require_relative "inertia_rails" require_relative "helper" require_relative "action_filter" module InertiaRails module Controller extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do helper ::InertiaRails::Helper after_action do cookies['XSRF-TOKEN'] = form_authenticity_token if protect_against_forgery? end end module ClassMethods def inertia_share(hash = nil, **props, &block) options = extract_inertia_share_options(props) return push_to_inertia_share(**(hash || props), &block) if options.empty? push_to_inertia_share do next unless options[:if].all? { |filter| instance_exec(&filter) } if options[:if] next unless options[:unless].none? { |filter| instance_exec(&filter) } if options[:unless] next hash unless block res = instance_exec(&block) hash ? hash.merge(res) : res end end def inertia_config(**attrs) config =**attrs) if @inertia_config @inertia_config.merge!(config) else @inertia_config = config end end def use_inertia_instance_props before_action do @_inertia_instance_props = true @_inertia_skip_props = view_assigns.keys + ['_inertia_skip_props'] end end def _inertia_configuration @_inertia_configuration ||= begin config = superclass.try(:_inertia_configuration) || ::InertiaRails.configuration @inertia_config&.with_defaults(config) || config end end def _inertia_shared_data @_inertia_shared_data ||= begin shared_data = superclass.try(:_inertia_shared_data) if @inertia_share && shared_data.present? shared_data + @inertia_share.freeze else @inertia_share || shared_data || [] end.freeze end end private def push_to_inertia_share(**attrs, &block) @inertia_share ||= [] @inertia_share << attrs.freeze unless attrs.empty? @inertia_share << block if block end def extract_inertia_share_options(props) options = props.slice(:if, :unless, :only, :except) return options if options.empty? if props.except(:if, :unless, :only, :except).any? raise ArgumentError, "You must not mix shared data and [:if, :unless, :only, :except] options, pass data as a hash or a block." end transform_inertia_share_option(options, :only, :if) transform_inertia_share_option(options, :except, :unless) options.transform_values! do |filters| Array(filters).map!(&method(:filter_to_proc)) end options end def transform_inertia_share_option(options, from, to) if (from_value = options.delete(from)) filter =, from_value) options[to] = Array(options[to]).unshift(filter) end end def filter_to_proc(filter) case filter when Symbol -> { send(filter) } when Proc filter when InertiaRails::ActionFilter -> { filter.match?(self) } else raise ArgumentError, "You must pass a symbol or a proc as a filter." end end end def default_render if inertia_configuration.default_render render(inertia: true) else super end end def redirect_to(options = {}, response_options = {}) capture_inertia_errors(response_options) super end private def inertia_view_assigns return {} unless @_inertia_instance_props view_assigns.except(*@_inertia_skip_props) end def inertia_configuration self.class._inertia_configuration.bind_controller(self) end def inertia_shared_data initial_data = session[:inertia_errors].present? ? {errors: session[:inertia_errors]} : {} self.class._inertia_shared_data.filter_map { |shared_data| if shared_data.respond_to?(:call) instance_exec(&shared_data) else shared_data end }.reduce(initial_data, &:merge) end def inertia_location(url) headers['X-Inertia-Location'] = url head :conflict end def capture_inertia_errors(options) if (inertia_errors = options.dig(:inertia, :errors)) if inertia_errors.respond_to?(:to_hash) session[:inertia_errors] = inertia_errors.to_hash else InertiaRails.deprecator.warn( "Object passed to `inertia: { errors: ... }` must respond to `to_hash`. Pass a hash-like object instead." ) session[:inertia_errors] = inertia_errors end end end end end