require 'spec_helper' require 'spec/runner/resources/custom_example_group_runner' require 'fakefs/spec_helpers' describe "OptionParser" do before(:each) do @out = @err = @parser =, @out) end def parse(args) @parser.parse(args) @parser.options end describe "defaults" do include FakeFS::SpecHelpers it "should not use colour by default" do options = parse([]) options.colour.should == false end it "should use progress bar formatter by default" do options = parse([]) options.formatters[0].class.should equal(Spec::Runner::Formatter::ProgressBarFormatter) end end it "should leave the submitted argv alone" do args = ["--pattern", "foo"] @parser.order!(args) args.should == ["--pattern", "foo"] end it "should accept files to include" do options = parse(["--pattern", "foo"]) options.filename_pattern.should == "foo" end it "should accept debugger option" do options = parse(["--debugger"]) options.debug.should be_true end it "should accept -u form of debugger option" do options = parse(["-u"]) options.debug.should be_true end it "should turn off the debugger option if drb is specified later" do @parser.stub!(:parse_drb).with(no_args).and_return(true) options = parse(["-u", "--drb"]) options.debug.should be_false end it "should turn off the debugger option if drb is specified first" do @parser.stub!(:parse_drb).with(no_args).and_return(true) options = parse(["--drb", "-u"]) options.debug.should be_false end it "should accept port option" do options = parse(["--port", "9000"]) options.drb_port.should == 9000 end it 'should require argument to port option' do lambda { parse(["--port"]) }.should raise_error(OptionParser::MissingArgument) end it "should accept dry run option" do options = parse(["--dry-run"]) options.dry_run.should be_true end it "should eval and use custom formatter when none of the builtins" do options = parse(["--format", "Custom::Formatter"]) options.formatters[0].class.should be(Custom::Formatter) end it "should support formatters with relative and absolute paths, even on windows" do options = parse([ "--format", "Custom::Formatter:C:\\foo\\bar", "--format", "Custom::Formatter:foo/bar", "--format", "Custom::Formatter:foo\\bar", "--format", "Custom::Formatter:/foo/bar" ]) options.formatters[0].where.should eql("C:\\foo\\bar") options.formatters[1].where.should eql("foo/bar") options.formatters[2].where.should eql("foo\\bar") options.formatters[3].where.should eql("/foo/bar") end it "should not be verbose by default" do options = parse([]) options.verbose.should be_nil end it "should print help to stdout if no args and spec_comand?" do Spec::Runner::OptionParser.stub!(:spec_command?).and_return(true) options = parse([]) @out.rewind match(/Usage: spec \(FILE\(:LINE\)\?\|DIRECTORY\|GLOB\)\+ \[options\]/m) end it "should not print help to stdout if no args and NOT spec_command?" do Spec::Runner::OptionParser.stub!(:spec_command?).and_return(false) options = parse([]) @out.rewind == "" end it "should print help to stdout" do options = parse(["--help"]) @out.rewind match(/Usage: spec \(FILE\(:LINE\)\?\|DIRECTORY\|GLOB\)\+ \[options\]/m) end it "should print instructions about how to require missing formatter" do lambda do options = parse(["--format", "Custom::MissingFormatter"]) options.formatters end.should raise_error(NameError) @err.string.should match(/Couldn't find formatter class Custom::MissingFormatter/n) end it "should print version to stdout" do options = parse(["--version"]) @out.rewind match(/rspec \d+\.\d+\.\d+/n) end it "should require file when require specified" do lambda do parse(["--require", "whatever"]) end.should raise_error(LoadError) end it "should support c option" do options = parse(["-c"]) options.colour.should be_true end it "should support queens colour option" do options = parse(["--colour"]) options.colour.should be_true end it "should support us color option" do options = parse(["--color"]) options.colour.should be_true end it "should support single example with -e option" do options = parse(["-e", "something or other"]) options.examples.should eql(["something or other"]) end it "should support single example with -s option (will be removed when autotest supports -e)" do options = parse(["-s", "something or other"]) options.examples.should eql(["something or other"]) end it "should support single example with --example option" do options = parse(["--example", "something or other"]) options.examples.should