opal_filter "String" do fails "String#capitalize is locale insensitive (only upcases a-z and only downcases A-Z)" fails "String#center with length, padding raises an ArgumentError if padstr is empty" fails "String#center with length, padding raises a TypeError when padstr can't be converted to a string" fails "String#center with length, padding calls #to_str to convert padstr to a String" fails "String#center with length, padding raises a TypeError when length can't be converted to an integer" fails "String#center with length, padding calls #to_int to convert length to an integer" fails "String#center with length, padding pads with whitespace if no padstr is given" fails "String#center with length, padding returns a new string of specified length with self centered and padded with padstr" fails "String#downcase is locale insensitive (only replaces A-Z)" fails "String#end_with? converts its argument using :to_str" fails "String#end_with? returns true if other is empty" fails "String#index raises a TypeError if passed a Symbol" # we need regexp rewriting for these fails "String#index with Regexp supports \\G which matches at the given start offset" fails "String#index with Regexp starts the search at the given offset" fails "String#index with Regexp returns the index of the first match of regexp" fails "String#intern does not special case certain operators" fails "String#intern special cases +(binary) and -(binary)" fails "String#length returns the length of self" fails "String#lines should split on the default record separator and return enumerator if not block is given" fails "String#size returns the length of self" fails "String#start_with? ignores arguments not convertible to string" fails "String#start_with? converts its argument using :to_str" fails "String#to_sym does not special case certain operators" fails "String#to_sym special cases +(binary) and -(binary)" fails "String#upcase is locale insensitive (only replaces a-z)" # 1.9.3 => 2.0 fails "String#end_with? ignores arguments not convertible to string" end