module GitHelpers module GitStats #Note: stats-authors give the same result, should be faster, and handle mailcap #inspired by git-mainline//git-rank-contributors def stats_diff(logopts=nil) lines = {} with_dir do author = nil state = :pre_author DR::Encoding.fix_utf8(`git log #{DefaultLogOptions} -p #{logopts}`).each_line do |l| case when (state == :pre_author || state == :post_author) && m=l[/Author: (.*)$/,1] #TODO: using directly author=l[]... seems to only affect a block scoped author variable author=m state = :post_author lines[author] ||= {added: 0, deleted: 0, all: 0} when state == :post_author && l =~ /^\+\+\+\s/ state = :in_diff when state == :in_diff && l =~ /^[\+\-]/ unless l=~ /^(\+\+\+|\-\-\-)\s/ lines[author][:all] += 1 lines[author][:added] += 1 if l[0]=="+" lines[author][:deleted] += 1 if l[0]=="-" end when state == :in_diff && l =~ /^commit / state = :pre_author end end end lines end def output_stats_diff(logopts=nil) lines=stats_diff(logopts) lines.sort_by { |a, c| -c[:all] }.each do |a, c| puts "#{a}: #{c[:all]} lines of diff (+#{c[:added]}/-#{c[:deleted]})" end end # inspired by visionmedia//git-line-summary def stats_lines(file) out="" with_dir do out,_suc=SH.run_simple("git", "blame", "--line-porcelain", file, quiet: true) end r={} begin out.each_line do |l| l.match(/^author (.*)/) do |m| r[m[1]]||=0 r[m[1]]+=1 end end rescue => e warn "Warning: #{e} on #{file}" end r end def stats_lines_all r={} {|f| rescue false}.each do |f| stats_lines(f).each do |k,v| r[k]||=0 r[k]+=v end end r end def output_stats_lines stats=stats_lines_all total=stats.values.sum stats.sort_by{|k,v| -v}.each do |k,v| puts "- #{k}: #{v} (#{"%2.1f%%" % (100*v/total.to_f)})" end puts "Total lines: #{total}" end #Inspired by def stats_authors(logopts=nil, more: false) require 'set' #Exemple: --after=..., --before=..., # -w #word diff # -C --find-copies-harder; -M authors={} with_dir do %x/git shortlog -sn #{logopts}/.each_line do |l| commits, author=l.chomp.split(' ', 2) authors[author]={commits: commits.to_i} end if more authors.each_key do |a| tot_a=0; tot_r=0; tot_rename=0; %x/git log #{DefaultLogOptions} #{logopts} --numstat --format="%n" --author='#{a}'/.each_line do |l| added, deleted, file=l.chomp.split(' ',3) #puts "#{l} => #{added}, #{deleted}, #{rest}" tot_a+=added.to_i; tot_r+=deleted.to_i next if file.nil? if file.include?(' => ') tot_rename+=1 else files.add(file) unless file.empty? end end #rev-list should be faster, but I would need to use # `git rev-parse --revs-only --default HEAD #{logopts.shelljoin}` # to be sure we default to HEAD, and # `git rev-parse --flags #{logopts.shelljoin}` to get the log flags... #tot_merges=%x/git rev-list #{logopts} --merges --author='#{a}'/.each_line.count tot_merges=%x/git log --pretty=oneline #{logopts} --merges --author='#{a}'/.each_line.count authors[a].merge!({added: tot_a, deleted: tot_r, files: files.size, renames: tot_rename, merges: tot_merges}) end end end authors end def output_stats_authors(logopts=nil) authors=stats_authors(logopts, more: true) authors.each do |a,v| puts "- #{a}: #{v[:commits]} commits (+#{v[:added]}/-#{v[:deleted]}), #{v[:files]} files modified, #{v[:renames]} renames, #{v[:merges]} merges" end end #inspired by visionmedia//git-infos def infos with_dir do puts "## Remote URLs:" puts system("git --no-pager remote -v") puts puts "## Remote Branches:" puts system("git --no-pager branch -r") puts puts "## Local Branches:" puts system("git --no-pager branch") puts puts "## Most Recent Commit:" puts system("git --no-pager log --max-count=1 --pretty=short") puts end end #inspired by visionmedia//git-summary def summary(logopts=nil) with_dir do rev-parse --show-toplevel/).basename authors=stats_authors(logopts) {|a,v| v[:commits]}.sum file_count=%x/git ls-files/.each_line.count active_days=%x/git log --date=short --pretty='format: %ad' #{logopts}/.each_line.uniq.count #This only give the rep age of the current branch; and is not #efficient since we generate the first log #A better way would be to get all the roots commits via # git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD #and then look at their ages repository_age=%x/git log --reverse --pretty=oneline --format="%ar" #{logopts}/.each_line.first.sub!('ago','') #total= %x/git rev-list #{logopts}/.each_line.count total=%x/git rev-list --count #{logopts.empty? ? "HEAD" : logopts.shelljoin}/.to_i puts " project : #{project}" puts " repo age : #{repository_age}" puts " active : #{active_days} days" puts " commits : #{commits}" puts " files : #{file_count}" puts " authors : #{authors.keys.join(", ")} (Total: #{total})" authors.each do |a,v| puts " - #{a}: #{v[:commits]} (#{"%2.1f" % (100*v[:commits]/commits.to_f)}%)" end end end end end