require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Citrusbyte::Milton::IsResizeable do describe "building the filename from options" do before :each do @image = Image.create :file => upload('milton.jpg') end describe "options as hash" do it "should coalesce size into filename" do File.basename(@image.path(:size => '40x40')).should eql('milton.size=40x40.jpg') end it "should raise unless a size is given" do lambda { File.basename(@image.path(:crop => true)) }.should raise_error end it "should coalesce crop into filename" do File.basename(@image.path(:size => '40x40', :crop => true)).should eql('milton.crop=true_size=40x40.jpg') end it "should coalesce gravity into filename" do File.basename(@image.path(:size => '40x40', :gravity => 'north')).should eql('milton.gravity=north_size=40x40.jpg') end it "should coalese all options together" do File.basename(@image.path(:size => '40x40', :gravity => 'north', :crop => true)).should eql('milton.crop=true_gravity=north_size=40x40.jpg') end end describe "options as string" do it "should parse size" do File.basename(@image.path('size=40x40')).should eql('milton.size=40x40.jpg') end it "should parse crop" do File.basename(@image.path('size=40x40_crop=true')).should eql('milton.crop=true_size=40x40.jpg') end it "should parse gravity" do File.basename(@image.path('size=40x40_gravity=north')).should eql('milton.gravity=north_size=40x40.jpg') end it "should parse them all together" do File.basename(@image.path('size=40x40_crop=true_gravity=north')).should eql('milton.crop=true_gravity=north_size=40x40.jpg') end end end # milton.jpg is 320x300 describe "resizing" do before :each do @image = Image.create :file => upload('milton.jpg') end describe "checking errors" do it "should raise a MissingFileError if source file does not exist" do FileUtils.rm(@image.path) lambda { @image.path(:size => '50x50') }.should raise_error(Citrusbyte::Milton::MissingFileError) end end describe "when cropped" do before :each do @info = Citrusbyte::Milton::IsResizeable::Image.from_path(@image.reload.path(:size => '50x50', :crop => true)) end it "should have width of 50px" do @info.width.should eql(50) end it "should have height of 50px" do @info.height.should eql(50) end end # 300/320 = 0.9375 # 50*0.9375 = 47 describe "when not cropped" do before :each do @info = Citrusbyte::Milton::IsResizeable::Image.from_path(@image.reload.path(:size => '50x50')) end it "should have width of 47px" do @info.width.should eql(47) end it "should have height of 50px" do @info.height.should eql(50) end end end describe "smarter thumbnails" do before :each do @image = Image.create :file => upload('big-milton.jpg') end it "should generate 640px wide version when image is wider than 640px wide and generating an image smaller than 640px wide" do path = @image.path(:crop => true, :size => '40x40') File.exists?(path.gsub(/\.crop=true_size=40x40/, '.size=640x')).should be_true end it "should generate images smaller than 640px wide from the existing 640px one" do # TODO: how can i test this? @image.path(:crop => true, :size => '40x40') end end describe "fetching thumbnails" do before :each do @image = Image.create :file => upload('milton.jpg') end it "should use the partitioned path when grabbing the original file" do @image.path.should =~ /\/#{Citrusbyte::Milton::AttachableFile.partition(}\/milton.jpg$/ end it "should use the partitioned path when grabbing a thubmnail" do @image.path(:size => '10x10', :crop => true).should =~ /\/#{Citrusbyte::Milton::AttachableFile.partition(}\/milton.crop=true_size=10x10.jpg$/ end end describe "getting mime-type" do before :each do @image = :file => upload('milton.jpg') end describe "from freshly uploaded file" do it "should recognize it as an image/jpg" do @image.content_type.should eql('image/jpg') end end describe "from existing file" do before :each do @image.reload end it "should recognize it as an image/jpg" do @image.content_type.should eql('image/jpg') end end end end