eql(["something or other"]) end it "should read several example names from file if --example is given an existing file name" do options = parse(["--example", File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/examples.txt']) options.examples.should eql([ "Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink.", "Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it."]) end it "should read no examples if given an empty file" do options = parse(["--example", File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/empty_file.txt']) options.examples.should eql([]) end it "should use html formatter when format is h" do options = parse(["--format", "h"]) options.formatters[0].class.should equal(Spec::Runner::Formatter::HtmlFormatter) end it "should use html formatter when format is html" do options = parse(["--format", "html"]) options.formatters[0].class.should equal(Spec::Runner::Formatter::HtmlFormatter) end it "should use silent formatter when format is s" do options = parse(["--format", "l"]) options.formatters[0].class.should equal(Spec::Runner::Formatter::SilentFormatter) end it "should use silent formatter when format is silent" do options = parse(["--format", "silent"]) options.formatters[0].class.should equal(Spec::Runner::Formatter::SilentFormatter) end it "should use html formatter with explicit output when format is html:test.html" do FileUtils.rm 'test.html' if File.exist?('test.html') options = parse(["--format", "html:test.html"]) options.formatters # creates the file File.should exist('test.html') options.formatters[0].class.should equal(Spec::Runner::Formatter::HtmlFormatter) options.formatters[0].close FileUtils.rm 'test.html' end it "should use noisy backtrace tweaker with b option" do options = parse(["-b"]) options.backtrace_tweaker.should be_instance_of(Spec::Runner::NoisyBacktraceTweaker) end it "should use noisy backtrace tweaker with backtrace option" do options = parse(["--backtrace"]) options.backtrace_tweaker.should be_instance_of(Spec::Runner::NoisyBacktraceTweaker) end it "should use quiet backtrace tweaker by default" do options = parse([]) options.backtrace_tweaker.should be_instance_of(Spec::Runner::QuietBacktraceTweaker) end it "should use specdoc formatter when format is s" do options = parse(["--format", "s"]) options.formatters[0].class.should equal(Spec::Runner::Formatter::SpecdocFormatter) end it "should use specdoc formatter when format is specdoc" do options = parse(["--format", "specdoc"]) options.formatters[0].class.should equal(Spec::Runner::Formatter::SpecdocFormatter) end it "should use nested text formatter when format is s" do options = parse(["--format", "n"]) options.formatters[0].class.should equal(Spec::Runner::Formatter::NestedTextFormatter) end it "should use nested text formatter when format is nested" do options = parse(["--format", "nested"]) options.formatters[0].class.should equal(Spec::Runner::Formatter::NestedTextFormatter) end it "should support diff option when format is not specified" do options = parse(["--diff"]) options.diff_format.should == :unified end it "should use unified diff format option when format is unified" do options = parse(["--diff", "unified"]) options.diff_format.should == :unified options.differ_class.should equal(Spec::Expectations::Differs::Default) end it "should use context diff format option when format is context" do options = parse(["--diff", "context"]) options.diff_format.should == :context options.differ_class.should == Spec::Expectations::Differs::Default end it "should use custom diff format option when format is a custom format" do Spec::Expectations.differ.should_not be_instance_of(Custom::Differ) options = parse(["--diff", "Custom::Differ"]) options.parse_diff "Custom::Differ" options.diff_format.should == :custom options.differ_class.should == Custom::Differ Spec::Expectations.differ.should be_instance_of(Custom::Differ) end it "should print instructions about how to fix missing differ" do lambda { parse(["--diff", "Custom::MissingFormatter"]) }.should raise_error(NameError) @err.string.should match(/Couldn't find differ class Custom::MissingFormatter/n) end describe "when attempting a focussed spec" do attr_reader :file, :dir before(:each) do @original_rspec_options = Spec::Runner.options @file = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/line_number_query/line_number_query_fixture.rb" @dir = File.dirname(file) end