MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $tE+++P+m+*+m+m+m+m+m+W+m+Rich+PEd$M"  .\9@!SDPP'@D`@.textc `.data0@.pdata@@@.rsrc'P(@@.reloc$B@B p T @ ,  rhD2  \$M(xx@00RSDSZeIF G>sqlceer40en.pdbL#;LDL#@SH HH u#IEL3H [@SH HHHP#HA#HuC#H#*H cH +3H [HHXHhHxL` AUAVAWH 3ML;8-;#DeH%0HXH;t3H"uAx"tH u"gLH;H T"NMLHHI;rZH9}t8H9EtHM HHEH "H !HL;uL;tLLIH!H!=!D;H=!3eH%0HXH;t3Hf!uO!;t >HH '!;uHwH h{!;u HH H9= !t!H !;tMĺI +H\$@Hl$HH|$PLd$XH A_A^A]HHXHpHxATH0ILXu9u 3ۉXtu3HHtЋ؉D$ tLƋI0؉D$ LƋI]؉D$ u5u1L3IAL3ILMt L3IAӅtu7LƋI#ˋىL$ tHJHtLƋIЋ؉D$ 3ۉ\$ H\$@Ht$HH|$PH0A\H\$Ht$WH IHuLNjHH\$0Ht$8H _ffH; QuHfuHQH I@SH HH HD$8Hu Hj~rH HD$8H HD$@H8HLD$@HT$8&HHL$8HYHL$@H?HH [H(?HH(H\$WH H H=HHtHH;rH\$0H _H\$WH HH=HHtHH;rH\$0H _HMZf9t3HcH?@ABCD0SHT`UxVW`lm 8Ph(@Xp   0 H ` 4x 5              (  8  H  X  h  x                      (  8  H  X  h  x                      (  8  H  X  h  x                      (  8  H  X  h  x                    ( 8 H X h x ^ d(lt{P dpPR4\vԳ`6 p X   $D\ ((0 : DKn Vnd"lquZw|< V L\H\|h $   L l |X&8 l |  #x1. :R>zB $N @Y dj\mlqPt[Accessor is invalid. [,,,,,]mRow could not be inserted into the rowset without exceeding provider's maximum number of active rows. [,,,,,]0Accessor is read-only. Operation failed. [,,,,,]+Values violate the database schema. [,,,,,]Row handle is invalid. [,,,,,]Object was open. [,,,,,]Invalid chapter. [,,,,,]{A literal value in the command could not be converted to the correct type due to a reason other than data overflow. [,,,,,]Invalid binding info. [,,,,,]Permission denied. [,,,,,]@Specified column does not contain bookmarks or chapters. [,,,,,]'Some cost limits were rejected. [,,,,,]7No command has been set for the command object. [,,,,,]@Unable to find a query plan within the given cost limit. [,,,,,]Invalid bookmark. [,,,,,]Invalid lock mode. [,,,,,]PA;No value given for one or more required parameters. [,,,,,]Invalid column ID. [,,,,,]Invalid ratio. [,,,,,]Invalid value. [,,,,,]1The command contained one or more errors. [,,,,,]1The executing command cannot be canceled. [,,,,,]<The provider does not support the specified dialect. [,,,,,]=A data source with the specified name already exists. [,,,,,]KThe rowset was built over a live data feed and cannot be restarted. [,,,,,]^No key matching the described characteristics could be found within the current range. [,,,,,]>Ownership of this tree has been given to the provider. [,,,,,]MThe provider is unable to determine identity for newly inserted rows. [,,,,,]qNo nonzero weights specified for any goals supported, so goal was rejected; current goal was not changed. [,,,,,].Requested conversion is not supported. [,,,,,]lRowsOffset would position you past either end of the rowset, regardless of the cRows value specified; cRowsObtained is 0. [,,,,,]PAhProvider called a method from IRowsetNotify in the consumer and the method has not yet returned. [,,,,,]Errors occurred. [,,,,,]pA non-NULL controlling IUnknown was specified and the object being created does not support aggregation. [,,,,,]$The current row was deleted. [,,,,,]7The rowset does not support fetching backwards. [,,,,,]CAll HROWs must be released before new ones can be obtained. [,,,,,]=One of the specified storage flags was not supported. [,,,,,],The comparison operator was invalid. [,,,,,]ZThe specified status flag was neither DBCOLUMNSTATUS_OK nor DBCOLUMNSTATUS_ISNULL. [,,,,,]+The rowset cannot scroll backwards. [,,,,,]Invalid region handle. [,,,,,]nThe specified set of rows was not contiguous to or overlapping the rows in the specified watch region. [,,,,,]AA transition from ALL* to MOVE* or EXTEND* was specified. [,,,,,]qThe specified region is not a proper subregion of the region identified by the given watch region handle. [,,,,,]?The provider does not support multi-statement commands. [,,,,,]SA specified value violated the integrity constraints for a column or table. [,,,,,]-The given type name was unrecognized. [,,,,,]cExecution aborted because a resource limit has been reached; no results have been returned. [,,,,,]VCannot clone a command object whose command tree contains a rowset or rowsets. [,,,,,]2Cannot represent the current tree as text. [,,,,,]+The specified index already exists. [,,,,,]+The specified index does not exist. [,,,,,]'The specified index was in use. [,,,,,]+The specified table does not exist. [,,,,,]vThe rowset was using optimistic concurrency and the value of a column has been changed since it was last read. [,,,,,]-Errors were detected during the copy. [,,,,,]*A specified precision was invalid. [,,,,,]&A specified scale was invalid. [,,,,,]Invalid table ID. [,,,,,]%A specified type was invalid. [,,,,,]AA column ID occurred more than once in the specification. [,,,,,]+The specified table already exists. [,,,,,]PA'The specified table was in use. [,,,,,]2The specified locale ID was not supported. [,,,,,]/The specified record number is invalid. [,,,,,]TAlthough the bookmark was validly formed, no row could be found to match it. [,,,,,],The value of a property was invalid. [,,,,,]%The rowset was not chaptered. [,,,,,]Invalid accessor. [,,,,,]Invalid storage flags. [,,,,,]<By-ref accessors are not supported by this provider. [,,,,,]:Null accessors are not supported by this provider. [,,,,,]%The command was not prepared. [,,,,,]<The specified accessor was not a parameter accessor. [,,,,,]*The given accessor was write-only. [,,,,,]Authentication failed. [,,,,,]LThe change was canceled during notification; no columns are changed. [,,,,,]IThe rowset was single-chaptered and the chapter was not released. [,,,,,]Invalid source handle. [,,,,,][The provider cannot derive parameter info and SetParameterInfo has not been called. [,,,,,]6The data source object is already initialized. [,,,,,]2The provider does not support this method. [,,,,,]KThe number of rows with pending changes has exceeded the set limit. [,,,,,]+The specified column did not exist. [,,,,,]JThere are pending changes on a row with a reference count of zero. [,,,,,]aA literal value in the command overflowed the range of the type of the associated column. [,,,,,])The supplied HRESULT was invalid. [,,,,,]*The supplied LookupID was invalid. [,,,,,]0The supplied DynamicErrorID was invalid. [,,,,,]ZUnable to get visible data for a newly-inserted row that has not yet been updated. [,,,,,] Invalid conversion flag. [,,,,,]2The given parameter name was unrecognized. [,,,,,]@Multiple storage objects can not be open simultaneously. [,,,,,]1The requested filter could not be opened. [,,,,,]0The requested order could not be opened. [,,,,,]*The supplied columnID was invalid. [,,,,,]2The supplied command does not have a DBID. [,,,,,])The supplied DBID already exists. [,,,,,]The maximum number of Sessions supported by the provider has already been created. The consumer must release one or more currently held Sessions before obtaining a new Session Object. [,,,,,]Invalid trustee value. [,,,,,]7The trustee is not for the current data source. [,,,,,]=The trustee does not support memberships/collections. [,,,,,]9The object is invalid or unknown to the provider. [,,,,,]'No owner exists for the object. [,,,,,]2The access entry list supplied is invalid. [,,,,,]LThe trustee supplied as owner is invalid or unknown to the provider. [,,,,,]DThe permission supplied in the access entry list is invalid. [,,,,,] The index ID is invalid. [,,,,,]OThe initialization string specified does not conform to specificiation. [,,,,,]pThe OLE DB root enumerator did not return any providers that matched any of the SOURCES_TYPEs requested. [,,,,,]jThe initialization string specifies a provider which does not match the currently active provider. [,,,,,]&The specified DBID is invalid. [,,,,,]HThe ConstraintType was invalid or not supported by the provider. [,,,,,]cThe ConstraintType was not DBCONSTRAINTTYPE_FOREIGNKEY and cForeignKeyColumns was not zero. [,,,,,]UThe Deferrability was invalid or the value was not supported by the provider. [,,,,,]PAQThe MatchType was invalid or the value was not supported by the provider. [,,,,,]`The UpdateRule or DeleteRule was invalid or the value was not supported by the provider. [,,,,,]!Constraint ID is invalid. [,,,,,] The dwFlags was invalid. [,,,,,]|The rguidColumnType pointed to a GUID that does not match the object type of this column or this column was not set. [,,,,,]+The requested URL was out-of-scope. [,,,,,]PAmColumn or constraint could not be dropped because it is referenced by a dependent view or constraint. [,,,,,]There is no source row. [,,,,,][The OLE DB object represented by this URL is locked by one or more other processes. [,,,,,]PThe