# Copyright (c) 2019-2023, FusionAuth, All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, # either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. require 'base64' require 'json' require 'net/http' module FusionAuth class RESTClient def initialize @url = ''.dup @parameters = {} @proxy = {} @headers = {} @body_handler = nil @certificate = nil @connect_timeout = 1000 @read_timeout = 2000 @error_response_handler = nil @error_type = nil @method = nil @success_response_handler = nil end def authorization(authorization) @headers['Authorization'] = authorization self end def basic_authorization(username, password) if username != nil && password != nil credentials = username + ':' + password encoded = Base64.encode64(credentials) @headers['Authorization'] = "Basic #{encoded}" end self end # # Sets the BodyHandler for this RESTClient # # @param body_handler [BodyHandler] The body handler. # @return [RESTClient] this # def body_handler(body_handler) @body_handler = body_handler self end def certificate(certificate) @certificate = certificate self end def connect_timeout(connect_timeout) @connect_timeout = connect_timeout self end def read_timeout(read_timeout) @read_timeout = read_timeout self end def delete @method = 'DELETE' self end def error_response_handler(error_response_handler) @error_response_handler = error_response_handler self end def get @method = 'GET' self end def go if @url.size == 0 raise ArgumentError, 'You must specify a URL' end if @method == nil raise ArgumentError, 'You must specify a HTTP method' end response = ClientResponse.new response.request = (@body_handler != nil) ? @body_handler.body_object : nil response.method = @method begin if @parameters.length > 0 if @url.index('?') == nil @url<<'?' end list = [] @parameters.each { |key, values| values.each { |value| list<<"#{URI.encode_www_form_component(key)}=#{URI.encode_www_form_component(value)}" } } @url< @proxy[:p_addr], :p_port => @proxy[:p_port], :p_user => @proxy[:p_user], :p_pass => @proxy[:p_pass], :open_timeout => @connect_timeout, :read_timeout => @read_timeout} if @certificate != nil opts[:cert] = @certificate end if response.url.scheme == 'https' opts[:use_ssl] = true end if @body_handler != nil && @body_handler.type != "FormData" @body_handler.set_headers(@headers) end # Temporary hack. In version 1.43.0 of FusionAuth, we will no longer validate the Content-Type when there does not appear to be a payload. if @body_handler == nil && (@method == 'POST' || @method == "PUT") hasContentType = false @headers.each_key do |k| if k.casecmp("Content-Type") == 0 hasContentType = true break end end unless hasContentType @headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end end http_response = nil Net::HTTP.start(response.url.hostname, response.url.port, opts) { |http| request = nil if @method == 'COPY' request = Net::HTTP::Copy.new(response.url, @headers) elsif @method == 'DELETE' request = Net::HTTP::Delete.new(response.url, @headers) elsif @method == 'GET' request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(response.url, @headers) elsif @method == 'HEAD' request = Net::HTTP::Head.new(response.url, @headers) elsif @method == 'LOCK' request = Net::HTTP::Lock.new(response.url, @headers) elsif @method == 'MKCOL' request = Net::HTTP::Mkcol.new(response.url, @headers) elsif @method == 'MOVE' request = Net::HTTP::Move.new(response.url, @headers) elsif @method == 'OPTIONS' request = Net::HTTP::Options.new(response.url, @headers) elsif @method == 'PATCH' request = Net::HTTP::Patch.new(response.url, @headers) elsif @method == 'POST' request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(response.url, @headers) elsif @method == 'PROPFIND' request = Net::HTTP::Propfind.new(response.url, @headers) elsif @method == 'PROPPATCH' request = Net::HTTP::Proppatch.new(response.url, @headers) elsif @method == 'PUT' request = Net::HTTP::Put.new(response.url, @headers) elsif @method == 'TRACE' request = Net::HTTP::Trace.new(response.url, @headers) elsif @method == 'UNLOCK' request = Net::HTTP::Unlock.new(response.url, @headers) else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid HTTP method #{@method}" end if @body_handler != nil && @body_handler.type == "FormData" request.set_form_data(response.request) else request.body = response.request end http_response = http.request(request) } response.status = http_response.code.to_i if response.status < 200 || response.status > 299 if http_response.class.body_permitted? && !http_response.body.nil? && http_response.body.size > 0 && @error_response_handler != nil response.error_response = @error_response_handler.call(http_response.body) end elsif http_response.class.body_permitted? && !http_response.body.nil? && http_response.body.size > 0 && @success_response_handler != nil response.success_response = @success_response_handler.call(http_response.body) end rescue Exception => e response.status = -1 response.exception = e # e.backtrace.each {|l| p l} end response end def header(name, value) @headers[name] = value self end def headers(headers) @headers.merge!(headers) self end def patch @method = 'PATCH' self end def post @method = 'POST' self end def put @method = 'PUT' self end def success_response_handler(success_response_handler) @success_response_handler = success_response_handler self end def uri(uri) if @url.size == 0 self end if @url[@url.size - 1] == '/' && uri[0] == '/' @url<.toString() method will be used to # get the String used in the URL parameter. If the object type is a # @link Collection} a key value pair will be added for each value in the collection. # @link ZonedDateTime} will also be handled uniquely in that the long will # be used to set in the request using ZonedDateTime.toInstant().toEpochMilli() # @return This. # def url_parameter(name, value) if value == nil return self end if value.is_a? Array @parameters[name] = value else values = @parameters[name] if values == nil values = [] @parameters[name] = values end values< # For Example:
    #     .url("http://www.foo.com ")
    #     .urlSegment(" bar ")
# This will result in a url of http://www.foo.com/bar # # @param value The url path segment. A nil value will be ignored. # @return This. #/ def url_segment(value) if value == nil return self end if @url[@url.size - 1] != '/' @url<<'/' end @url<= 200 && @status <= 299 end end class FormDataBodyHandler attr_accessor :length, :body def initialize(body_object) @body = body_object end def body_object @body end def type "FormData" end # # Sets any headers necessary for the body to be processed. # # @param headers [Hash] The headers hash to add any headers needed by this BodyHandler # @return [Object] The object def set_headers(headers) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' nil end end class JSONBodyHandler attr_accessor :length, :body def initialize(body_object) @body = JSON.generate(body_object) end # # Returns the body String for the request # # @return [String] The body as a String def body_object @body end def type "JSON" end # # Sets any headers necessary for the body to be processed. # # @param headers [Hash] The headers hash to add any headers needed by this BodyHandler # @return [Object] The object def set_headers(headers) headers['Length'] = body.bytesize.to_s headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' nil end end class JSONResponseHandler attr_accessor :type def initialize(type) @type = type end def call(body) JSON.parse(body, :object_class => @type) end end end