after(:each) do Spec::Runner.use @original_rspec_options end def parse(args) options = super Spec::Runner.use options options.filename_pattern = "*_fixture.rb" options end describe 'with the --line flag' do it "should correctly identify the spec" do options = parse([file, "--line", "13"]) options.line_number.should == 13 options.examples.should be_empty options.run_examples options.examples.should eql(["d"]) end it "should fail with error message if specified file is a dir" do options = parse([dir, "--line", "169"]) options.line_number.should == 169 options.run_examples @err.string.should match(/You must specify one file, not a directory when providing a line number/n) end it "should fail with error message if file does not exist" do options = parse(["some file", "--line", "169"]) proc do options.run_examples end.should raise_error end it "should fail with error message if more than one files are specified" do options = parse([file, file, "--line", "169"]) options.run_examples @err.string.should match(/Only one file can be specified when providing a line number/n) end it "should fail with error message if using simultaneously with --example" do options = parse([file, "--example", "some example", "--line", "169"]) options.run_examples @err.string.should match(/You cannot use --example and specify a line number/n) end end describe 'with the colon syntax (filename:LINE_NUMBER)' do it "should strip the line number from the file name" do options = parse(["#{file}:13"]) options.files.should include(file) end it "should correctly identify the spec" do options = parse(["#{file}:13"]) options.line_number.should == 13 options.examples.should be_empty options.run_examples options.examples.should eql(["d"]) end it "should fail with error message if specified file is a dir" do options = parse(["#{dir}:169"]) options.line_number.should == 169 options.run_examples @err.string.should match(/You must specify one file, not a directory when providing a line number/n) end it "should fail with error message if file does not exist" do options = parse(["some file:169"]) proc do options.run_examples end.should raise_error end it "should fail with error message if more than one files are specified" do options = parse([file, "#{file}:169"]) options.run_examples @err.string.should match(/Only one file can be specified when providing a line number/n) end it "should fail with error message if using simultaneously with --example" do options = parse(["#{file}:169", "--example", "some example"]) options.run_examples @err.string.should match(/You cannot use --example and specify a line number/n) end end end if [/mswin/, /java/].detect{|p| p =~ RUBY_PLATFORM} it "should barf when --heckle is specified (and platform is windows)" do lambda do options = parse(["--heckle", "Spec"]) end.should raise_error(StandardError, /Heckle is not supported/) end elsif Spec::Ruby.version.to_f == 1.9 it "should barf when --heckle is specified (and platform is Ruby 1.9)" do lambda do options = parse(["--heckle", "Spec"]) end.should raise_error(StandardError, /Heckle is not supported/) end else it "should heckle when --heckle is specified (and platform is not windows)" do options = parse(["--heckle", "Spec"]) options.heckle_runner.should be_instance_of(Spec::Runner::HeckleRunner) end end it "should read options from file when --options is specified" do options = parse(["--options", File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/spec.opts"]) options.diff_format.should_not be_nil options.colour.should be_true end it "should default the formatter to ProgressBarFormatter when using options file" do options = parse(["--options", File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/spec.opts"]) options.formatters.first.should be_instance_of(::Spec::Runner::Formatter::ProgressBarFormatter) end it "should run parse drb after parsing options" do @parser.should_receive(:parse_drb).with(no_args).and_return(true) options = parse(["--options", File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/spec_drb.opts"]) end it "should send all the arguments other than --drb back to the parser after parsing options" do Spec::Runner::DrbCommandLine.should_receive(:run).and_return do |options| options.argv.should == ["example_file.rb", "--colour"] end options = parse(["example_file.rb", "--options", File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/spec_drb.opts"]) end it "runs specs locally if no drb is running when --drb is specified" do Spec::Runner::DrbCommandLine.should_receive(:run).and_return(false) options = parse(["example_file.rb", "--options", File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/spec_drb.opts"]) options.