client requested an object type that is only valid for a collection. [,,,,,]@The caller requested write access to a read-only object. [,,,,,]>The provider does not support asynchronous operations. [,,,,,]EThe provider could not connect to the server for this object. [,,,,,]4The attempt to bind to the object timed out. [,,,,,]sThe provider was unable to create an object at this URL because an object named by this URL already exists. [,,,,,]"Constraint already exists. [,,,,,][Object cannot be created at this URL because the server is out of physical storage. [,,,,,]-Failed to create boundary descriptor. [,,,,,]+Failed to create or open namespace. [,,,,,]!Namespace already exists. [,,,,,]PArFetching requested number of rows would have exceeded total number of active rows supported by the rowset. [,,,,,]_One or more column types are incompatible; conversion errors will occur during copying. [,,,,,]AParameter type information has been overridden by caller. [,,,,,]7Skipped bookmark for deleted or non-member row. [,,,,,]"There are no more rowsets. [,,,,,]2Reached start or end of rowset or chapter. [,,,,,]-The provider re-executed the command. [,,,,,]"Variable data buffer full. [,,,,,]"There are no more results. [,,,,,]SServer cannot release or downgrade a lock until the end of the transaction. [,,,,,]sSpecified weight was not supported or exceeded the supported limit and was set to 0 or the supported limit. [,,,,,]YConsumer is uninterested in receiving further notification calls for this reason. [,,,,,]MInput dialect was ignored and text was returned in different dialect. [,,,,,]XConsumer is uninterested in receiving further notification calls for this phase. [,,,,,]YConsumer is uninterested in receiving further notification calls for this reason. [,,,,,]PA8The operation is being processed asynchronously. [,,,,,]In order to reposition to the start of the rowset, the provider had to reexecute the query; either the order of the columns changed or columns were added to or removed from the rowset. [,,,,,]QThe method had some errors; errors have been returned in the error array. [,,,,,]Invalid row handle. [,,,,,]4A given HROW referred to a hard-deleted row. [,,,,,]The provider was unable to keep track of all the changes; the client must refetch the data associated with the watch region using another method. [,,,,,]Execution stopped because a resource limit has been reached; results obtained so far have been returned but execution cannot be resumed. [,,,,,]gThe bind failed because the provider was unable to satisfy all of the bind flags or properties. [,,,,,]5A lock was upgraded from the value specified. [,,,,,]COne or more properties were changed as allowed by provider. [,,,,,]Errors occurred. [,,,,,]*A specified parameter was invalid. [,,,,,]TUpdating this row caused more than one row to be updated in the data source. [,,,,,],The row has no row-specific columns. [,,,,,]DEither the cursor is not on a row or there are no rows left. [,,,,,]DThe specified buffer size is not valid. [Buffer size specified,,,,,]]The specified length is too long for the column type. [Specified length,Column data type,,,,]1The column cannot be modified. [,,,Column name,,]CThe column cannot contain null values. [,,,Column name,Table name,]PAHThe path is not valid. Check the directory for the database. [,,,Path,,]RThe file name is not valid. Check the file name for the database. [,,,File name,,]gThe file that is being referenced is not a SQL Server Compact database file format. [,,,Databasename,,]/The record was not prepared for update. [,,,,,].Access to the system column is denied. [,,,,,]ZA duplicate value cannot be inserted into a unique index. [,,,Table name,Constraint name,]kThe database file may be corrupted. Run the repair utility to check the database file. [,,,Database name,,]6Failed to obtain a lock for a write operation. [,,,,,]-Failed to obtain a lock for a commit. [,,,,,]/Null values are not allowed in indexes. [,,,,,]PAvThe primary key value cannot be deleted because references to this key still exist. [,,,Foreign key constraint name,,]A foreign key value cannot be inserted because a corresponding primary key value does not exist. [,,,Foreign key constraint name,,]XThe table definition or the row size exceeds the maximum row size of 8060 bytes. [,,,,,]OThe specified password does not match the database password. [,,,Data Source,,]fA duplicate key value was found as a result of referential integrity action. [,,,Foreign table name,,]KThe specified locale is not supported on this operating system. [LCID,,,,,]fThere is a file locking violation. Close any external application that uses the database file. [,,,,,]WThere is a file sharing violation. A different process might be using the file. [,,,,,]=There is not enough disk space left for the database. [,,,,,]GThere is not enough disk space left for the temporary database. [,,,,,]<Access to the database file is not allowed. [,,,File name,,]OS Error: The OS limit of open files has been exceeded. Other applications will need to be shut down to free up available open files. [,,,,,]UThe database file cannot be found. Check the path to the database. [,,,Data Source,,]OS Error: SQL Server Compact encountered a premature EOF for the database file. Running the repair utility might help recover some data. [,,,,,]OS Error: The OS is reporting that no more file handles can be created. In order to proceed, try closing other applications. [,,,,,]fOS Error: The OS storage system (RAM, CF, SD, or IPSM) is not responding. Retry the operation. [,,,,,]wOS Error: The OS will not allow sharing of any more files. In order to proceed, try closing other applications. [,,,,,]RInternal error: Unable to successfully execute disk IO on the file system. [,,,,,]QInternal error: A serious error has occurred when trying to create a key. [,,,,,]HThe limit of 16 columns for the multi-column index was exceeded. [,,,,,]PANThe size of the Unicode text column is not even. [Column size,,,Column name,,]BInternal error: Invalid operation without a current index. [,,,,,]/Long value data type cannot be indexed. [,,,,,]2The foreign key constraint does not exist. [,,,,,]Another column of same special column type found. ROWGUID, IDENTITY, rowversion are special column types. For each special column type, there can be only column of that type. [,,,Object name,,]HThe limit of 249 indexes per tables has been exceeded. [,,,Table name,,]WThe limit of 1024 columns for a table has been exceeded. [Column count,,,Column name,,]iInternal error: The internal transactions for SQL Server Compact have exceeded the nesting limit. [,,,,,]The definition of referring columns (such as number of columns or data types) in referential relationships must match the referred columns. [,,, Constraint name (if known),,]VPrimary keys cannot be created on columns that support null values. [,,,Column name,,]0Tables must contain at least one column. [,,,,,]uThe expression string for the default value cannot be longer than 4000 characters. [Length of expression string,,,,,]4Nullable columns cannot be identity columns. [,,,,,]gThe constraint cannot be removed because it is referenced by another constraint. [,,,Constraint name,,]_The index cannot be removed because it is being used to enforce a constraint. [,,,Index name,,]TA password must be specified when a database is created by using encryption. [,,,,,]KThe operating system does not support the Encryption Mode provided. [,,,,,]|The new value generated for the inserted row is outside the range for an INTEGER or BIGINT data type. [Generated value,,,,,]lThe referential relationship will result in a cyclical reference that is not allowed. [,,,Constraint name,,]GThe data types of the columns in the relationship do not match. [,,,,,],The table already has a primary key. [,,,,,]UThe identity column contains an increment value that is not valid. [,,,Column name,,]GInternal error: A new GUID cannot be generated for the new row. [,,,,,]PAHAnother synchronization is in progress. Try synchronizing later. [,,,,,]+SQL Server Compact timed out waiting for a lock. The default lock time is 2000ms for devices and 5000ms for desktops. The default lock timeout can be increased in the connection string using the ssce: default lock timeout property. [Session id,Thread id,Process id,Table name,Conflict type,Resource]The lock manager has run out of space for additional locks. This can be caused by large transactions, by large sort operations, or by operations where SQL Server Compact creates temporary tables. You cannot increase the lock space. [,,,,,]>The path specified for the