module PublishMyData class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base # Note: this order matters. Perversely, need to put more general errors first. rescue_from Exception, :with => :handle_uncaught_error rescue_from Tripod::Errors::ResourceNotFound, :with => :handle_resource_not_found rescue_from Tripod::Errors::Timeout, :with => :handle_timeout rescue_from Tripod::Errors::SparqlResponseTooLarge, :with => :handle_response_too_large private def is_request_html_format? (request.format.to_sym || :html) == :html end # TODO: deal with javaascript errors - respond with 200 def handle_uncaught_error(e) @e = e if defined?(Raven) evt = Raven::Event.capture_rack_exception(e, request.env) Raven.send(evt) if evt end if Rails.env.development? #re-raise in dev mode. raise e else #log so the error appears in the rails log. ">>> UNCAUGHT ERROR" e.message e.backtrace.join("\n") respond_to do |format| format.html { render(:template => "publish_my_data/errors/uncaught", :layout => 'publish_my_data/error', :status => 500) and return false } format.any{ render(:text => 'Error', :status => 500, :content_type => 'text/plain') and return false } end end end def handle_timeout(e) if defined?(Raven) Raven.capture_message("query timeout", { :extra => { 'url' => request.url }, :tags => { 'message_type' => 'timeout' }, :level => 'warning' }) end respond_to do |format| format.html { render(:template => "publish_my_data/errors/timeout", :layout => 'publish_my_data/error', :status => 503) and return false } format.any { render(:text => 'Timeout', :status => 503, :content_type => 'text/plain') and return false } end end def handle_response_too_large(e) if defined?(Raven) Raven.capture_message("response too large", { :extra => { 'url' => request.url }, :tags => { 'message_type' => 'too_Large' }, :level => 'warning' }) end respond_to do |format| format.html { render(:template => "publish_my_data/errors/response_too_large", :layout => 'publish_my_data/error', :status => 400) and return false } format.any { render(:text => "Response too large.", :status => 400, :content_type => 'text/plain') and return false } end end def handle_resource_not_found(e)">>> NOT FOUND") Rails.logger.debug(e.backtrace.join("\n")) respond_to do |format| format.html { render(:template => "publish_my_data/errors/not_found", :layout => 'publish_my_data/error', :status => 404) and return false } format.any { render(:text => "Not Found" ,:status => 404, :content_type => 'text/plain') and return false } end end end end