module WebmockHelpers def api_base_url "#{Softcover::BaseConfig::DEFAULTS[:host]}/api/v1" end def test_bucket; 'test-bucket' end def test_access_key; 'asdf' end def test_id; 1 end def headers(with_content_length=true) hash = { 'Accept'=>'application/json', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip, deflate', 'Content-Type'=>'application/json', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby' } hash['Content-Length'] = /.+/ if with_content_length hash end def stub_valid_login(email, pass, api_key=TEST_API_KEY) stub_request(:post, "#{api_base_url}/login"). with(:body => { "email" => email, "password" => pass }, :headers => headers ). to_return(:status => 200, :body => {api_key: api_key}.to_json) end def stub_invalid_login(email, pass) stub_request(:post, "#{api_base_url}/login"). with(:body => { "email" => email, "password" => pass }, :headers => headers ). to_return(:status => 422, body: '') end def stub_create_book(book) return_body = { upload_params: { |f| { :policy => "asdf", :signature => "asdf", :acl => "public-read", :content_type => "asdf", :key => File.join(book.slug, f.path), :path => f.path } }, bucket: test_bucket, access_key: test_access_key, book: { id: test_id } }.to_json stub_request(:post, "#{api_base_url}/books"). with(:body => { id:, files: book.files, title: book.title, slug: book.slug, subtitle: book.subtitle, description: book.description, chapters: book.chapter_attributes, prices: book.prices, faq: book.faq, testimonials: book.testimonials, marketing_content: '', contact_email: book.contact_email, hide_softcover_footer: book.hide_custom_domain_footer, authors: book.authors, ga_account: book.ga_account, repo_url: book.repo_url, remove_unused_media_bundles: true }.to_json, :headers => headers). to_return(:status => 200, :body => return_body, :headers => {}) stub_s3_post book.files.each { |file| stub_notify_file_upload file } stub_request(:put, "#{api_base_url}/books/#{test_id}"). with(:body => "{\"upload_complete\":true}", :headers => headers). to_return(:status => 200, :body => {}.to_json, :headers => {}) end def stub_destroy_book(book) stub_request(:delete, "#{api_base_url}/books/#{}?api_key="). with(:headers => headers(false)). to_return(:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => {}) end def stub_destroy_book_by_slug(book) stub_request(:delete, "#{api_base_url}/books/#{book.slug}?api_key="). with(:headers => headers(false)). to_return(:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => {}) end def stub_destroy_book_by_invalid_slug(slug) stub_request(:delete, "#{api_base_url}/books/#{slug}?api_key="). with(:headers => headers(false)). to_return(:status => 404, :body => "", :headers => {}) end def stub_destroy_book_not_found(book) stub_request(:delete, "#{api_base_url}/books/#{}?api_key="). with(:headers => headers(false)). to_return(:status => 404, :body => "", :headers => {}) end def stub_notify_file_upload(file) notify_file_url = "#{api_base_url}/books/#{test_id}/notify_file_upload" stub_request(:post, notify_file_url). with(:body => { path: file.path, checksum: file.checksum }.to_json, :headers => headers). to_return(:status => 200, :body => {}.to_json, :headers => {}) end def stub_s3_post stub_request(:post, /s3\.amazonaws\.com/). with(:body => /.*/). to_return(:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => {}) end def stub_media_upload(book, dir='ebooks', options={}) stub_s3_post stub_create_book(book) files = book.get_book_files(dir) stub_request(:post, /\/books\/#{ || '.+'}\/media/). with(:body => { path: dir, files: files, manifest: nil, remove_unused_media_files: options[:remove_unused_media_files] }.to_json, :headers => headers). to_return(:status => 200, :body => { upload_params: { |file| { :policy => "asdf", :signature => "asdf", :acl => "public-read", :content_type => "asdf", :key => File.join(book.slug, file.path), :path => file.path } }, bucket: test_bucket, access_key: test_access_key }.to_json, :headers => {}) files.each { |file| stub_notify_file_upload file } end def prepare_book_stubs chdir_to_book end def chdir_to_fixtures Dir.chdir File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures" end def chdir_to_book dir = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures", "book" File.mkdir(dir) unless Dir.chdir dir end def chdir_to_non_book dir = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures", "non-book" File.mkdir(dir) unless Dir.chdir dir end # Generates a sample book using the same method as `softcover new`. # It also creates test books of all standard formats and a screencasts # directory with a stub file. def generate_book(options = {}) name = options[:name] || 'book' source = options[:source] || :polytex remove_book Dir.chdir File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures/" flags = [] flags << '-p' unless options[:markdown] silence { system "softcover new #{name} #{flags.join(' ')}" } chdir_to_book File.mkdir 'html' unless File.exist?('html') File.write(File.join('html', 'chapter-1.html'), 'test') File.write(File.join('html', 'chapter-1_fragment.html'), 'test') File.write(File.join('html', 'test_fragment.html'), 'test') File.write(File.join('html', "#{name}.html"), 'test') File.mkdir 'ebooks' unless File.exist?('ebooks') Softcover::FORMATS.each do |format| dir = format == 'html' ? 'html' : 'ebooks' File.write(File.join(dir, "test-book.#{format}"), 'test') end Dir.mkdir("screencasts") unless"screencasts")'screencasts', ''), 'w') { |f| f.write('test') } end def remove_book FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures/book") chdir_to_fixtures end end