require "head_music/musical_symbol" # A Alteration is a symbol that modifies pitch, such as a sharp, flat, or natural. # In French, sharps and flats in the key signature are called "altérations". class HeadMusic::Alteration include Comparable attr_reader :identifier, :cents, :musical_symbols delegate :ascii, :unicode, :html_entity, to: :musical_symbol ALTERATION_RECORDS = [ { identifier: :sharp, cents: 100, symbols: [{ascii: "#", unicode: "♯", html_entity: "♯"}] }, { identifier: :flat, cents: -100, symbols: [{ascii: "b", unicode: "♭", html_entity: "♭"}] }, { identifier: :natural, cents: 0, symbols: [{ascii: "", unicode: "♮", html_entity: "♮"}] }, { identifier: :double_sharp, cents: 200, symbols: [{ascii: "x", unicode: "𝄪", html_entity: "𝄪"}] }, { identifier: :double_flat, cents: -200, symbols: [{ascii: "bb", unicode: "𝄫", html_entity: "𝄫"}] } ].freeze ALTERATION_IDENTIFIERS = { |attributes| attributes[:identifier] }.freeze def self.all { |attributes| new(attributes) } end def self.symbols @symbols ||= { |alteration| [alteration.ascii, alteration.unicode] }.flatten.reject { |s| s.nil? || s.empty? } end def self.matcher @matcher ||= symbols.join("|") end def self.symbol?(candidate) candidate =~ /^(#{matcher})$/ end def self.get(identifier) return identifier if identifier.is_a?(HeadMusic::Alteration) all.detect do |alteration| alteration.representions.include?(identifier) end end def, value) all.detect do |alteration| alteration.send(key) == value if %i[cents semitones].include?(key.to_sym) end end def name"_", " ") end def representions [identifier, identifier.to_s, name, ascii, unicode, html_entity] .reject { |representation| representation.to_s.strip == "" } end def semitones cents / 100.0 end ALTERATION_IDENTIFIERS.each do |key| define_method(:"#{key}?") { identifier == key } end def to_s unicode end def <=>(other) other = HeadMusic::Alteration.get(other) cents <=> other.cents end def musical_symbol musical_symbols.first end private def initialize(attributes) @identifier = attributes[:identifier] @cents = attributes[:cents] initialize_musical_symbols(attributes[:symbols]) end def initialize_musical_symbols(list) @musical_symbols = (list || []).map do |record| unicode: record[:unicode], ascii: record[:ascii], html_entity: record[:html_entity] ) end end private_class_method :new end