require 'ffi-rzmq' require 'multi_json' require 'tnetstring' require 'thread' # Allows you to easily interact with Mongrel2 webserver from # your ruby code. # @api public module M2R class << self # Sets ZMQ context used by M2R to create sockets # @param [ZMQ::Context] value Context to by used by M2R # @see #zmq_context # @api public attr_writer :zmq_context # Gets (or sets if not existing) ZMQ context used by M2R # to create sockets. # # @note This method is thread-safe # but it uses Thread.exclusive to achive that. # However it is unlikely that it affects the performance as you probably # do not create more than a dozen of sockets in your code. # # @param [Fixnum] zmq_io_threads Size of the ZMQ thread pool to handle I/O operations. # The rule of thumb is to make it equal to the number gigabits per second # that the application will produce. # # @return [ZMQ::Context] # @see #zmq_context= # @api public def zmq_context(zmq_io_threads = 1) Thread.exclusive do @zmq_context ||= end end end end # @deprecated: Use M2R instead # Namespace used in the past in 0.0.* gem releases Mongrel2 = M2R require 'm2r/request' require 'm2r/response' require 'm2r/connection' require 'm2r/connection_factory' require 'm2r/handler'