module NetSuite module Utilities extend self # TODO need structured logger for various statements def clear_cache! @netsuite_get_record_cache = {} @netsuite_find_record_cache = {} DataCenter.clear_cache! end def append_memo(ns_record, added_memo, opts = {}) opts[:skip_if_exists] ||= false memo_key = if ns_record.class == NetSuite::Records::Customer :comments else :memo end return if opts[:skip_if_exists] && ns_record.send(memo_key) && ns_record.send(memo_key).include?(added_memo) if ns_record.send(memo_key) ns_record.send(:"#{memo_key}=", "#{ns_record.send(memo_key)}. #{added_memo}") else ns_record.send(:"#{memo_key}=", added_memo.to_s) end ns_record end def netsuite_server_time server_time_response = NetSuite::Utilities.backoff { } server_time_response.body[:get_server_time_response][:get_server_time_result][:server_time] end def backoff(options = {}) # TODO the default backoff attempts should be customizable the global config options[:attempts] ||= 8 count = 0 begin count += 1 yield rescue Exception => e exceptions_to_retry = [ Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, EOFError, Wasabi::Resolver::HTTPError, Savon::SOAPFault, Savon::InvalidResponseError, Zlib::BufError, Savon::HTTPError, SocketError, Net::OpenTimeout ] # available in ruby > 1.9 if defined?(Net::ReadTimeout) exceptions_to_retry << Net::ReadTimeout end # available in ruby > 2.2.0 exceptions_to_retry << IO::EINPROGRESSWaitWritable if defined?(IO::EINPROGRESSWaitWritable) exceptions_to_retry << OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitReadable if defined?(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitReadable) # depends on the http library chosen exceptions_to_retry << Excon::Error::Timeout if defined?(Excon::Error::Timeout) exceptions_to_retry << Excon::Error::Socket if defined?(Excon::Error::Socket) if !exceptions_to_retry.include?(e.class) raise end # whitelist certain SOAPFaults; all other network errors should automatically retry if e.is_a?(Savon::SOAPFault) # if !e.message.include?("Only one request may be made against a session at a time") && !e.message.include?('java.util.ConcurrentModificationException') && !e.message.include?('com.netledger.common.exceptions.NLDatabaseOfflineException') && !e.message.include?('com.netledger.database.NLConnectionUtil$NoCompanyDbsOnlineException') && !e.message.include?('com.netledger.cache.CacheUnavailableException') && !e.message.include?('An unexpected error occurred.') && !e.message.include?('Session invalidation is in progress with different thread') && !e.message.include?('SuiteTalk concurrent request limit exceeded. Request blocked.') && !e.message.include?('The Connection Pool is not intialized.') && # it looks like NetSuite mispelled their error message... !e.message.include?('The Connection Pool is not intiialized.') raise end end if count >= options[:attempts] raise end # log.warn("concurrent request failure", sleep: count, attempt: count) sleep(count) retry end end def request_failed?(ns_object) return false if ns_object.errors.nil? || ns_object.errors.empty? warnings = { |x| x.type == "WARN" } errors = { |x| x.type == "ERROR" } # warnings.each do |warn| # log.warn(warn.message, code: warn.code) # end return errors.size > 0 end def get_item(ns_item_internal_id, opts = {}) # TODO add additional item types! ns_item = NetSuite::Utilities.get_record(NetSuite::Records::InventoryItem, ns_item_internal_id, opts) ns_item ||= NetSuite::Utilities.get_record(NetSuite::Records::AssemblyItem, ns_item_internal_id, opts) ns_item ||= NetSuite::Utilities.get_record(NetSuite::Records::NonInventorySaleItem, ns_item_internal_id, opts) ns_item ||= NetSuite::Utilities.get_record(NetSuite::Records::NonInventoryResaleItem, ns_item_internal_id, opts) ns_item ||= NetSuite::Utilities.get_record(NetSuite::Records::DiscountItem, ns_item_internal_id, opts) ns_item ||= NetSuite::Utilities.get_record(NetSuite::Records::OtherChargeSaleItem, ns_item_internal_id, opts) ns_item ||= NetSuite::Utilities.get_record(NetSuite::Records::ServiceSaleItem, ns_item_internal_id, opts) ns_item ||= NetSuite::Utilities.get_record(NetSuite::Records::GiftCertificateItem, ns_item_internal_id, opts) ns_item ||= NetSuite::Utilities.get_record(NetSuite::Records::KitItem, ns_item_internal_id, opts) ns_item ||= NetSuite::Utilities.get_record(NetSuite::Records::SerializedInventoryItem, ns_item_internal_id, opts) ns_item ||= NetSuite::Utilities.get_record(NetSuite::Records::LotNumberedAssemblyItem, ns_item_internal_id, opts) if ns_item.nil? fail NetSuite::RecordNotFound, "item with ID #{ns_item_internal_id} not found" end ns_item end def get_record(record_klass, id, opts = {}) opts[:external_id] ||= false if opts[:cache] @netsuite_get_record_cache ||= {} @netsuite_get_record_cache[record_klass.to_s] ||= {} if @netsuite_get_record_cache[record_klass.to_s].has_key?(id.to_i) return @netsuite_get_record_cache[record_klass.to_s][id.to_i] end end begin # log.debug("get record", netsuite_record_type:, netsuite_record_id: id) ns_record = if opts[:external_id] backoff { record_klass.get(external_id: id) } else backoff { record_klass.get(id) } end if opts[:cache] @netsuite_get_record_cache[record_klass.to_s][id.to_i] = ns_record end return ns_record rescue ::NetSuite::RecordNotFound # log.warn("record not found", ns_record_type:, ns_record_id: id) if opts[:cache] @netsuite_get_record_cache[record_klass.to_s][id.to_i] = nil end return nil end end def find_record(record, names, opts = {}) field_name = opts[:field_name] names = [ names ] if names.is_a?(String) # FIXME: Records that have the same name but different types will break # the cache names.each do |name| @netsuite_find_record_cache ||= {} if @netsuite_find_record_cache.has_key?(name) return @netsuite_find_record_cache[name] end # sniff for an email-like input; useful for employee/customer searches if !field_name && /@.*\./ =~ name field_name = 'email' end field_name ||= 'name' # TODO remove backoff when it's built-in to search search = backoff {{ basic: [ { field: field_name, operator: 'contains', value: name, } ] }) } if search.results.first return @netsuite_find_record_cache[name] = search.results.first end end nil end def data_center_url(*args) DataCenter.get(*args) end # # assumes UTC0 unix timestamp def normalize_time_to_netsuite_date(unix_timestamp) # convert to date to eliminate hr/min/sec time = offset = 8 time = time.new_offset("-08:00") if time.to_time.dst? offset = 7 time = time.new_offset("-07:00") end (time + Rational(offset, 24)).iso8601 end end end