in {#infobases} array # @param ib_name [String] infobase name # @return [WIN32OLE] +IInfoBaseShort+ ole object # @raise (see #infobases) def infobase_find(ib_name) infobases.find do |ib| ib.Name.upcase == ib_name.upcase end end # True if infobase registred in cluster # @param ib_name [String] infobase name # @raise (see #infobase_find) def infobase_include?(ib_name) !infobase_find(ib_name).nil? end end # Mixin for reconnect ole runtime module Reconnect def reconnect fail "Serevice #{host_port} not"\ " available: #{tcp_ping.exception}" unless ping? return unless reconnect_required? ole_connector.__close__ ole_connector.__open__ host_port end private :reconnect def reconnect_required? return true unless ole_connector.__opened__? begin _reconnect_required? rescue WIN32OLERuntimeError => e return true if e.message =~ %r{descr=10054} end end private :reconnect_required? def _reconnect_required? fail 'Abstract method' end private :_reconnect_required? end # @api private # Abstract server connection. # Mixin for {Cluster} and {ServerAgent} module ServerConnection # Server user name # See {#initialize} +user+ argument. # @return [String] attr_accessor :user # Server user password # See {#initialize} +password+ argument. # @return [String] attr_accessor :password # Host name attr_accessor :host # TCP port attr_accessor :port # @param host_port [String] string like a +host_name:port_number+ # @param user [String] server user name # @param password [String] server user password def initialize(host_port, user = nil, password = nil) fail ArgumentError, 'Host name require' if host_port.to_s.empty? @raw_host_port = host_port @host = parse_host @port = parse_port || default_port @user = user @password = password end # String like a +host_name:port_number+. # @return [String] def host_port "#{host}:#{port}" end def parse_port p = @raw_host_port.split(':')[1].to_s.strip return p unless p.empty? end private :parse_port def parse_host p = @raw_host_port.split(':')[0].to_s.strip fail ArgumentError, "Invalid host_name for `#{@raw_host_port}'" if\ p.empty? p end private :parse_host def default_port fail 'Abstract method' end # Return +true+ if TCP port available on server def ping? end require 'net/ping/tcp' # @return [Net::Ping::TCP] instance def tcp_ping @tcp_ping ||=, port) end def eql?(other) host.upcase == && port == other.port end alias_method :==, :eql? end end end end end end