A sidekiq plugin for specifying the queues a worker pulls from with wildcards, negations, or dynamic look up from redis. Authored against Sidekiq 2.9.0, so it at least works with that - try running the tests if you use a different version of sidekiq [](http://travis-ci.org/wr0ngway/sidekiq-dynamic-queues) Usage: If creating a gem of your own that uses sidekiq-dynamic-queues, you may have to add an explicit require statement at the top of your Rakefile: require 'sidekiq-dynamic-queues' Configure by setting Sidekiq.options[:fetch] = Sidekiq::DynamicQueues::Fetch Start your workers with a queue that can contain '\*' (.star.) for zero-or more of any character, '!' (.not.) to exclude the following pattern, or @key (.at.key) to look up the patterns from redis. The version in parens is required to get around the sidekiq cli's restriction on queue names. Some examples help: sidekiq -q foo Pulls jobs from the queue 'foo' sidekiq -q .star. Pulls jobs from any queue sidekiq -q .star.foo Pulls jobs from queues that end in foo sidekiq -q .star.foo.star. Pulls jobs from queues whose names contain foo sidekiq -q .star.foo.star. -q .not.foobar Pulls jobs from queues whose names contain foo except the foobar queue sidekiq -q .star.foo.star. -q .not..star.bar Pulls jobs from queues whose names contain foo except queues whose names end in bar sidekiq -q .at.key Pulls jobs from queue names stored in redis (use Sidekiq::DynamicQueues::Attributes.set\_dynamic\_queue("key", ["queuename1", "queuename2"]) to set them) sidekiq -q .star. -q .not..at.key Pulls jobs from any queue except ones stored in redis sidekiq -q .at. Pulls jobs from queue names stored in redis using the hostname of the worker Sidekiq::DynamicQueues::Attributes.set_dynamic_queue("key", ["*foo*", "!*bar"]) sidekiq -q .at.key Pulls jobs from queue names stored in redis, with wildcards/negations There is also a tab in the sidekiq-web UI that allows you to define the dynamic queues To activate it, you need to require 'sidekiq-dynamic-queues-server' in whatever initializer you use to bring up sidekiq-web. Contributors: Matt Conway ( https://github.com/wr0ngway )