module ElabsMatchers module Matchers module Capybara module Common ## # # Asserts if the select input tag contains the given options. # # @param [Array] options One or serveral strings seperated by comma # # Example: # find(:xpath,"My input label")).should have_options(options) RSpec::Matchers.define :have_options do |*options| match do |select| options.all? { |option| select.all("option").map(&:text).include?(option) } end failure_message_for_should do |select| actual_options = select.all("option").map(&:text).inspect "expected options to include '#{options.flatten.inspect}' but it had the options #{actual_options}." end failure_message_for_should_not { |select| "expected options not to include '#{options.flatten.inspect}' but it did." } end ## # # Asserts if the supplied table row exists in the table # # @param [String] table name The tables's caption text. # @param [Hash] column value A hash representing the column name and value in key-value form. # # Example: # table.should have_table_row('Posts', "Title" => "First", :year => "2012") RSpec::Matchers.define :have_table_row do |table_name, row| match do |page| table = page.find(:xpath, XPath::HTML.table(table_name)) row_index = nil row.all? do |header, value| col_index = table.all("thead th").index { |th| th.text.include?(header) } col_index = if col_index then col_index + 1 else 0 end current_row_index = table.all("tbody tr").index { |tr| tr.text.include?(value) } correct_row = row_index.nil? || current_row_index == row_index row_index = current_row_index correct_row and table.has_xpath?(".//td[#{col_index}][contains(.,'#{value}')]") end end failure_message_for_should do |page| table = page.find(:xpath, XPath::HTML.table(table_name)) ascii_table = table.all('tr').map do |tr| '| ' + tr.all('td,th').map { |td| td.text.strip.ljust(21) }.join(' | ') + ' |' end.join("\n") "expected #{row.inspect} to be included in the table #{table_name}, but it wasn't:\n\n#{ascii_table}" end failure_message_for_should_not { |page| "expected there to be no table #{table_name} with row #{row.inspect}, but there was." } end ## # # Asserts if the supplied show_for* attribute exists or not # # @param [String] label The name of the attribute. # @param [String] value The value of the attribute. # # Example: # page.should have_attribute("Status", "Pending") # # * RSpec::Matchers.define :have_attribute do |label, value| match do |page| xpath = XPath.generate { |x| x.descendant(:p)[x.attr(:class).contains('wrapper')][x.child(:strong).contains(label)][x.contains(value)] } page.has_xpath?(xpath) end failure_message_for_should do |page| attributes = page.all(:css, 'li.wrapper').map(&:text).to_sentence "expected there to be an attribute #{label}: #{value}, but the only attributes were: #{attributes}." end failure_message_for_should_not { |page| "expected there to be no attribute #{label}: #{value}, but there was." } end ## # # Asserts if the supplied image exists or not # # @param [String] alt The alt attribute content of the image # # Example: # page.should have_image("Logo") RSpec::Matchers.define :have_image do |alt| match { |page| page.has_css?("img[alt=\"#{alt}\"]") } failure_message_for_should do |page| alts = page.all('img').map { |img| "'#{img[:alt]}'" }.to_sentence "expected image alt to be '#{alt}' but it had the image alts: #{alts}." end failure_message_for_should_not { |page| "expected image not to be '#{alt}' but it was" } end ## # # Asserts if the supplied header exists or not # # @param [String] text The content of the header # # Example: # page.should have_header("Elabs") RSpec::Matchers.define :have_header do |text| match { |page| page.has_css?('h1,h2', :text => text) } failure_message_for_should do |page| headers = page.all('h1,h2').map { |h| "'#{h.text}'" }.to_sentence "expected header to be '#{text}' but it had the headers #{headers}" end failure_message_for_should_not { |page| "expected header not to be '#{text}' but it was" } end ## # # Asserts if the supplied flash notice exists or not # # @param [String] text The content of the flash notice # # Example: # page.should have_flash_notice("Success") RSpec::Matchers.define :have_flash_notice do |text| match { |page| page.has_css?('#flash.notice', :text => text) } failure_message_for_should { |page| "expected flash notice to be '#{text}' but was '#{page.find('#flash.notice').text}'" } failure_message_for_should_not { |page| "expected flash notice not to be '#{text}' but it was" } end ## # # Asserts if the supplied flash alert exists or not # # @param [String] text The content of the flash alert # # Example: # page.should have_flash_alert("Error") RSpec::Matchers.define :have_flash_alert do |text| match { |page| page.has_css?('#flash.alert', :text => text) } failure_message_for_should { |page| "expected flash alert to be '#{text}' but was '#{page.find('#flash.alert').text}'" } failure_message_for_should_not { |page| "expected flash alert not to be '#{text}' but it was" } end ## # # Asserts if the supplied flash alert exists or not # # @param [String] label The label content associated with the field. # @param [String] message The error message expected. # # Example: # page.should have_form_errors_on("Name", "Can't be blank") RSpec::Matchers.define :have_form_errors_on do |field, message| xpath = %Q{..//span[contains(@class,'error')]} match { |page| page.has_field?(field) and page.find_field(field).has_xpath?(xpath, :text => message) } failure_message_for_should do |page| error = page.find_field(field).all(:xpath, xpath).first if not error "expected field '#{field}' to have an error, but it didn't" elsif error.text != message "expected error message on #{field} to be '#{message}' but was '#{error.text}'" else raise "This should not happen" end end failure_message_for_should_not { |page| "expected error message on '#{field}' not to be '#{text}' but it was" } end ## # # Asserts if the supplied fields exists or not # # @param [Hash] field name, value A hash containing pairs of field name => value # # Example: # page.should have_fields("Author" => "Adam", "Year" => "2011") RSpec::Matchers.define :have_fields do |fields| match { |page| fields.all? { |label, value| page.has_field?(label, :with => value.to_s) } } failure_message_for_should { |page| "expected page to have the fields #{fields.inspect}, but it didn't." } failure_message_for_should_not { |page| "expected page not to have the fields #{fields.inspect}, but it did." } end end end end end