Feature: -L (--log_dir) option -L (--log_dir) option specifies the location to put log files Background: Given a file named "null_controller.rb" with: """ruby class NullController < Trema::Controller; end """ @sudo Scenario: -L option Given a directory named "log" When I successfully run `trema run null_controller.rb -L log -d` And I run `sleep 3` Then a file named "log/NullController.log" should exist @sudo Scenario: --log_dir option Given a directory named "log" When I successfully run `trema run null_controller.rb --log_dir log -d` And I run `sleep 3` Then a file named "log/NullController.log" should exist @sudo Scenario: "No such directory" error When I run `trema run null_controller.rb -L log -d` Then the exit status should not be 0 And the stderr should contain: """ No such directory """