Module ActionController::MuckApplication::InstanceMethods
In: lib/action_controller/muck_application.rb


Protected Instance methods

********************************************** Locale methods I18n methods from:


    # File lib/action_controller/muck_application.rb, line 17
17:       def discover_locale
18:         I18n.locale = extract_locale_from_user_selection || extract_locale_from_tld || extract_locale_from_subdomain || extract_locale_from_headers || I18n.default_locale
19:       end


    # File lib/action_controller/muck_application.rb, line 21
21:       def extract_locale_from_browser
22:         if http_lang = request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"] and ! http_lang.blank?
23:           browser_locale = http_lang[/^[a-z]{2}/i].downcase + '-' + http_lang[3,2].upcase
24:           browser_locale.sub!(/-US/, '')
25:         end
26:         nil
27:       end


    # File lib/action_controller/muck_application.rb, line 38
38:       def extract_locale_from_headers
39:         if http_lang = request.headers["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"] and ! http_lang.blank?
40:           preferred_locales = http_lang.split(',').map { |l| l.split(';').first }
41:           accepted_locales = { |l| I18n.available_locales.include?(l.to_sym) }
42:           accepted_locales.empty? ? nil : accepted_locales.first.to_sym
43:         end
44:       end

Get locale code from request subdomain (like it.application.local:3000) You have to put something like: gr.application.local in your /etc/hosts file to try this out locally


    # File lib/action_controller/muck_application.rb, line 59
59:       def extract_locale_from_subdomain 
60:         parsed_locale = request.subdomains.first
61:         if !parsed_locale.blank?
62:           I18n.available_locales.include?(parsed_locale.to_sym) ? parsed_locale.to_sym : nil 
63:         else
64:           nil
65:         end
66:       end

Get locale from top-level domain or return nil if such locale is not available You have to put something like: # # in your /etc/hosts file to try this out locally


    # File lib/action_controller/muck_application.rb, line 50
50:       def extract_locale_from_tld 
51:         parsed_locale ='.').last 
52:         (I18n.available_locales.include? parsed_locale) ? parsed_locale.to_sym : nil 
53:       end


    # File lib/action_controller/muck_application.rb, line 29
29:       def extract_locale_from_user_selection
30:         if params[:locale] && I18n.available_locales.include?(params[:locale].to_sym)
31:           cookies['locale'] = { :value => params[:locale], :expires => 1.year.from_now }
32:           params[:locale].to_sym
33:         elsif cookies['locale'] && I18n.available_locales.include?(cookies['locale'].to_sym)
34:           cookies['locale'].to_sym
35:         end
36:       end


     # File lib/action_controller/muck_application.rb, line 94
 94:       def get_redirect_to
 95:         if params[:redirect_to]
 96:           redirect_to params[:redirect_to]
 97:         else
 98:           yield
 99:         end
100:       end

Use send_form_email to send the contents of any form to the support email address


    # File lib/action_controller/muck_application.rb, line 87
87:       def send_form_email(params, subject)
88:         body = []
89:         params.each_pair { |k,v| body << "#{k}: #{v}"  }
90:         BasicMailer.deliver_mail(:subject => subject, :body => body.join("\n"))
91:       end


    # File lib/action_controller/muck_application.rb, line 76
76:       def set_will_paginate_string
77:         # Because I18n.locale are dynamically determined in ApplicationController, 
78:         # it should not put in config/initializers/will_paginate.rb
79:         WillPaginate::ViewHelpers.pagination_options[:previous_label] = t('common.previous_page')
80:         WillPaginate::ViewHelpers.pagination_options[:next_label] = t('common.next_page')
81:       end

********************************************** Paging methods


    # File lib/action_controller/muck_application.rb, line 70
70:       def setup_paging
71:         @page = (params[:page] || 1).to_i
72:         @page = 1 if @page < 1
73:         @per_page = (params[:per_page] || (RAILS_ENV=='test' ? 1 : 40)).to_i
74:       end
