/* expand_contract_toggle.js: Support for show more/hide more in lists of umlaut content. The JS needs to swap out the image for expand/contract toggle. AND we need the URL it swaps in to be an ABSOLUTE url when we're using partial html widget. So we swap in a non-fingerprinted URL, even if the original was asset pipline fingerprinted. sorry, best way to make it work! */ jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(document).on("click", ".expand_contract_toggle", function() { var content = $(this).next(".expand_contract_content"); var icon = $(this).parent().find('img.toggle_icon'); if (content.is(":visible")) { icon.attr("src", icon.attr("src").replace(/list_open[^.]*\.png/, "list_closed.png")); $(this).find(".expand_contract_action_label").text("Show "); content.hide(); } else { icon.attr("src", icon.attr("src").replace(/list_closed[^.]*\.png/, "list_open.png")); $(this).find(".expand_contract_action_label").text("Hide "); content.show(); } return false; }); });