/** * Sortable feature for RightJS * See http://rightjs.org/ui/sortable * * NOTE: requires the dnd-plugin * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var Sortable = RightJS.Sortable = (function(document, RightJS) { /** * This module defines the basic widgets constructor * it creates an abstract proxy with the common functionality * which then we reuse and override in the actual widgets * * Copyright (C) 2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ /** * Sortable initialization script * * Copyright (C) 2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var R = RightJS, $ = RightJS.$, $w = RightJS.$w, isString = RightJS.isString, isArray = RightJS.isArray, Object = RightJS.Object; /** * The widget units constructor * * @param String tag-name or Object methods * @param Object methods * @return Widget wrapper */ function Widget(tag_name, methods) { if (!methods) { methods = tag_name; tag_name = 'DIV'; } /** * An Abstract Widget Unit * * Copyright (C) 2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var AbstractWidget = new RightJS.Wrapper(RightJS.Element.Wrappers[tag_name] || RightJS.Element, { /** * The common constructor * * @param Object options * @param String optional tag name * @return void */ initialize: function(key, options) { this.key = key; var args = [{'class': 'rui-' + key}]; // those two have different constructors if (!(this instanceof RightJS.Input || this instanceof RightJS.Form)) { args.unshift(tag_name); } this.$super.apply(this, args); if (RightJS.isString(options)) { options = RightJS.$(options); } // if the options is another element then // try to dynamically rewrap it with our widget if (options instanceof RightJS.Element) { this._ = options._; if ('$listeners' in options) { options.$listeners = options.$listeners; } options = {}; } this.setOptions(options, this); return this; }, // protected /** * Catches the options * * @param Object user-options * @param Element element with contextual options * @return void */ setOptions: function(options, element) { element = element || this; RightJS.Options.setOptions.call(this, RightJS.Object.merge(options, eval("("+( element.get('data-'+ this.key) || '{}' )+")")) ); return this; } }); /** * Creating the actual widget class * */ var Klass = new RightJS.Wrapper(AbstractWidget, methods); // creating the widget related shortcuts RightJS.Observer.createShortcuts(Klass.prototype, Klass.EVENTS || []); return Klass; } /** * The Sortable unit * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var Sortable = new Widget('UL', { extend: { version: '2.0.0', EVENTS: $w('start change finish'), Options: { url: null, // the Xhr requests url address, might contain the '%{id}' placeholder method: 'put', // the Xhr requests method Xhr: {}, // additional Xhr options idParam: 'id', // the id value name posParam: 'position', // the position value name parseId: true, // if the id attribute should be converted into an integer before sending dragClass: 'dragging', // the in-process class name accept: null, // a reference or a list of references to the other sortables between which you can drag the items minLength: 1, // minimum number of items on the list when the feature works itemCss: 'li', // the draggable item's css rule handleCss: 'li', // the draggables handle element css rule cssRule: '*[data-sortable]' // css-rule for automatically initializable sortables }, current: false, // a reference to the currently active sortable /** * Typecasting the list element for Sortable * * @param Element list * @return Sortable list */ cast: function(element) { element = $(element._); if (!(element instanceof Sortable)) { element = new Sortable(element); } return element; } }, /** * basic constructor * * @param mixed element reference * @param Object options * @return void */ initialize: function(element, options) { this.$super('sortable', element) .setOptions(options) .addClass('rui-sortable') .on('finish', this._tryXhr) .on('selectstart', 'stopEvent'); // disable select under IE }, /** * some additional options processing * * @param Object options * @param Element optional context * @return Sortable this */ setOptions: function(options, context) { this.