temp database is not valid. [,,,,,]Unable to create Command object because Query Processor module is not present on the device or not located in the same directory as the Storage Engine module. [,,,,,]SQL Server Compact has exceeded the buffer size. The default size can be increased on initialization by modifying the ssce: max buffer size property. [The default size,,,,,]eAnother user has opened the database with different instance-level initialization properties. [,,,,,]PStorage Engine module could not be loaded. Reinstall SQL Server Compact. [,,,,,]The database file is larger than the configured maximum database size. This setting takes effect on the first concurrent database connection only. [Required Max Database Size (in MB; 0 if unknown),,,,,]BInternal error: Invalid Security Descriptor was specified. [,,,,,]KThe limit of 249 contstraints per table has been exceeded. [,,,TableName,,][Internal error: The specified constraint does not define the requested type of key. [,,,,,]QAnother cursor on the same table has a pending operation on the same row. [,,,,,]:The database password cannot exceed 40 characters. [,,,,,]sThe table and column name is part of a reserved name. Table and column names cannot begin with '__Sys'. [,,,Name,,]]Internal error: Compressed columns do not support the stream interface(s). [,,,Column Name,,]WInvalid use of compressed flag for non-long value column. [,,,Column Name, Table Name,]?Cannot change compression status for a database. [,,,Db name,,]JFile already exists. Try using a different database name. [,,,File name,,]SWrong page (potential database corruption). Try running the repair utility. [,,,,,]=Internal error: Access to the system table is denied. [,,,,,];Database already opened by a different user. [,,,Db name,,]=Internal error: Cannot open the shared memory region. [,,,,,]PCannot alter a column that is part of a key or an index. [,,,Index Name,Column,]PATOpening a database as read-only requires a temp path to be specified. [,,,Db name,,]UInternal error: Fatal failure of the lock subsystem for this database. [,,,Db name,,]gA SQL Server Compact DLL could not be loaded. Reinstall SQL Server Compact. [GetLastError,,,DLL Name,,]:The long value was changed by another transaction. [,,,,,]CInternal error: Invalid statistics creation options. [Options,,,,,]_An update transaction is pending, cannot start a sync session. Try synchronizing again. [,,,,,]BInvalid provider type. [Db version,Requested version,,File name,,]SQL Server Compact has encountered two different versions of the product accessing the same database file. Ensure that each application accessing the same database file is using the same version of SQL Server Compact. [,,,,,]The string value that has been assigned to the LIKE clause in the SELECT statement exceeds the limit for SQL Server Compact. The limit for single byte character set is 256 characters but can be smaller for double byte character set. [,,,,,]wThe specified locale is not installed on this machine. Make sure you install the appropriate language pack. [LCID,,,,,]QQuery Processor module could not be loaded. Reinstall SQL Server Compact. [,,,,,]dInternal error: SQL Server Compact made an unsupported request to the host operating system. [,,,,,]>The required number of records have already been read. [,,,,,]IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON for another table. Cannot perform SET operation for this table. [,,, Other Table Name, This Table Name,].Table does not have a IDENTITY column. [,,,,,]EThe database encryption mode is invalid. [Input Encryption Mode,,,,,]The database file has been created by an earlier version of SQL Server Compact. Please upgrade using SqlCeEngine.Upgrade() method. [,,,,,]The file that is being referenced is not a valid SQL Server Compact 3.5 RTM/SP1/SP2 or SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition (version 3.1) or SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition (version 3.0) database file to perform upgrade. [,,,Db name,,]OThe password specified for the source database is incorrect. [,,,Data Source,,]QThe source database locale is not supported on this operating system. [LCID,,,,,]hThe repair of the source database results in potential data loss. Full recovery is not possible. [,,,,,]The table is already being tracked for changes. To modify the change tracking options on the table, disable the change tracking on the table, and enable the change tracking with the new options. [,,,Table name,,]The specified retention period is invalid. The retention period cannot be more than 1000 days. [,,,Table name, Retention period,]The retention cleanup sequence in the tombstone table will not do any operation as the deletes are not being tracked in the user table. [,,,Table name,,]XThe change tracking operations are not permitted on the system tables. [,,,Table name,,]DCould not drop system tables, as part of disabling tracking. [,,,,,]`The database is not being tracked for changes. Enable tracking to perform the operation. [,,,,,]The database is opened with a read-only connection. Can't perform post-initialization operations like re-building indexes and upgrading public tracking. Please re-open with a read-write connection. [,,,Database name,,]TUnable to connect to shared memory region of the SQL Server Compact database. This is because of another process, owning the shared memory region lock, has exited abnormally in the lock acquired state. This is an intermittent problem. Closing and restarting the database connection should fix the problem. [Thread id,Process id,,Db name,,]*This column already had a default. [,,,,,]The column is not of long value type. Check the column value type before opening the long value column. [,,,Table name, Column name,]5The key column value cannot be added to the current search key. No more key column values can be added to the current search key. The current search key already contains a partial prefix of a key column. Change the make key logic to follow the index key column order and the index prefix range option. [,,,,,]xThe key cannot be deleted. The key to be deleted is already deleted from an index by another concurrent session. [,,,,,]Lock cannot be acquired for a referred object. The page which contains the referred object is already freed by another concurrent session. [,,,,,]The session cannot commit. Session begin did not happen or begin was not successful. Begin the session before its commit. [,,,,,]The client cannot be registered for notifications. The registered clients have already reached the maximum allowed limit. Retry after some notify clients are unregistered. [,,,,,]YThe signature verification of the SQL Server Compact native binaries has failed. This could be due to the presence of incorrect version of the SQL Server Compact native binaries or the binaries may be from a different source than Microsoft. Please install SQL Server Compact binaries that have been digitally signed by Microsoft. [,,,DLL Name,,]dA SQL Server Compact DLL is not found. Please reinstall SQL Server Compact properly. [,,,DLL Name,,]JInternal Error while opening the share memory, cancelled the open. [,,,,,]PATThe binary is either not designed to run on windows or it contains an error. [,,,,,]`Database upgrade is not required, the database is already in a compatible format. [,,,Db name,,]iThe operating system error could not be mapped to a known set of errors. [Reported Error,Line Number,,,,]PA+The column cannot have NULL values. [,,,,,]AThe data was truncated. Try passing down a larger buffer. [,,,,,]UAdditional records were updated as a result of referential integrity actions. [,,,,,]UAdditional records were deleted as a result of referential integrity actions. [,,,,,]|No metadata cleanup has been done as metadata must be retained for one day. The minimum retention period is one day. [,,,,,]?Internal error: The execution plan cannot be generated. [,,,,,]]There was an error parsing the query. [Token line number,Token line offset,,Token in error,,]nThe count of column names and source expressions do not match. [Column name count,Source expression count,,,,]BThe column name is not valid. [,,,Node name (if any),Column name,].The constraint specified is not valid. [,,,,,]=There is not enough memory to complete the operation. [,,,,,]There is an unclosed comment block in the SQL statement. Ensure that there are balanced '/*' and '*/' comment markers in the SQL statement. [,,,,,]}The token specified is too long. The maximum length is 128 characters. [Maximum size of token (if known),,,Token(if known),,]<A conversion from