ruby_app: elements: base: base_page: error: An error occurred sending the event. Refresh the page and try again., dialogs: base: base_close_dialog: close: body: Close base_yes_no_dialog: _yes: body: 'Yes' _no: body: 'No' calendars: month_dialog: today: body: Today cancel: body: Cancel navigation: base: base_breadcrumbs: back: Back back_button: body: Back pages: base: base_blank_page: settings: body: Settings test_pages: default_test_page: title: Test Pages content: body: | [`ButtonTestPage`](RubyApp::Elements::Pages::TestPages::ButtonTestPage) ... A page with a single, clickable button [`DialogTestPage`](RubyApp::Elements::Pages::TestPages::DialogTestPage) ... A page with links to show a variety of dialogs (e.g. busy dialog, exception dialog, message dialog, month dialog, etc.) [`InputTestPage`](RubyApp::Elements::Pages::TestPages::InputTestPage) ... A page with a variety of input controls (e.g. simple input, duration input, etc.) [`LinkTestPage`](RubyApp::Elements::Pages::TestPages::LinkTestPage) ... A page with a single, clickable link [`ListTestPage`](RubyApp::Elements::Pages::TestPages::ListTestPage) ... A page with a variety of lists (e.g. simple list, select list, etc.) [`MarkdownTestPage`](RubyApp::Elements::Pages::TestPages::MarkdownTestPage) ... A page with markdown containing a single, clickable link [`TestPage`](RubyApp::Elements::Pages::TestPages::TestPage) ... A test page showing load, release, and trigger events. --- [`GoogleAuthenticationPage`](RubyApp::Elements::Pages::Authentication::OpenID::GoogleAuthenticationPage) ... re/authenticate using Google [`MyOpenIDAuthenticationPage`](RubyApp::Elements::Pages::Authentication::OpenID::MyOpenIDAuthenticationPage) ... re/authenticate using myOpenID [`YahooAuthenticationPage`](RubyApp::Elements::Pages::Authentication::OpenID::YahooAuthenticationPage) ... re/authenticate using Yahoo! busy_dialog: message: Retrieving authentication information ... button_test_page: title: Button Test Page content: body: | Click the button below to go to another page. button: body: Click dialog_test_page: title: Dialog Test Page content: body: | [`BusyDialog`](do_busy_dialog) ... Show and then hide a 'busy' dialog for 30 seconds. [`ConfirmationDialog`](do_confirmation_dialog) ... Ask for confirmation. [`ExceptionDialog`](do_exception_dialog) ... Raise an exception and show the `class` and `message` properties. [`MessageDialog`](do_message_dialog) ... Show a sample message dialog. [`MonthDialog`](do_month_dialog) ... Show a calendar month dialog, hide it when a date is clicked, and then show the clicked date (the last date clicked was (nothing)). busy_dialog: message: Busy dialog ... confirmation_dialog: title: Confirmation Dialog message: Are you sure? message_dialog: title: You clicked ... message: %1 exception: Exception dialog message_dialog: message: title: Message Dialog message: This is a Message Dialog month_dialog: title: Month Dialog message_dialog: title: You clicked ... message: %1 exception_test_page: title: Exception Test Page content: body: | Rendering this page raises an exception. exception: Exception page input_test_page: title: Input Test Page content: body: | Enter a value in the input fields below. When changed a dialog will show the entered value. label: input: Input duration_input: DurationInput message_dialog: message: title: Input Test message: You input '%1'. link_test_page: title: Link Test Page content: body: | Click the link below to go to another page. link: body: Click linked_test_page: title: Linked Test Page content: body: | This is the other page. list_test_page: title: List Test Page content: body: | Click an item below. message_dialog: message: title: List Test message: You clicked '%1'. markdown_test_page: title: Markdown Test Page content: body: | Click [here](go) to go to another page. link: body: Click test_page: title: Test Page content: body: | The list below will populate as the page is rendered (immediate), loaded (once fully loaded in the browser), triggered (once 2 seconds have elapsed), and unloaded (once another page is loaded). The cookie value is '%1'. rendered: Rendered label: input: Enter a new cookie value loaded: Loaded at %1 message_dialog: message: title: Cookie Test message: The cookie value is '%1'. not_loaded: (not loaded) not_triggered: (not triggered) not_unloaded: (not unloaded) triggered: Triggered at %1 unloaded: Unloaded at %1 default_page: title: Home content: body: | Click [here](go_test) to go to the test pages. authentication: open_id: base: base_authentication_page: message: Authenticating ... google_authentication_page: title: Google Authentication my_open_id_authentication_page: title: myOpenID Authentication yahoo_authentication_page: title: Yahoo! Authentication quit_page: title: Quit settings_page: title: Settings content: body: | You are currently logged in as #{(RubyApp::Session.identity ? RubyApp::Session.identity.url : '(not logged in)')} Load or reload the [Mobile](do_load_theme_mobile) theme. [Refresh](do_reload_translations) the translation file(s). [Quit](do_quit) the session. quit_page: title: Quit exceptions: session_invalid_exception: message: The session is invalid or has expired. Refresh the page and try again.