.TH BINMAN\-RAKE 1 2013\-06\-01 3.3.1 .SH NAME .PP binman\-rake \- run .BR rake (1) tasks from .BR binman (1) .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fB\fCbinman-rake\fR [\fIOPTION\fP]... [\fITASK\fP]... .SH DESCRIPTION .PP This program lets you run .BR rake (1) tasks provided by .BR binman (1) without having to create a special file named \fB\fCRakefile\fR that contains the following snippet: .PP .RS .nf require 'binman/rakefile' .fi .RE .PP If no \fITASK\fP is specified, then the \fB\fCbinman\fR task is run by default. .SH TASKS .TP \fB\fCbinman\fR Runs the \fB\fCbinman:man\fR and \fB\fCbinman:web\fR tasks, in that order. .TP \fB\fCbinman:man\fR Builds UNIX manual pages from scripts found in your \fB\fCbin/\fR directory. It also runs the \fB\fCmd2man:man\fR task, provided by .BR md2man-rake (1), which builds UNIX manual pages from \fB\fC*.markdown\fR, \fB\fC*.mkd\fR, and \fB\fC*.md\fR files found in or beneath the \fB\fCman/\fR subdirectory in your working directory. .TP \fB\fCbinman:web\fR Builds HTML manual pages from scripts found in your \fB\fCbin/\fR directory. It also runs the \fB\fCmd2man:web\fR task, provided by .BR md2man-rake (1), which builds HTML manual pages from \fB\fC*.markdown\fR, \fB\fC*.mkd\fR, and \fB\fC*.md\fR files found in or beneath the \fB\fCman/\fR subdirectory in your working directory. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\fC-h\fR, \fB\fC--help\fR Show this help manual. .PP Run \fB\fCrake --help\fR to see more options. .SH SEE ALSO .PP .BR rake (1), .BR binman (1), .BR md2man-rake (1)