string to float data failed. [,,,String,,]DA conversion from string to numeric data failed. [,,,String value,,]HA quotation mark delimiter is missing from the end of the query. [,,,,,]=Conversion from string to money data failed. [,,,Bad value,,]8Null values are not valid identifiers. [,,,Identifier,,]1The identifier cannot be an empty string. [,,,,,]In aggregate and grouping expressions, the SELECT clause can contain only aggregates and grouping expressions. [,,,Select clause,,]5Nested aggregate expressions are not allowed. [,,,,,]In aggregate and grouping expressions, the HAVING clause can contain only aggregate functions and grouping expressions. [,,,Having clause,,]In aggregate and grouping expressions, the ORDER BY clause can contain only aggregate functions and grouping expressions. [,,,,,]LExpressions in the GROUP BY list cannot contain aggregate functions. [,,,,,]LExpressions in the ORDER BY list cannot contain aggregate functions. [,,,,,]]The ORDER BY list cannot have duplicate expressions. [,,,Order by list,Duplicate expression,]@The table aliases must be unique. [,,,Name of duplicate alias,,]AThe column aliases must be unique. [,,,Name of duplicate alias,,]KA HAVING clause must have a GROUP BY clause (implicit or explicit). [,,,,,]?The WHERE clause cannot refer to aggregate expressions. [,,,,,]2Duplicate constraints cannot be specified. [,,,,,]JA function with the same signature already exists. [,,,Name of function,,]WA column with the same name has already been specified. [,,,Name of duplicate column,,]}The column name cannot be resolved to a table. Specify the table to which the column belongs. [,,,Name of ambiguous column,,])The float precision is not valid. [,,,,,]mThe identifier/column name is too long. The maximum length is 128 characters. [,,,Name of column(if known),,]KLarge objects (ntext and image) cannot be used in ORDER BY clauses. [,,,,,]PALength, precision or scale cannot be specified for NTEXT or IMAGE data types. Remove these attributes from the IMAGE or NTEXT data types in the DLL statement. [,,,,,]JThe columns in the subquery do not match. [Column ordinal,,,Column name,,]@The database is encrypted. A password must be specified. [,,,,,]QThe escape character for the LIKE predicate is not valid. [,,,Escape character,,]:The datepart is not valid. [,,,Portion of data in error,,].The identifier is not valid. [,,,Identifier,,]cData cannot be added to a system table or a schema information view. [,,,Name of read-only table,,]eData cannot be updated in a system table or a schema information view. [,,,Name of read-only table,,]gData cannot be deleted from a system table or a schema information view. [,,,Name of read-only table,,]VA value must be provided for the INSERT statement into <table_name>. [,,,Table name,,]jThe column cannot be modified because it is an identity, rowversion or a system column. [,,,Column name,,]/ORDER BY <column number> not supported. [,,,,,];DISTINCT cannot be used with ntext and image data. [,,,,,]:GROUP BY cannot be used with ntext and image data. [,,,,,]rToo many identity columns are specified for the table. Only one identity column for each table is allowed. [,,,,,]bThe identity column must be either an integer or big integer data type and cannot be NULL. [,,,,,]RElements in the GROUP BY clause must reference columns in the select list. [,,,,,]A foreign key constraint that has an UPDATE or a DELETE CASCADE rule, and self-references a column in the same table, is not allowed. [,,,Constraint name,,]SDefaults cannot be created on identity columns. [,,,Name of table,Name of column,,]=Subquery columns cannot be ntext or image data types. [,,,,,]uThe number sign (#) is reserved and cannot be used as the first character of an identifier. [,,,Invalid identifier,,]Expressions combined by a UNION operator must have the same number of columns. [Number of columns in first UNION expression, Number of columns in other UNION expression,,,,]yThe number of columns in the query and the table must match. [Number of columns in query, Number of columns in table,,,,]GInvalid index ordinal in index hint specification. [Index ordinal,,,,,]AInvalid index name in index hint specification. [,,,Index name,,])Invalid query hint specification. [,,,,,]ZPercentage of rows to be sampled should be an integer between 1 and 100. [,,,Table Name,,]QThere are already statistics existing on this index. [,,,Table Name, Index Name,]CStatistics on this index do not exist. [,,,Table Name, Index Name,]=Table has too few rows to build statistics. [,,,Table Name,,]PA7Invalid statistics creation option. [,,,Stats option,,]%Invalid set option. [,,,Set option,,]VORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified. [,,,,,]MThe SET SHOWPLAN statements must be the only statements in the batch. [,,,,,]LQuery cannot use both named and unnamed parameters at the same time. [,,,,,]BDuplicated parameter names are not allowed. [,,, Parameter name,,]6Index hints are only allowed in a FROM clause. [,,,,,]'Unrecognized LOCK HINTS option. [,,,,,]CThe NOLOCK lock hint is only allowed in a SELECT statement. [,,,,,],Conflicting locking hints specified. [,,,,,]#Unrecognized SET statement. [,,,,,]4Identity seed or increment value is invalid. [,,,,,]Alter table only allows columns to be added which can contain null values. The column cannot be added to the table because it does not allow null values. [,,,,,]PA~The column could not be modified because one or more objects access this column. [,,,Column Name, Object Name (if available),]oCannot generate a keyset cursor for the query because there is no reference to base table. [Cursor Option,,,,,]lCannot generate an updatable cursor for the query because there is a DISTINCT operator. [Cursor Option,,,,,] Cursor is not updatable. [,,,,,].Column is not updatable. [,,,Name of column,,]CInternal error: This is not a base table long value column. [,,,,,]The combination of cursor options is not valid. For instance, updateable and insensitive is an invalid option. [Options specified,,,,,]WInternal error: The storage interface for long value is invalid or unsupported. [,,,,,];SetColumn cannot be called during delete operation. [,,,,,]2Bookmark is not supported for this cursor. [,,,,,]=Cannot alter column of type NTEXT or IMAGE [,,,Column Name,,]hCannot generate a keyset cursor for the query because there is a DISTINCT operator. [Cursor Option,,,,,]~Cannot generate a keyset cursor for the query because there is an explicit or implicit GROUP BY operator. [Cursor Option,,,,,]jCannot generate a keyset cursor for the query because there is a OUTER JOIN operator. [Cursor Option,,,,,]eCannot generate a keyset cursor for the query because there is a UNION operator. [Cursor Option,,,,,]PACannot generate an updatable cursor for the query because there is an explicit or implicit GROUP BY operator. [Cursor Option,,,,,]oCannot generate an updatable cursor for the query because there is an OUTER JOIN operator. [Cursor Option,,,,,]nCannot generate an updatable cursor for the query because there is a SPOOL/SORT operator. [Cursor Option,,,,,]iCannot generate an updatable cursor for the query because there is a UNION operator. [Cursor Option,,,,,]wCannot generate an updatable cursor for the query because there is a non-standard join expression. [Cursor Option,,,,,]nCannot generate an updatable cursor for the query because there is a cycle in join graph. [Cursor Option,,,,,]Cannot generate an updatable cursor for the query because a one-to-one join must compare columns in the same order as declared in unique indexes. [Cursor Option,,,,,]tCannot generate an updatable cursor for the query because there is a many-to-many relationship. [Cursor Option,,,,,]Cannot generate an updatable cursor for the query because there are one or more non-updatable relationships among base tables. [Cursor Option,,,,,]Cannot generate an updatable cursor for the query because one or more tables are not explicitly joined together. [Cursor Option,,,,,]dCannot generate an updatable cursor for the query because there is a self join. [Cursor Option,,,,,]Cannot generate an updatable cursor for the query because updatable tables are not joined on the same columns. [Cursor Option,,,,,]lCannot generate an updatable cursor for the query because there is no updatable column. [Cursor Option,,,,,]6A conversion from float to string data failed. [,,,,,]YProcedure expects parameter, which was not supplied. [,,,Procedure Name, Parameter Name,]fThe table schema has changed since the query was last compiled. Recompile the query. [,,,Table Name,,]PA<Statistics not supported on system tables. [,,,Table Name,,]FInvalid option specified in CREATE INDEX statement. [,,,Option Name,,]6Invalid stored procedure name. [,,,Stored Proc Name,,]AFULLSCAN option is required for CREATE/UPDATE STATISTICS. [,,,,,]UNamed Constraint is not supported for this type of constraint. [,,,Constraint Name,,]iThe specified argument value for the procedure is not valid. [Argument #,,,Name of procedure(if known),,].The table name is not valid. [,,,Table Name,,]BThe global variable name is not valid. [,,,Global variable Name,,]-Invalid CREATE DATABASE option. [,,,Option,,]VDefaults cannot be created on row version columns. [,,,Name of table,Name of column,,]8Cannot alter column of type TIMESTAMP [,,,Column Name,,]\The ORDER BY clause is invalid in subqueries unless TOP or OFFSET is also specified. [,,,,,]NThe number of rows in the TOP/FETCH clause must be a positive integer. [,,,,,]uInvalid expression in the TOP/FETCH clause. Provide an integer constant, expression on constants or parameter.