require "tmpdir" require "tempfile" require "typescript-src" require "typescript-node/version" require "typescript-node/compile_result" require "open3" module TypeScript module Node class << self # Compile TypeScript source file. # @param [String] source_file TypeScript source file # @return [TypeScript::Node::CompileResult] compile result def compile_file(source_file) Dir.mktmpdir do |output_dir| output_file = File.join(output_dir, "out.js") cmd = [node, Src.tsc_path, "--out", output_file, source_file] Open3.popen3(*cmd) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| exit_status = wait_thr.value output_js = File.exists?(output_file) ? : nil output_js, exit_status,, ) end end end # Compile TypeScript to JavaScript. # @param [String] source TypeScript to be compiled # @return [String] Resulted JavaScript def compile(source) js_file =["typescript-node", ".ts"]) begin js_file.write(source) js_file.close result = compile_file(js_file.path) if result.success? result.js else raise result.stderr end ensure js_file.unlink end end # node command # TS_NODE environmental variable is used when it is set. def node ENV["TS_NODE"] || "node" end def locate_executable(cmd) if RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] =~ /mswin|mingw/ && File.extname(cmd) == "" cmd << ".exe" end if File.executable? cmd cmd else path = ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).find { |p| full_path = File.join(p, cmd) File.executable?(full_path) && File.file?(full_path) } path && File.expand_path(cmd, path) end end def check_node unless locate_executable(self.node) raise "typescript-node requires node command, but it's not found. Please install it. " + "Set TS_NODE environmental variable If you want to use node command in non-standard path." end end end end end TypeScript::Node.check_node