module Gherkin module Parser class ParseError < StandardError def initialize(state, new_state, expected_states, line) super("Parse error on line #{line}. Found #{new_state} when expecting one of: #{expected_states.join(', ')}. (Current state: #{state}).") end end class Parser require 'gherkin/java_impl' java_impl('gherkin.jar') # Initialize the parser. +machine_name+ refers to a state machine table. def initialize(listener, raise_on_error=true, machine_name='root') @listener = listener @raise_on_error = raise_on_error @machines = [] @machine_name = machine_name push_machine(@machine_name) end # Doesn't yet fall back to super def method_missing(method, *args) # TODO: Catch exception and call super if(event(method.to_s, args[-1])) @listener.send(method, *args) end if method == :eof pop_machine push_machine(@machine_name) end end def event(ev, line) machine.event(ev, line) do |state, expected| if @raise_on_error raise, ev, expected, line) else @listener.syntax_error(state, ev, expected, line) return false end end true end def push_machine(name) @machines.push(, name)) end def pop_machine @machines.pop end def machine @machines[-1] end def expected machine.expected end def force_state(state) machine.instance_variable_set('@state', state) end class Machine def initialize(parser, name) @parser = parser @name = name @transition_map = transition_map(name) @state = name end def event(ev, line) states = @transition_map[@state] raise "Unknown state: #{@state.inspect} for machine #{@name}" if states.nil? new_state = states[ev] case new_state when "E" yield @state, expected when /push\((.+)\)/ @parser.push_machine($1) @parser.event(ev, line) when "pop()" @parser.pop_machine() @parser.event(ev, line) else raise "Unknown transition: #{ev.inspect} among #{states.inspect} for machine #{@name}" if new_state.nil? @state = new_state end end def expected allowed = @transition_map[@state].find_all { |_, action| action != "E" } allowed.collect { |state| state[0] }.sort - ['eof'] end private @@transition_maps = {} def transition_map(name) @@transition_maps[name] ||= build_transition_map(name) end def build_transition_map(name) table = transition_table(name) events = table.shift[1..-1] table.inject({}) do |machine, actions| state = actions.shift machine[state] = Hash[*] machine end end def transition_table(name) state_machine_reader = lexer ='en').lexer(state_machine_reader) lexer.scan( + "/#{name}.txt")) state_machine_reader.rows end class StateMachineReader attr_reader :rows def initialize @rows = [] end def row(row, line_number) @rows << row end def eof end end end end end end