[,,,,,]PA}Column names must be specified for constants, expressions or aggregate functions when they occur in a FROM sub query. [,,,,,]bColumn name was specified multiple times for a sub query. [,,,Name of column, Alias of sub query,]]Aggregates on the right side of an APPLY cannot reference columns from the left side. [,,,,,];Cannot alter column to be type TIMESTAMP [,,,Column Name,,]aEach GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column that is not an outer reference. [,,,,,]KA constant expression was encountered in the ORDER BY list. [,,,Position,,]XORDER BY items must appear in the select list if the statement contains a UNION. [,,,,,]PAEOFFSET clause is invalid unless ORDER BY clause is specified. [,,,,,]BFETCH clause is invalid unless OFFSET clause is specified. [,,,,,]HTOP and OFFSET clause cannot be used together in the same query. [,,,,,]KThe number of rows in the OFFSET clause must be a positive integer. [,,,,,]rInvalid expression in the OFFSET clause. Provide an integer constant, expression on constants or parameter.[,,,,,]QThe number of rows in the FETCH clause must be an integer greater than 0. [,,,,,]PAKThe query processor encountered an error evaluating the expression. [,,,,,]LExpression evaluation caused an overflow. [,,,Name of function (if known),,]9The data types in the IN expression do not match. [,,,,,]MThere was an error in a part of the date format. [,,,Expression (if known),,]PA8There was an error in the date format. [,,,Expression,,]>There was a syntax error in the date format. [,,,Expression,,]ZThere was a syntax error while converting from one data type to another. [,,,Expression,,]RAn overflow occurred while converting the string data type to money. [,,,String,,]5Default values cannot have column references. [,,,,,]7Default values cannot have aggregate functions. [,,,,,]DAggregate value expressions cannot have ntext or image data. [,,,,,]?The original data is truncated and cannot be converted. [,,,,,]CThe arithmetic operator is not supported for the data type. [,,,,,]WModulo is not supported on real, float, money, and numeric data types. [,,,Data type,,]IAn operator on the result data type from a subquery is not valid. [,,,,,]iBit operators (&,|,^,~) are not supported on real, float, money, and numeric data types. [,,,Data type,,]TThe data type is not valid for the arithmetic operation. [,,,Data type (if known),,]PAhThe data was truncated while converting from one data type to another. [,,,Name of function(if known),,]aThe function is not recognized by SQL Server Compact. [,,,Name of function,Data type (if known),]gThe specified argument value for the function is not valid. [Argument #,,,Name of function(if known),,]The ntext and image data types cannot be used in WHERE, HAVING, GROUP BY, ON, or IN clauses, except when these data types are used with the LIKE or IS NULL predicates. [,,,,,]KAn overflow might have occurred while converting binary to datetime.[,,,,,]MAn overflow might have occurred while converting numeric to datetime. [,,,,,]KAn overflow might have occurred while converting money to datetime. [,,,,,]LAn overflow might have occurred while converting bigint to datetime. [,,,,,]_There are too many arguments specified for the procedure or function. [Count of arguments,,,,,]mA unary minus can be performed only on tinyint, smallint, int, bigint, money, and numeric data types. [,,,,,]The operation cannot be performed because the precision of the numeric data types do not match. [Precision of right data type (if known), Precision of left data type (if known),,,]The operation cannot be performed because the scale of the numeric data types do not match. [Scale of right data type (if known), Scale of left data type (if known),,,][The data types cannot be converted implicitly. [,,,Source data type,Destination data type,]:An overflow occurred while converting to datetime. [,,,,,]CDividing by zero is not allowed. [,,,Name of function (if known),,]PA time datepart must be specified to convert a string to datetime. [,,,String,,]CThe specified hour in the time datepart is not valid. [,,,String,,]EThe specified minute in the time datepart is not valid. [,,,String,,]EThe specified second in the time datepart is not valid. [,,,String,,]JThe specified millisecond in the time datepart is not valid. [,,,String,,]?The specified date or time datepart is not valid. [,,,String,,]MThe format of the specified date or time datepart is not valid. [,,,String,,]LThe order of the specified date or time datepart is not valid. [,,,String,,]DThe escape sequence used in the LIKE predicate is not valid. [,,,,,]The number of arguments specified for the function is not correct. [Minimum argument count, Maximum argument count,,Name of function(if known),,]eThe conversion is not supported. [,,,Type to convert from (if known), Type to convert to (if known),]]The specified argument value for the function is not valid. [,,,Name of function(if known),,]vThe expressions in UNION are not compatible. [Expression ordinal,,Type of left expression, Type of right expression,,]0A parameter is missing. [Parameter ordinal,,,,,]A parameter is not allowed in this location. Ensure that the '@' sign is in a valid location or that parameters are valid at all in this SQL statement. [,,,,,]PA5Expression evaluation caused a sign mismatch. [,,,,,]FCannot alter column because it has a default value. [,,,Column Name,,]eThe data type is not valid for the boolean operation. [,,,Data type (if known),Data type (if known),][Parameter type has not been declared. [Parameter ordinal,,,Parameter name (if available),,]mThe ntext and image data types can be used in select list of UNION only when ALL option is specified. [,,,,,]nAn overflow occurred in computing COUNT. COUNT can only be used when return values are less than 2^31. [,,,,,]fThe table name is not valid. [Token line number (if known),Token line offset (if known),,Table name,,]AThe specified data type is not valid. [,,,Data type (if known),,]9Internal error: A query processor error occurred. [,,,,,]\The DDL statement contains invalid parameters associated with the column definition. [,,,,,]=Data conversion failed. [OLE DB status value (if known),,,,,]Syntax error in query. [,,,,,]PA#Too many sessions are open. [,,,,,]lThe new column cannot be set as the PRIMARY KEY constraint. Create a table-level constraint instead. [,,,,,]eThe new column cannot be set as a UNIQUE constraint. Create a table-level constraint instead. [,,,,,]IColumn nullability cannot be changed after the column is created. [,,,,,]HThe column cannot become an identity column after it is created. [,,,,,])The column property is not valid. [,,,,,]8An overflow occurred while setting decimal data. [,,,,,]#Decimal data was truncated. [,,,,,]#The parameter is not valid. [,,,,,];Internal Error: Unexpected value for SEPREPAREMODE. [,,,,,]PACThe specified assembly already exists in this database. [,,,name,,]|The assembly with this name is already registered. The version number does not match the expected value. [,,,name, ver, ver]MSQL assembly name and .NET assembly name do not match. [,,,sqlname, clrname,]TCircular assembly references were detected. Operation has been canceled. [,,,name,,]QThe ReferenceAssemblyList of the assembly being dropped is not empty. [,,,name,,]ZThe ReferenceRoutineList of the assembly being dropped is not empty. [,,,name,type,method]A.NET assembly with the specified name does not exist. [,,,name,,]MOne or more assemblies is missing in the assembly_bits specifier. [,,,name,,]MAssembly specified more than once in the assembly_bits specifier. [,,,name,,]9Unable