$super(options, context); options = this.options; // Preprocessing the acceptance list var list = options.accept || []; if (!isArray(list)) { list = [list]; } options.accept = R([this].concat(list)).map($).uniq(); return this; }, // returns a list of draggable items items: function() { return this.children(this.options.itemCss); }, // protected // starts the drag startDrag: function(event) { // don't let to drag out the last item if (this.items().length <= this.options.minLength) { return; } // trying to find the list-item upon which the user pressed the mouse var item = event.find(this.options.itemCss), handle = event.find(this.options.handleCss); if (item && handle) { this._initDrag(item, event.position()); Sortable.current = this; this.fire('start', this._evOpts(event)); } }, // moves the item moveItem: function(event) { var event_pos = event.position(), item = this.itemClone._.style, top = event_pos.y - this.yRDiff, left = event_pos.x - this.xRDiff, right = left + this.cloneWidth, bottom = top + this.cloneHeight; // moving the clone item.top = (event_pos.y - this.yDiff) + 'px'; item.left = (event_pos.x - this.xDiff) + 'px'; // checking for an overlaping item var over_item = this.suspects.first(function(suspect) { return ( (top > suspect.top && top < suspect.topHalf) || (bottom < suspect.bottom && bottom > suspect.topHalf) ) && ( (left > suspect.left && left < suspect.leftHalf) || (right < suspect.right && right > suspect.leftHalf) ); }); if (over_item) { item = over_item.item; item.insert(this.item, item.prevSiblings().include(this.item) ? 'after' : 'before'); this._findSuspects(); this.fire('change', this._evOpts(event, item)); } }, // finalizes the drag finishDrag: function(event) { if (this.itemClone) { this.itemClone.remove(); this.item.setStyle('visibility:visible'); } Sortable.current = false; this.fire('finish', this._evOpts(event)); }, // returns the event options _evOpts: function(event, item) { item = item || this.item; var list = Sortable.cast(item.parent()); return { list: list, item: item, event: event, index: list.items().indexOf(item) }; }, _initDrag: function(item, event_pos) { var dims = this.dimensions(), item_dims = item.dimensions(); // creating the draggable clone var clone = item.clone().setStyle({ margin: 0, zIndex: 9999, position: 'absolute', top: '0px', left: '0px' }) .addClass(this.options.dragClass).insertTo(this) .setHeight(this.cloneHeight = item_dims.height) .setWidth(this.cloneWidth = item_dims.width); // adjusting the clone position to compensate relative fields and margins var clone_pos = clone.position(), real_x = item_dims.left - clone_pos.x, real_y = item_dims.top - clone_pos.y; clone.moveTo(real_x, real_y); this.item = item.setStyle('visibility:hidden'); this.itemClone = clone; // mouse event-position diffs this.xDiff = event_pos.x - real_x; this.yDiff = event_pos.y - real_y; this.xRDiff = event_pos.x - clone.position().x; this.yRDiff = event_pos.y - clone.position().y; // collecting the list of interchangable items with their positions this._findSuspects(); }, // collects the precached list of suspects _findSuspects: function() { var suspects = this.suspects = R([]), item = this.item, clone = this.itemClone; this.options.accept.each(function(list) { Sortable.cast(list).items().each(function(element) { if (element !== item && element !== clone) { var dims = element.dimensions(); // caching the sizes suspects.push({ item: element, top: dims.top, left: dims.left, right: dims.left + dims.width, bottom: dims.top + dims.height, topHalf: dims.top + dims.height/2, leftHalf: dims.left + dims.width/2 }); } }); }); }, // tries to send an Xhr request about the element relocation _tryXhr: function(event) { if (this.options.url) { var url = R(this.options.url), params = {}, item = event.item, position = event.index + 1; // building the Xhr request options var options = Object.merge({ method: this.options.method, params: {} }, this.options.Xhr); // grabbing the id var id = item.get('id') || ''; if (this.options.parseId && id) { id = (id.match(/\d+/) || [''])[0]; } // assigning the parameters if (url.include('%{id}')) { url = url.replace('%{id}', id); } else { params[this.options.idParam] = id; } params[this.options.posParam] = position; // merging the params with possible Xhr params if (isString(options.params)) { options.params += '&'+Object.toQueryString(params); } else { options.params = Object.merge(options.params, params); } // calling the server RightJS.Xhr.load(url, options); } } }); /** * Document level hooks for sortables * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ $(document).on({ mousedown: function(event) { var element = event.find(Sortable.Options.cssRule+",*.rui-sortable"); if (element) { Sortable.cast(element).startDrag(event); } }, mousemove: function(event) { if (Sortable.current) { Sortable.current.moveItem(event); } }, mouseup: function(event) { if (Sortable.current) { Sortable.current.finishDrag(event); } } }); $(window).onBlur(function() { if (Sortable.current) { Sortable.current.finishDrag(); } }); document.write("<style type=\"text/css\">.rui-sortable{user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-webkit-user-select:none}</style>"); return Sortable; })(document, RightJS);