# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # #-- # Copyright (C) 2009 Thomas Leitner # # This file is part of kramdown. # # kramdown is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . #++ # module Kramdown module Converter # Converts a Kramdown::Document to LaTeX. This converter uses ideas from other Markdown-to-LaTeX # converters like Pandoc and Maruku. class Latex < Base # :stopdoc: # Initialize the LaTeX converter with the given Kramdown document +doc+. def initialize(doc) super #TODO: set the footnote counter at the beginning of the document @doc.options[:footnote_nr] @doc.conversion_infos[:packages] = [] end def convert(el, opts = {}) send("convert_#{el.type}", el, opts) end def inner(el, opts) result = '' el.children.each do |inner_el| result << send("convert_#{inner_el.type}", inner_el, opts) end result end def convert_root(el, opts) inner(el, opts) end def convert_blank(el, opts) "" end def convert_text(el, opts) escape(el.value) end def convert_eob(el, opts) '' end def convert_p(el, opts) "#{inner(el, opts)}\n\n" end def convert_codeblock(el, opts) show_whitespace = el.options[:attr] && el.options[:attr]['class'].to_s =~ /\bshow-whitespaces\b/ lang = el.options[:attr] && el.options[:attr]['lang'] if show_whitespace || lang result = "\\lstset{showspaces=%s,showtabs=%s}\n" % (show_whitespace ? ['true', 'true'] : ['false', 'false']) result += "\\lstset{language=#{lang}}\n" if lang result += "\\lstset{basicstyle=\\ttfamily\\footnotesize}\\lstset{columns=fixed,frame=tlbr}\n" "#{result}\\begin{lstlisting}\n#{el.value}\n\\end{lstlisting}" else "\\begin{verbatim}#{el.value}\\end{verbatim}\n" end end def latex_environment(type, text) "\\begin{#{type}}\n#{text}\n\\end{#{type}}\n" end def convert_blockquote(el, opts) latex_environment('quote', inner(el, opts)) end HEADER_TYPES = { 1 => 'section', 2 => 'subsection', 3 => 'subsubsection', 4 => 'paragraph', 5 => 'subparagraph', 6 => 'subparagraph' } def convert_header(el, opts) type = HEADER_TYPES[el.options[:level]] if el.options[:attr] && (id = el.options[:attr]['id']) "\\hypertarget{#{id}}{}\\#{type}*{#{inner(el, opts)}}\\label{#{id}}\n\n" else "\\#{type}*{#{inner(el, opts)}}\n\n" end end def convert_hr(el, opts) "\\begin{center}\\rule{3in}{0.4pt}\\end{center}\n" end def convert_ul(el, opts) latex_environment('itemize', inner(el, opts)) end def convert_ol(el, opts) latex_environment('enumerate', inner(el, opts)) end def convert_dl(el, opts) latex_environment('description', inner(el, opts)) end def convert_li(el, opts) "\\item #{inner(el, opts)}\n" end def convert_dt(el, opts) "\\item[#{inner(el, opts)}] " end def convert_dd(el, opts) "#{inner(el, opts)}\n\n" end def convert_html_element(el, opts) @doc.warnings << "Can't convert HTML element" end def convert_html_text(el, opts) @doc.warnings << "Can't convert HTML text" end def convert_xml_comment(el, opts) '' end alias :convert_xml_pi :convert_xml_comment TABLE_ALIGNMENT_CHAR = {:default => 'l', :left => 'l', :center => 'c', :right => 'r'} def convert_table(el, opts) align = el.options[:alignment].map {|a| TABLE_ALIGNMENT_CHAR[a]}.join('|') "\\begin{tabular}{|#{align}|}\n\\hline\n#{inner(el, opts)}\\hline\n\\end{tabular}\n\n" end def convert_thead(el, opts) "#{inner(el, opts)}\\hline\n" end def convert_tbody(el, opts) inner(el, opts) end def convert_tfoot(el, opts) "\\hline \\hline \n#{inner(el, opts)}" end def convert_tr(el, opts) el.children.map {|c| send("convert_#{c.type}", c, opts)}.join(' & ') + "\\\\\n" end def convert_td(el, opts) inner(el, opts) end def convert_br(el, opts) "\\newline\n" end def convert_a(el, opts) url = el.options[:attr]['href'] if url =~ /^#/ "\\hyperlink{#{url[1..-1]}}{#{inner(el, opts)}}" else "\\href{#{url}}{#{inner(el, opts)}}" end end def convert_img(el, opts) if el.options[:attr]['src'] =~ /^(https?|ftps?):\/\// @doc.warnings << "Cannot include non-local image" '' else @doc.conversion_infos[:packages] << 'graphicx' "\\includegraphics{#{el.options[:attr]['src']}}" end end def convert_codespan(el, opts) "{\\tt #{escape(el.value)}}" end def convert_footnote(el, opts) "\\footnote{#{inner(@doc.parse_infos[:footnotes][el.options[:name]])}}" end def convert_raw(el, opts) escape(el.value) end def convert_em(el, opts) "\\emph{#{inner(el, opts)}}" end def convert_strong(el, opts) "\\textbf{#{inner(el, opts)}}" end # Inspired by Maruku: entity conversion table taken from htmltolatex # (http://sourceforge.net/projects/htmltolatex/), with some small adjustments as noted ENTITY_CONV_TABLE = <<'EOF' --CHANGED!!! --CHANGED!!! --CHANGED!!! -- ADDED!!! -- CHANGED!!! -- CHANGED!!! --CHANGED!!! EOF ENTITY_MAP = {} ENTITY_CONV_TABLE.split(/\n/).each do |line| num = line.scan(/num='(\d+)'/).first.first.to_i name = line.scan(/name='(.*?)'/).first.first latex = line.scan(/convertTo='(.*?)'/).first.first.gsub(/@AMP/, '&'). gsub(/@QUOT/, '\'').gsub(/@DOUBLEQUOT/, '"').gsub(/@LT/, '<').gsub(/@GT/, '>') + '{}' package = line.scan(/