to access/read the specified assembly. [,,,name,,]GThe specified binary literal is not a valid assembly file. [,,,index,,]LTrigger with the specified name already exists in this database. [,,,name,,]/The specified table does not exist. [,,,name,,]BThe specified trigger does not exist in this database. [,,,name,,]The calling convention of the specified method does not match the expected value. The method should be defined as public static (Shared in Visual Basic). [,,,assembly, class, method]The actual number of arguments in the specified method does not match the expected value. [expected, actual,,assembly, class, method]iThe argument types in the specified method do not match the expected values. [,,,assembly, class, method]MThe specified type was not found in this .NET assembly. [,,,assembly, class,]fThe method with the specified name was not found in the class definition. [,,,assembly, class, method]gThe return type of the specified method does not match the expected value. [,,,assembly, class, method]NA critical error occured while invoking .NET trigger. [,,,assembly,class,name]\A .NET exception has been thrown during trigger execution. [,,,message, source, stack trace]8The action caused an INSTEAD OF trigger to fire. [,,,,,]INSTEAD OF DELETE/UPDATE trigger cannot be defined on a table that has a foreign key with a CASCADE on DELETE/UPDATE action defined. [,,,constraint,,]pRecursive trigger invocation exceeded the maximum allowed nesting level. [,,,assembly, class, method, nestLevel]PAlThe current transaction has been aborted during trigger invocation. No operation has been performed. [,,,,,]OCould not load database compaction library. Operation has been aborted. [,,,,,]Unable to load .NET assembly with the specified name. This is because the assembly does not exist or because your trigger/stored procedure has been compiled against an assembly with different strong name. [,,,name,,]NProcedure with the specified name already exists in this database. [,,,name,,]_Cannot drop the procedure because it does not exist, or you do not have permission. [,,,name,,]After the form '@name = value' has been used, all subsequent parameters must be passed in the form '@name = value'. [Procedure parameter ordinal,,,,,]The application thread has not been initialized for COM interop because COM threading model has not been set. Please check documentation for System.STAThreadAttribute or System.MTAThreadAttribute classes.[,,,,,]rThe following combination of DbRangeOptions in the call to SqlCeCommand:SetRange is invalid. [,,,DbRangeOptions,,]With the specified DbRangeOptions, the argument in the call to SqlCeCommand:SetRange cannot be null (Nothing in Visual Basic.NET). [,,,DbRangeOptions,Argument Name,]With the specified DbRangeOptions, the argument in the call to SqlCeCommand:SetRange MUST be set to null (Nothing in VB.NET). [,,,DbRangeOptions,Argument Name,]VNo key values were specified in the call to SqlCeDataReader:Seek. [,,,Argument Name,,]LInvalid DbSeekOptions specified in the call to SqlCeDataReader:Seek. [,,,,,]SQL Server Compact does not support distributed transactions. The command is currently enlisted in a transaction. You can not change the database in use until that transaction is committed or aborted. [,,,,,]ZCannot drop the database because it does not exist, or you do not have permission. [,,,,,].Nested transactions are not supported. [,,,,,]5The command is not enlisted in a transaction. [,,,,,]|SQL Server Compact is not responding, potentially waiting for a lock timeout. The current connection will be closed. [,,,,,]The size of the executed SQL Server Compact script has exceeded its maximum value. Use [GO] statements to reduce the size of submitted SQL batches. [maximum size,,,,,]gThere is not enough memory on the device running SQL Server Compact to complete this operation. [,,,,,]^SQL Server Compact 4.0 is either not installed or the installation has been corrupted. [,,,,,]PA:Internal error: The table was unexpectedly opened. [,,,,,]Internal error: A read operation from the device or the IIS server returned an incorrect number of bytes while trying to process a synchronization request. [,,,,,]MA write operation to the Internet wrote an incorrect number of bytes. [,,,,,]Internal error: Either the computer running IIS is out of memory or an incorrect session ID was sent in a request. [Session id,,,,,]jA SQL Server Compact Server Agent queue is full and can take no further requests. Try again later. [,,,,,]5Internal error: Invalid reconciler parameter. [,,,,,]fInternal error: The transport failed due to incorrect message format or content. [Command number,,,,,]oAn instance of the SQL Server Reconciler cannot be created. Try reinstalling the replication components.[,,,,,]|An instance of the SQL Server Reconciler error object cannot be created. Try reinstalling the replication components.[,,,,,]:Authentication failed on the computer running IIS. [,,,,,]2Authentication failed on the proxy server. [,,,,,]aThe HTTP request failed due to incorrect format or content. Try restarting the IIS server.[,,,,,][This site requires payment before it can be accessed. Try restarting the IIS server.[,,,,,]PA Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection is required to access this site. [,,,,,]IIS error 404 HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND: The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). [,,,,,]PIIS Error 405 HTTP_STATUS_BAD_METHOD: The HTTP verb used is not allowed. [,,,,,]dIIS Error 406 HTTP_STATUS_NONE_ACCEPTABLE: No responses acceptable to the client were found. [,,,,,]ZThe computer running IIS returned a Conflict status. Try restarting the IIS server.[,,,,,]VThe computer running IIS returned a Gone status. Try restarting the IIS server.[,,,,,]XAn error has occurred on the computer running IIS. Try restarting the IIS server.[,,,,,]_The computer running IIS returned a Not Supported status. Try restarting the IIS server.[,,,,,]IIS Error 502 HTTP_STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY: The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received a response that was not valid from the upstream server. [,,,,,])The IIS service is not available. [,,,,,] Merge replication is restricted from being processed with the SQL Server Compact Server Agent on the computer running IIS. Check the USAGE key in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v4.0\Transport\USAGE and change to a value of 0 or 1. [,,,,,]Remote data access (RDA) is restricted from being processed with the SQL Server Compact Server Agent on the computer running IIS. Check the USAGE key in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v4.0\Transport\USAGE and change to a value of 0 or 2. [,,,,,]5Internal error: Compression failed. Try again.[,,,,,]7Internal error: Decompression failed. Try again.[,,,,,]PATThe call to InternetOpen failed. Check the major error for more information. [,,,,,]'The URL syntax is not valid. [,,,URL,,]5An Internet connection cannot be established. [,,,,,]Internal error: HTTP header information is either corrupted or missing in the transport message. It could be a network transmission error or an IIS problem. [,,,,,]`An internal or network problem was encountered while trying to close an Internet handle. [,,,,,]iA request to send data to the computer running IIS has failed. For more information, see HRESULT. [,,,,,]The connection was refused by the computer running IIS because the maximum number of sessions has been exceeded. Try connecting later. [,,,,,]Internal error: During a retry operation to synchronize, the command has been completed. The resent command was ignored. [,,,,,]2Internal error: Unexpected resend request. [,,,,,]PAA SQL Server Compact error collection object cannot be created on the IIS server. The SQL Server reconciler is not loading. Verify that the merge replication components are running on SQL Server. [,,,,,]PATThe value specified for DBDROPOPTION is not valid. Valid values are 0 and 1. [,,,,,],The Drop Subscription method failed. [,,,,,]The SQL Server Compact subscription already exists. Publisher, PublisherDatabase, and Publication for this subscription should be different from any existing subscription. [,,,,,]?Internal error: Initializing an internal object failed. [,,,,,]The message contains an unexpected replication operation code. The version of SQL Server Compact Client Agent and SQL Server Compact Server Agent should match. [replication operation code,,,,,]PInternal error: The column ordinal cannot be found. [,,,Table name (if known),,]PA5Internal error: A nickname was not generated. [,,,,,]`The SQL Server Compact database is not enabled for replication. Try synchronizing again. [,,,,,]Internal error: SQL Server Compact was unable to read the generated machine ID from the registry. If a network device is installed on the device, a generated machine ID will not be necessary. [,,,,,]Internal error: SQL Server Compact was unable to write the generated machine ID from the registry. If a network device is installed on the device, a generated machine ID will not be necessary. [,,,,,]A read operation from the transport returned no data. The version of SQL Server Compact Client Agent and SQL Server Compact Server Agent should match.