# This needs to be completely rewritten for the new version!!! ## Note: - This is a quick copy and paste job(weekend hacking), you should not consider it anything but experimental right now - But I wanted to share the idea already with others ## DISCLAIMER: this is alpha sofware . Don't trust it:) And don't complain if it removes all your EC instances at once.... ## Kudos to great stuff - [Vagrant](http://www.vagrantup.com) is great for testing machines on your local machines - [Fog](https://github.com/geemus/fog) is a great fog library for managing cloud systems Without those two, this project would not be possible. Kudos to the authors! This project tries to combine both: - Because your local machine might outgrow your complexity your local machine can handle - use the same vagrantfile for local dev, and cloud devel ## Some notes before you dive in - I could probably have integrated with vagrant code but this would have taken me longer to understand vagrant code - I didn't want the dependency on virtualbox - The machines it creates will have the prefix as defined in the Mccloudfile, so this should not pollute your stuff ## Todo: - provision to other providers than ec2 - try to stay fully compatible with Vagrantfile ## How it will work/works ### Create a config file for fog. Note that these are spaces in front and no tabs $ cat $HOME/.fog
:default: :aws_access_key_id:### Create a Mccloud project $ mccloud init This will create a Mccloudfile ### Edit your Mccloud appropriate:aws_secret_access_key:
### Start your machines # If the machine does not yet exist, it will also run bootstrap $ mccloud up web ### Check the status $ mccloud status ### Bootstrap the machine $ mccloud bootstrap web ### (interactive) Login into the machine $ mccloud ssh web ### run a command on a machine $ mccloud command web "who am i" ### Halt the machine $ mccloud halt web ### Start the machine again $ mccloud up web ### Provision the machine $ mccloud provision web ### Port forwarding server $ mccloud server ### Destroy the machine again $ mccloud destroy web