# frozen_string_literal: true
module Primer
module Beta
# Use `IconButton` to render Icon-only buttons without the default button styles.
# `IconButton` will always render with a tooltip unless the tag is `:summary`.
# @accessibility
# `IconButton` requires an `aria-label`, which will provide assistive technologies with an accessible label.
# The `aria-label` should describe the action to be invoked rather than the icon itself. For instance,
# if your `IconButton` renders a magnifying glass icon and invokes a search action, the `aria-label` should be
# `"Search"` instead of `"Magnifying glass"`.
# Either `aria-label` or `aria-description` will be used for the `Tooltip` text, depending on which one is present.
# Either `aria-label` or `aria-description` will be used for the `Tooltip` text, depending on which one is present.
# [Learn more about best functional image practices (WAI Images)](https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutorials/images/functional)
class IconButton < Primer::Component
status :beta
DEFAULT_SCHEME => "Button--secondary",
:danger => "Button--danger",
:invisible => "Button--invisible"
# @example Default
# <%= render(Primer::Beta::IconButton.new(icon: :search, "aria-label": "Search", id: "search-button")) %>
# @example Schemes
# <%= render(Primer::Beta::IconButton.new(icon: :search, "aria-label": "Search")) %>
# <%= render(Primer::Beta::IconButton.new(icon: :trash, "aria-label": "Delete", scheme: :danger)) %>
# @example With an `aria-description`
# @description
# If you need to have a longer description for the icon button, use both the `aria-label` and `aria-description`
# attributes. A label should be short and concise, while the description can be longer as it is intended to provide
# more context and information. See the accessibility section for more information.
# @code
# <%= render(Primer::Beta::IconButton.new(icon: :bold, "aria-label": "Bold", "aria-description": "Add bold text, Cmd+b")) %>
# @example Custom tooltip direction
# <%= render(Primer::Beta::IconButton.new(icon: :search, "aria-label": "Search", tooltip_direction: :e)) %>
# @param icon [String] Name of <%= link_to_octicons %> to use.
# @param tag [Symbol] <%= one_of(Primer::Beta::BaseButton::TAG_OPTIONS) %>
# @param wrapper_arguments [Hash] Optional keyword arguments to be passed to the wrapper `
` tag.
# @param scheme [Symbol] <%= one_of(Primer::Beta::IconButton::SCHEME_OPTIONS) %>
# @param size [Symbol] <%= one_of(Primer::Beta::Button::SIZE_OPTIONS) %>
# @param disabled [Boolean] Whether or not the button is disabled. If true, this option forces `tag:` to `:button`.
# @param type [Symbol] <%= one_of(Primer::Beta::BaseButton::TYPE_OPTIONS) %>
# @param aria-label [String] String that can be read by assistive technology. A label should be short and concise. See the accessibility section for more information.
# @param aria-description [String] String that can be read by assistive technology. A description can be longer as it is intended to provide more context and information. See the accessibility section for more information.
# @param show_tooltip [Boolean] Whether or not to show a tooltip when this button is hovered. Tooltips should only be hidden if the aria label is redundant, i.e. if the icon has a widely understood definition.
# @param tooltip_direction [Symbol] (Primer::Alpha::Tooltip::DIRECTION_DEFAULT) <%= one_of(Primer::Alpha::Tooltip::DIRECTION_OPTIONS) %>
# @param system_arguments [Hash] <%= link_to_system_arguments_docs %>
def initialize(icon:, scheme: DEFAULT_SCHEME, wrapper_arguments: {}, show_tooltip: true, tooltip_direction: Primer::Alpha::Tooltip::DIRECTION_DEFAULT, size: Primer::Beta::Button::DEFAULT_SIZE, disabled: false, **system_arguments)
@icon = icon
@wrapper_arguments = wrapper_arguments
@show_tooltip = show_tooltip
@system_arguments = system_arguments
@system_arguments[:id] ||= self.class.generate_id
@system_arguments[:disabled] = disabled
@system_arguments[:classes] = class_names(
Primer::Beta::Button::SIZE_MAPPINGS[fetch_or_fallback(Primer::Beta::Button::SIZE_OPTIONS, size, Primer::Beta::Button::DEFAULT_SIZE)],
@aria_label = aria("label", @system_arguments)
@aria_description = aria("description", @system_arguments)
return unless @show_tooltip
@tooltip_arguments = {
for_id: @system_arguments[:id],
direction: tooltip_direction
# If we have both an `aria-label` and a `aria-description`, we create a `Tooltip` with the description type and keep the `aria-label` in the button.
# Otherwise, the `aria-label` is used as the tooltip text, which is the `aria-labelled-by` of the button, so we don't set it in the button.
if @aria_label.present? && @aria_description.present?
@system_arguments[:aria].delete(:description) if @system_arguments.include?(:aria)
@tooltip_arguments[:text] = @aria_description
@tooltip_arguments[:type] = :description
@system_arguments[:aria].delete(:label) if @system_arguments.include?(:aria)
@tooltip_arguments[:text] = @aria_label
@tooltip_arguments[:type] = :label
def render_tooltip?
@show_tooltip && @system_arguments[:tag] != :summary