__send__(:examples_should_be_run?).should be_true end it "says its running specs locally if no drb is running when --drb is specified" do Spec::Runner::DrbCommandLine.should_receive(:run).and_return(false) options = parse(["example_file.rb", "--options", File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/spec_drb.opts"]) options.error_stream.rewind options.error_stream.string.should =~ /Running specs locally/ end it "does not run specs locally if drb is running when --drb is specified" do Spec::Runner::DrbCommandLine.should_receive(:run).and_return(true) options = parse(["example_file.rb", "--options", File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/spec_drb.opts"]) options.__send__(:examples_should_be_run?).should be_false end it "should read spaced and multi-line options from file when --options is specified" do options = parse(["--options", File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/spec_spaced.opts"]) options.diff_format.should_not be_nil options.colour.should be_true options.formatters.first.should be_instance_of(::Spec::Runner::Formatter::SpecdocFormatter) end it "should save config to file when --generate-options is specified" do FileUtils.rm 'test.spec.opts' if File.exist?('test.spec.opts') options = parse(["--colour", "--generate-options", "test.spec.opts", "--diff"])'test.spec.opts').should == "--colour\n--diff\n" FileUtils.rm 'test.spec.opts' end it "should save config to file when -G is specified" do FileUtils.rm 'test.spec.opts' if File.exist?('test.spec.opts') options = parse(["--colour", "-G", "test.spec.opts", "--diff"])'test.spec.opts').should == "--colour\n--diff\n" FileUtils.rm 'test.spec.opts' end it "when --drb is specified, calls DrbCommandLine all of the other ARGV arguments" do options = Spec::Runner::OptionParser.parse([ "some/spec.rb", "--diff", "--colour" ], @err, @out) Spec::Runner::DrbCommandLine.should_receive(:run).and_return do |options| options.argv.should == ["some/spec.rb", "--diff", "--colour"] end parse(["some/spec.rb", "--diff", "--drb", "--colour"]) end it "should reverse spec order when --reverse is specified" do options = parse(["some/spec.rb", "--reverse"]) end it "should set an mtime comparator when --loadby mtime" do options = parse(["--loadby", 'mtime']) runner = Spec::Runner::ExampleGroupRunner.should_receive(:new). with(options). and_return(runner) runner.should_receive(:load_files).with(["most_recent_spec.rb", "command_line_spec.rb"]) Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) do options.files << 'command_line_spec.rb' options.files << 'most_recent_spec.rb' FileUtils.touch "most_recent_spec.rb" options.run_examples FileUtils.rm "most_recent_spec.rb" end end it "should use the standard runner by default" do runner = ::Spec::Runner::ExampleGroupRunner.should_receive(:new). with(@parser.options). and_return(runner) options = parse([]) options.run_examples end it "should use a custom runner when given" do runner =, nil) Custom::ExampleGroupRunner.should_receive(:new). with(@parser.options, nil). and_return(runner) options = parse(["--runner", "Custom::ExampleGroupRunner"]) options.run_examples end it "should use a custom runner with extra options" do runner =, 'something') Custom::ExampleGroupRunner.should_receive(:new). with(@parser.options, 'something'). and_return(runner) options = parse(["--runner", "Custom::ExampleGroupRunner:something"]) options.run_examples end it "sets options.autospec to true with --autospec" do options = parse(["--autospec"]) options.autospec.should be(true) end describe "implicitly loading spec/spec.opts" do include FakeFS::SpecHelpers before do FileUtils.mkdir_p('spec') end it "uses spec/spec.opts if present" do'spec/spec.opts', 'w') { |f| f.write "--colour" } options = parse(['ignore.rb']) options.colour.should be(true) end it "does not try to load spec/spec.opts if not present" do options = parse(['ignore.rb']) options.colour.should be(false) end it "uses specified opts if supplied" do options = nil"spec/spec.opts",'w') { |f| f.write "" }"spec/alternate.opts",'w') { |f| f.write "--colour" } options = parse(['-O','spec/alternate.opts']) options.colour.should be(true) end end end