[,,,,,]?Internal error: The identity range was not established. [,,,,,]<Internal error: The database is already initialized. [,,,,,]8Internal error: The database is not initialized. [,,,,,]XThe value for the Local Table Name parameter is not specified for the Push call. [,,,,,]?Some parameters were not specified for the Pull method. [,,,,,]3The table is not a tracked table. [,,,Table name,,]gThe Push method returned one or more error rows. See the specified error table. [,,,Error table name,,]SThe specified OLE DB for SQL Server Compact connection string is not valid. [,,,,,]KSQL Server Compact database cannot be compacted because it is open. [,,,,,]SA specified parameter is too large. [Size of parameter,Max size,,Parameter value,,]The row operation cannot be reapplied due to an integrity violation. Check the Publication filter. [,,,Table,Operation,RowGuid]`The Local Connection String parameter is not specified for either a Push or Pull method. [,,,,,]BInternal error: This table does not have a ROWGUID column. [,,,,,]XInternal error: This table does not have a ROWGUID column nor an Identity range. [,,,,,]The number of rows at the client does not match the number of rows at the server. Retry the operation. [SQL Server count, SQL Server Compact count,,TableName,,]eThe SQL Server Compact database cannot be replicated. The subscription must be reinitialized. [,,,,,]8The Local Table Name parameter is not specified. [,,,,,]KSQL Server Compact encountered problems when creating the database. [,,,,,]tSQL Server Compact encountered problems when opening the database. [Internal Error Number,,,Internal Error String,,]PAThe SQL statement failed to execute. If this occurred while using merge replication, this is an internal error. If this occurred while using RDA, then the SQL statement is invalid either on the PULL statement or on the SubmitSQL statement. [,,,SQL statement,,]4Internal error: Failed to roll back changes. [,,,,,]JInternal error: The delete message for the server was not created. [,,,,,]The device does not have sufficient memory. SQL Server Compact cannot allocate more space on the device. There also might not be enough contiguous memory space. Try closing other applications. [,,,,,]The insert action failed. For more details on this specific error code, check the HRESULT error and also refer to the MSDN OLE DB documentation. [,,,Table name,,]The update action failed. For more details on this specific error code, check the HRESULT error and also refer to the MSDN OLE DB documentation. [,,,Table name,,]=Internal error: The table cannot be opened. [,,,Table name,,]FInternal error: The index cannot be set on the ROWGUID column. [,,,,,]8Internal error: The data row cannot be accessed. [,,,,,]EInternal error: The column data for a row cannot be accessed. [,,,,,]/Internal error: Row data cannot be set. [,,,,,]DThe LocalTableName parameter is already specified. [,,,Table name,,]%An internal error occurred. [ID,,,,,];Internal error: Could not bind to column. [,,,columnname,,]:The schema has changed since the table was pulled. [,,,,,]+The data type is not valid. [Datatype,,,,,];The specified parameter is not valid. [,,,parameter name,,]MInternal error: The message cannot be built. The Make Message failed. [,,,,,];The parameter is either not specified or not valid. [,,,,,]6The Publisher login property is not specified. [,,,,,]The HostName property value does not match the one saved for the subscription. To resolve, use the original HostName or reinitialize the subscription. [,,,current hostname,original hostname,]pThe Connection Manager could not map a URL into a connection. Check your Connection Manager settings. [,,,URL,,]hThe Connection Manager could not connect to the network. Check your Connection Manager settings. [,,,,,]iThe subscription was not found. Publisher, PublisherDatabase, or Publication could be incorrect. [,,,,,]FThe subscription could not be loaded because it was not saved. [,,,,,]CValidation of table row counts failed. Try resynchronizing. [,,,,,]IThe referenced table must have a primary or candidate key. [,,,FK Name,,]@The database is currently synchronizing with the server. [,,,,,]-Internal error: Stream access denied. [,,,,,]Internal error: When trying to add a GUID tracking column, SQL Server Compact could not create the column because the column did not contain the uniqueidentifier attribute. [,,,Column name, Table name,]Internal error: This table is read-only. The internal system objects and system lock tables are not updateable. [,,,Table name,,]Data Definition Language (DDL) operations are not allowed on this table, or on any system table or tracked user table. Disable tracking before you run DDL operations. [,,,Table name,,]QP is missing and it is required to evaluate default expressions. Ensure that Query Processor module is in the same directory as the Storage Engine module. [,,,,,]*The table does not exist [,,,Table name,,]PAKInternal error: Cannot modify the column type [,,,Table name, Column name,]Incompatible Database Version. If this was a compatible file, run repair. For other cases refer to documentation. [Db version,Requested version,,File name,,]This operation requires the database to be opened in a single user mode and the database is currently in a multi-user mode. [,,,File name,,]dThe file resolves to a path that is too long. The maximum length is 260 characters. [,,,File name,,]lThe schema of the RDA error table is not valid. Delete the error table and try to repull the table. [,,,,,]@Internal error: Failure converting string to GUID. [,,,String,,]KInternal error: Internal error: Failed to get the minor error code. [,,,,,][Internal error: Failed to get the index on the row GUID. [,,,Table name, Guid Column Name,]LInternal error: Failure checking existance of local table. [,,,Table name,,].Internal error: QueryInterface failed. [,,,,,]>Internal error: Failure reading from SequentialStream. [,,,,,]5Internal error: Opening of the rowset failed. [,,,,,]iInternal error: Failure setting up bindings, possibly caused by insufficient permissions. [,,,,,] [,,,,,]cInternal error: Failure setting up a non parameterized query, possible incorrect SQL query. [,,,,,]RInternal error: SQL Server Compact function called with SQL database type. [,,,,,]PA1Internal error: Failure closing a cursor. [,,,,,];Internal error: Failure getting column information. [,,,,,]5Internal error: Failure setting column value. [,,,,,]KFailure to open SQL Server with given connect string. [,,,connect string,,]4Internal error: Closing the database failed. [,,,,,]cDeleting the database failed. Ensure that other applications do not have the database open. [,,,,,]pStarting the transaction failed. Try to reduce the number of other open transactions in the application. [,,,,,]0WinInet Error: HTTP Open request failed. [,,,,,]IIS Error: IIS returned an HTTP status that is not expected to be returned to SQL Server Compact client. This error does not mean that the synchronization did not work, it only means that SQL Server Compact does not recognize the error from IIS. [,,,status,,]{Internal error: Failure opening the message file. This occurs when processing the message fails on the client side. [,,,,,]Failure writing to a message file on the device. The error typically comes from running out of memory. While there might appear to be plenty of available memory on the device, there might not be enough contiguous memory. Try closing other applications or warm booting the device. [,,,,,]Failure reading from a message file. The error typically comes from running out of memory. While there might appear to be plenty of available memory on the device, there might not be enough contiguous memory. Try closing other applications or warm booting the device. [,,,,,]6Internal error: Failure closing the transport. [,,,,,]zCould not delete the database because more then one subscription exists. [,,,Publication, Publication