# This class models the simplest, most-familiar kind of die. # # An object of the class represents a basic die that rolls 1..#sides, with equal weighting for each value. # # @example Create a 6-sided die, and roll it # d = GamesDice::Die.new( 6 ) # d.roll # => Integer in range 1..6 # d.result # => same Integer value as just returned by d.roll # # @example Create a 10-sided die, that rolls using a monkey-patch to SecureRandom # module SecureRandom # def self.rand n # random_number( n ) # end # end # d = GamesDice::Die.new( 10, SecureRandom ) # d.roll # => (secure) Integer in range 1..10 # d.result # => same Integer value as just returned by d.roll class GamesDice::Die # Creates new instance of GamesDice::Die # @param [Integer] sides the number of sides # @param [#rand] prng random number generator, GamesDice::Die will use Ruby's built-in #rand() by default # @return [GamesDice::Die] def initialize( sides, prng=nil ) @sides = Integer(sides) raise ArgumentError, "sides value #{sides} is too low, it must be 1 or greater" if @sides < 1 raise ArgumentError, "prng does not support the rand() method" if prng && ! prng.respond_to?(:rand) @prng = prng @result = nil end # @return [Integer] number of sides on simulated die attr_reader :sides # @return [Integer] result of last call to #roll, nil if no call made yet attr_reader :result # @return [Object] random number generator as supplied to constructor, may be nil attr_reader :prng # @!attribute [r] min # @return [Integer] minimum possible result from a call to #roll def min 1 end # @!attribute [r] max # @return [Integer] maximum possible result from a call to #roll def max @sides end # Calculates probability distribution for this die. # @return [GamesDice::Probabilities] probability distribution of the die def probabilities @probabilities ||= GamesDice::Probabilities.for_fair_die( @sides ) end # Simulates rolling the die # @return [Integer] selected value between 1 and #sides inclusive def roll if @prng @result = @prng.rand(@sides) + 1 else @result = rand(@sides) + 1 end end # @!attribute [r] rerolls # Rules for when to re-roll this die. # @return [nil] always nil, available for interface equivalence with GamesDice::ComplexDie def rerolls nil end # @!attribute [r] maps # Rules for when to map return value of this die. # @return [nil] always nil, available for interface equivalence with GamesDice::ComplexDie def maps nil end end # class GamesDice::Die