Database, Publisher]`Existing subscription already contains table included in the new subscription. [,,,Table name,,]IInternal error: A sync partner ID (GUID value) was not generated. [,,,,,]}The value specified for the SnapshotTransferType property is not valid. Valid values are 0 and 1. [SnapshotTransferType,,,,,]wThe synchronization succeeded but generated warnings. [No of warnings generated,No of warnings in error collection,,,,]oInternal error: Unable to create error table row because corresponding base table row has been deleted. [,,,,,]:A required property is not specified. [,,,Property name,,]PAn invalid value was supplied for a property. [property value,,,Property name,,]#The sync has been canceled. [,,,,,]The database auto upgrade from recognized old database format to the current database format failed due to a read-only connection. Please open a the connection in write mode to perform auto upgrade. [Db version,Requested version,,File name,,]sThere is a conflicting subscription found. Can't use replication protocols RDA or merge with OCS. [,,,Table name,,]The proxy information can not be retrieved for the URL. proxyURL can not be accessed, try to manually access proxyURL [URL,proxyURL,,,,]Calling a method in JSProxy dll failed. Make sure JSProxy.dll is in path, and the method is exposed and can be called. [method name,,,,,]PAPThe Push returned one or more error rows. See the specified error table. [,,,,,]~A data error occurred and was fixed. Call SqlCeReplication.Synchronize (or Run in eVC/eVB) method again to merge data. [,,,,,]A subscriber row failed to apply at the publisher. Review the error parameters and the conflict logging tables at the publisher to determine the reason the row failed to apply. [,,,Table name, Row guid,]PA_Internal error: An unexpected state was encountered when processing inserts or updates. [,,,,,]oThe OLE DB provider for SQL Server cannot be initialized. Check if SQLOLEDB.dll is installed correctly. [,,,,,]A replication session control block already exists. The IIS server was probably shut down during a synchronization process. Try synchronizing again. [,,,,,]EA call to SQL Server Reconciler failed. Try to resynchronize. [,,,,,]~The query cannot be tracked. There might not be a primary key, or the query might involve multiple tables. [,,,Query string,,]PAbInternal error: The expression or literal cannot be processed without an alias. RDA error. [,,,,,]8The table does not have a primary key. [,,,Table name,,]RThe table contains a timestamp or another row versioning column. [,,,Table name,,]kInternal error: An error occurred during the push operation in the SQL Server Compact Server Agent. [,,,,,]0The expected number of columns in the primary key on SQL Server does not match the count in SQL Server Compact. The schema on SQL Server has changed since the last RDA Pull. The table will have to be PULLED again to match the primary key schema defined on SQL Server. [Supplied count, Expected count,,,,]UClient-side and server-side columns for the RDA table do not match. [,,,Table name,,]The OLE DB data type information in the SQL Server Compact columns does not match the information in the SQL Server columns for the RDA table. [Client type, Server type,,Table name,,]kNo columns were found. Either the table name is missing or the permissions are not valid. [,,,Table name,,]JA row cannot be updated or deleted in the SQL Server by using RDA. [,,,,,]gMore than one row was affected by an RDA update or delete operation in the SQL Server database. [,,,,,]uThe version of the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server is not correct. Install MDAC 2.8 or later. [,,,Version,,]The OLE DB Provider for SQL Server on the computer running IIS is not compatible with SQL Server Compact. Install MDAC 2.8 or later. [,,,Provider,,]The push operation cannot match the order of the primary key columns on the client side and server side. Repull the table or reset the primary key column. [,,,,,]TThe push operation cannot find a primary key column on the SQL Server table. [,,,,,]YThe push operation has found an extra primary key column on the SQL Server table. [,,,,,]The OLE DB data type is not supported by the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server. Install MDAC 2.8 or later. [Data type,,,,,]Internal error: The SQL Server Compact column metadata information does not match with the OLEDB provider (non-SQL Server). [,,,,,]_The query cannot be tracked because one or more columns of the primary key are missing. [,,,,,]gThe query cannot be tracked because the table includes a computed column that cannot be pulled. [,,,,,]FThe query cannot be tracked because it is a multi-table query. [,,,,,]The server code page, or the override code page, is either not valid or not installed on the computer running IIS. [Code page,,,,,]The Client Agent and Server Agent component versions are incompatible. For a meaningful handshake, the Client Agent version should not be later than the Server Agent version. Client Agent version should be no earlier than SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition (version 3.0). Re-install the replication components with the matching versions for client and server agents. [,,,Client Agent version,Server Agent version,]The replication session was inactive for longer than the cleanup interval and the synchronization was cancelled. This typically occurs when the server has an extremely high CPU utilization. The default of 2 hrs was exceeded. Try the operation again. [,,,,,]ASQL Server Compact failed to rename an .IN file to .OUT on the IIS server. This typically occurs when there are large amounts of referential integrity retry situations on SQL Server Compact while using merge replication because of which SQL Server Compact is unable to modify the file name extensions. Try again. [,,,,,]AInitializing SQL Server Reconciler has failed. Try again. [,,,,,]While performing an RDA Push, SQL Server Compact was only able to obtain a read-only cursor on the table(s) being pushed to SQL Server. There could be locking conflicts on SQL Server while trying to do the push. Verify that the table on SQL Server is updatable and try again. [,,,,,]WThe Windows user account could not be impersonated at the computer running IIS. [,,,,,]<The server agent could not connect to the publisher. [,,,,,]1Internal error: Failure getting a rowset. [,,,,,]0Internal error: Failure getting columns. [,,,,,]JInternal error: Failure generating RDA create index SQL statement. [,,,,,]JInternal error: Failure generating RDA create table SQL statement. [,,,,,]BInternal error: Failure getting RDA primary key columns. . [,,,,,]PInternal error: Failure generating create RDA primary key sql statement. [,,,,,];Internal error: Failure while verifying RDA schema. [,,,,,]>Internal error: Failure while preparing an RDA insert. [,,,,,]>Internal error: Failure while preparing an RDA update. [,,,,,]>Internal error: Failure while preparing an RDA delete. [,,,,,]Failure to connect to SQL Server with provided connection information. SQL Server does not exist, access is denied because the SQL user is not a valid user on the SQL Server, or the password is incorrect.[,,,,,]Failure to connect to SQL Server with provided connection information. SQL Server does not exist, access is denied because the IIS user is not a valid user on the SQL Server, or the password is incorrect.[,,,,,]7The SQLSelectString parameter is not specified. [,,,,,]uInternal error: The transport read operation returned an incorrect data length. [Returned length,Expected length,,,,]1Internal error: The write message failed. [,,,,,]vInternal error: The schema on SQL Server differs from the schema on SQL Server Compact. [Column number,,,Table name,,]8The column cannot be found. [,,,Column name,Table name,]6Internal error: The names buffer is too small. [,,,,,]PInternal error: Failure getting column information. Retry the operation. [,,,,,]KInternal error: Failure getting column length. Retry the operation. [,,,,,]IInternal error: Failure getting column data. Retry the operation. [,,,,,]JInternal error: Failure setting column data. Retry the operation. [,,,,,]DBLOB data could not be completely read. Retry the operation. [,,,,,]OInternal error: The message received from the server cannot be decoded. [,,,,,]PAP4VS_VERSION_INFO"!"!?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationn#FileDescriptionNative Error Strings and Resources6 FileVersion4.0.8482.10InternalNameSQLCEER.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. 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